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Everything posted by Cristobal

  1. It's absurd how much fun you can have just spending an hour or so playing tennis, golf or darts.
  2. Y'know what? Never mind what I said. There's being a snotty brat due to bad parenting and then there's Fuck that asshole.
  3. Just switched back to Trevor and he had 2 stars and was shouting "It was self-defense!"
  4. I feel dirty. ... Do you HAVE to do that?!No, but why wouldn't you?
  5. The kids are horrid little shits but you have to imagine that Michael bears a significant amount of responsibility for that.
  6. Took me 6 tries to win Franklin's first race, and before it could process my win, I smashed head on into another vehicle and died when I apparently impaled myself on a fence. So much rage. Mind you, try #7 I walked it easy.
  7. James Starks or Stevan Ridley?
  8. Wait, what? If anything, Vickie got her comeuppance too much. EDIT: And as to the issue of how Stephanie gets hers, she was regularly humiliated or overcome in the Attitude era, and since they're just recycling stories from then, I'm sure they can dust something off for AmDrag. How does one do "bottom-feeding trashbag ho" in the PG era?
  9. This is basically the gimmick of every create-a-wrestler I ever made summed up in a photograph. Also there's that guy with the money, too.
  10. In the "Tales of Woe from Employed Gamers" category, I start my new position as manager in an hour.
  11. Snifter. You hold wine glasses by the stem to avoid warming the wine, so if Sandow were holding the mic like a wine glass, he'd be gripping the bottom portion, i.e. holding the mic normally.
  12. A. Problems with Execution. B. Problems with Theory. I know it's a lot of fun to be ironic and point out how people have been complaining and are still complaining but it's completely missing the point. Problemz! I'm not really being ironic. I think I'm just tired of borderline psychotic over analysis getting in the way of loving our great sport. Nothing can possibly hold up under these levels of scrutiny. If it was playing out exactly the way everyone thinks that it should everyone would be dismissively wanking it as a Stone Cold/Vince rehash. On the positive, we get Dusty Rhodes tomorrow. Dusty Rhodes.Why is it that someone whose opinion coincides with yours is assumed to be "loving our great sport", while someone whose opinion differs is engaging in "borderline psychotic overanalysis"?Actually never mind. Answered my own question there.
  13. Smack him across the face with it and you'll laugh for weeks!
  14. It's when your sibling's a girl. Otherwise he's a bro.
  15. Helton is not an HoFer for me. His peak is Coors-inflated, and he's had too many years of mediocrity since.
  16. I'm not actually familiar with Suarez's political leanings, but so far he's bitten a Dutchman and a Serb. He's yet to bite anyone from an Axis-allied nation.
  17. Even leaving aside that Wright's allegations weren't proven, I'm not so sure fascism is worse then the predilection for biting people. I mean in a head of state, sure, I'll concede a democratic biter is probably a better option than a fascist who can control his infantile impulses, but a footballer's ability to enforce authoritarian nationalist sentiment is pretty thin, wouldn't you say?
  18. How many people did he bite? Alternate joke: Keepers are ALLOWED to handle the ball...
  19. Who, Suarez? EDIT: My mistake, you said worst striker, not worst human being.
  20. Hasn't been on tv in weeks. He was clearly hurt by that...
  21. I don't think it came off like you hated it, but the repeated carping about Jericho's size does have a weird tone, (though maybe it's just cuz I haven't read anyone who focuses on the size of wrestlers as much as you do since Jeremy Soria...)
  22. While I've got zero interest in Saturn's, I'd be tempted to buy the Cornette one if it weren't 20 bucks, (and half out there on youtube)
  23. I almost wonder if the MitB booking as of late hasn't been about proving whether these people can handle the spot. Bryan went on a big losing streak when he had the briefcase. Orton wasn't winning a ton of matches before his heel turn.
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