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Everything posted by Octopus

  1. Beautifully said, @Gordlow. I love Baba and especially that Kininski match! Excited to check more out. I was wondering if people had a favorite they point to for him. I loved him when I was doing an ongoing personal match of the year protect. He was in about 4 of them, lol. I’m excited to dig through these! Thanks bud. I’m trying to bone up for a GWE project. Babaing after I get a few more Jaguar Yokota matches in. EDIT: CORRECTION. I’ve seen the 70 Kiniski match. Oh boy, I’m in for a treat with this one!!!!
  2. What is the ~best~ Giant Baba match? I’ll also accept top ten lists.
  3. As long as they can do a back rake, I’m happy.
  4. Fun map fact: Minneapolis is further north than Toronto.
  5. Mox, Yuta, Claudio, Takeshita, Hero, Punk (let my Danielson heal up for the McGuinness match that will make me cry) vs Omega, Young Bucks, Hangman, Jericho, Ibushi vs Evil Uno, Stu, Silver, Reynolds, Colt, SAMOA JOE!!! Doooooo it. It’ll be wild be what they hey.
  6. Eh. Minnesota is practically Canada which is practically Europe.
  7. And there’s more than one Lake to Quake by, TONY!
  8. Platinum Satinum and The Kentucky Gentleman would make a formidable duo
  9. Would I get banned for drawing balls on Lesnar’s tattoo or just beaten to a pulp by Brock?
  10. I think tattoo face was a pretty casual swing
  11. Im adding that to the list. hey, big shout out to @elliottpwo! Lurked on the PWO site and missed the last GWE project. Really enjoyed a long post you did on Satanico that guided him to becoming one of my favorites.
  12. I was thinking of all those things while I was having my Funk appreciation thoughts. I just love his selling so much. It’s so believable and also so him. He manages to look like a golden retriever rolling off of a couch and it’s perfectly what is needed in that moment. He IS Terry and I believe Terry. In all of his moments and all of his periods, I see Funk doing what is the right move and stance and movement and reaction that Funk needs to make. Look at how awesome his career was and his evolution to fit in and excel at the times in a way only he can. 77 Funk is amazing against Harley Race. His matches teaming against Giant Baba and a young Tsuruta is fantastic. The Lawler matches!!! Unhinged Terry murdering Flair in the late eighties. Deathmatch Funk and the elder statesman of ECW. Foley’s mentor in WWF. Funk is great. —— In other news, I have the day off and instead of being productive I am derping. Just watched El Satanico vs El Dandy from 90. It’s been a year or two. So great. One of my favorites! Fantastic ending to a bloody match.
  13. Thinking about Terry Funk. Boy is he great!
  14. Could someone text me when e-fights are breaking out so I can ease the tension with my e-shoulder rubs and e-bridge building friendship anecdotes?
  15. Shout out to the Juicy Lucy (or spelled Jucy Lucy at some places), a Minneapolis staple! A burger with melted cheese in the middle. I popped when I saw that was the special dish.
  16. Shout out to the GOAT, Terry Funk! I hope you had a great bday.
  17. I didn’t catch it and was hoping to be updated through gifs, but Twitter is a mess
  18. I think I figured it out. The star ratings seem less to be about how entertaining/good the match was and more how dominant you were at the game or your performance in beating someone up. So a quick squash with a variety of rapid moves would get a higher rating than a epic long match. Again, I could be very wrong. But that’s what I’m picking up on.
  19. I can’t wait for them to add RUSH so I can beat up Jungle Boy mercilessly
  20. It’s pretty smart of them to make each PPV cycle into chapter blocks. I assume with future updates they’ll be able add more blocks/ storylines you can encounter. Kind of like how games like Fall Guys work with adding content each season. Right now they have blocks A, B, C. Maybe they’ll add like an D, E, F, etc. I’m having fun so far.
  21. Still on my Kingston play through. After beating Brodie for the TNT title, Tony Khan said a sponsor wanted to pay for me and a friends dinner. Took Mox on a man date. Anna Jay didn’t like that. Mox turned on me (no luggage scene like everyone else though) and then Anna Powerbombed me through a table. PPV handicap match. I like that our paths are slightly different. Who has it on Switch?
  22. Very fun. I’m happy to say as Eddie Kingston I won the Casino Battle Royal, only to lose to Jericho in true Kingston heartbreak fashion. Playing on normal still, so not a good brag. @Craig H is accurate in how weird RTE is. Inserting Kingston into these scenarios is funny. It is probably more fitting for a CAW. Lol Avocado toast. Lol planes. Good fun so far. Hopefully future patches provide exciting new scenarios. Debating on having Kingston join the Dark Order or not. The CAW options are currently bad. But “The Octopus” is a usable ring name. So A+. Not having tornado tags is silly. But I’m playing by myself and I’ll likely do 1v1 or wild 4ways. I’ve played as Penta, Dax, Danielson, Mox, and Kingston so far. I have a lot more to discover. The Deathmatch was a lot of fun. I like the punch and kick being separated. It gives more strike options. I often forget to kick though. But a chop combo ending in a kick is pretty sweet. I love the signature and finisher being different. Once you get good with characters it’ll be fun to use your signature to set up your finisher. So far the buttons haven’t been difficult. I love to taunt. I feel the arcade feel gives it enough of a Street Fighter or atelier vibe in that intergender matches are not weird. I’m excited to try online modes. I don’t do the mini games but maybe in the future. Overall, I’d say the game isn’t worth its price point, but sadly everything I consider overpriced. This will replace nightly scrolling of TikTok. So for me, it’s worth it as a fan of this genre. I’m hoping for big future updates that we don’t have to pay for.
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