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Everything posted by Octopus

  1. Also, Stan Hansen had perfect eyesight.
  2. Is this new Rap fad a form of popular music?
  3. Imagine dropping a popsicle under the couch and putting it back in your mouth
  4. Great show. I was a maybe going into it but had such a blast watching it.
  5. I didn’t care about Goldberg because I was a much superior 7-10 year old WWF Fan. Go Gangrel Go!
  6. Fuck him and his thin pants
  7. Piece of shit talks shit about the first pours after changing a keg being going through the foam (it was clearly to clear it out and he says “did anyone teach him how to pour a beer”), ignores his gf to talk to another random guy about how expensive his European pants are, then when they are talking he cuts her off and talks over her, she’s clearly irritated the whole time and brings this up and also how she wants to do some of the things she enjoys on their European trip, he talks down to her and changes the subject about Minnesotans asking about people’s work when ironically he asked the people around the bar what they did for a living. He doesn’t deserve Applebee’s. I passive aggressively thanked and complimented the bartender actually knowing what he’s doing with changing a keg and not to listen to idiots.
  8. Holy fuck I’m near such a fucking douche. He is ruining Applebees
  9. Long week. Wife and child are at mother-in-law’s. Took a nap. Rainy day. Went to the ‘bees. The floor is open for questions:
  10. I still think Days of Our Lives killing off Stefeno was a mistake
  11. AEW needs to put on good compelling television for a long period of time (matches/ stories/ production values) that people recognize it as appointment television and it is no longer cool to make fun of. You’ll always have haters, but the easy cliches used in every TikTok or Reddit post about AEW (sometimes earned) makes it not fun to even talk about enjoying the product. I know me saying “don’t suck for a while” is eyerollingly generic, but that’s what it comes down to. Past issues or decisions can be rectified if you’re consistently excellent. I don’t even really look at them as in trouble or anything too drastic until a bad tv deal, but speaking strictly as a very unimportant niche fan, I’m not having fun. Both keeping up with wrestling and talking about wrestling. Maybe it’s just me projecting life. Just make me happy, please.
  12. Partially agree with you. Even with the past events having weaker builds and maybe less big name NJPW possibilities, the concept and event itself has been very fun in the past. I’d rather see or have build for Swerve vs Osprey than most other match possibilities, but they found a way, as silly as it is, for my heart to not be in it. —- Also, I was joking relating it to the ratings. That was just a dumb me joke.
  13. I didn’t watch AEW on Juneteenth out of respect for Big Swole. Other than that, I think everyone is mad that the Forbidden Door AEW title match isn’t an inter-promotional match.
  14. Dang, I did some googling. I’m behind on a lot of stuff.
  15. F1rst Wrestling does a pretty good job making an event a fun experience. Especially their Wrestlepalooza or other bigger shows. They’ll usually break the wrestling matches up with two different burlesque dancers and then either a band or rapper for the intermission. It really fits the scene here. Very fun.
  16. Holy shit. Double decker? I might manufacture this. There was a place in St Paul that had The Miracle On Slice. It was a deli sandwich with pizza as the bread. Their Philly Cheesesteak was so good that I usually went with that though.
  17. Applebee’s is an existential treat of the beauty of the mundane. If a culinarily casually fried Andy Warhol and a dollar bottomless Norman Rockwell had a baby that grew up to be in your local highschool sports teams as an important bench player, but still beloved. It is not simply an American restaurant, but the American experience is ingrained in the fibers of not just the concept, but the foot and physical structure of the building. Is the idea of Applebee’s a lie we tell ourselves so we can keep living? Maybe. But it’s one that still brings a tear to my eye. Thank you, Applebee’s. Bless you and your $5 Blue Bahama Mama.
  18. I can’t really find the data to support how many matches or if it was in multiple companies (I know of more that Cagematch doesn’t list at least), but I thought of Jerry Lynn vs Lightning Kid/ Sean Waltman.
  19. Chris Hero vs Eddie Kingston is another one I thought of. Rivalry spanning across IWA:MS, CHIKARA, CZW, IWC, PWG, ROH, and AIW.
  20. What are some great touring Indy matches? Opponents that matched up in multiple companies. Like American Dragon vs Low Ki in the early 2000’s.
  21. lil Octopus has SuctionCup Tentacle & Beak Disease. Poor guy had a very tough night where his mouth hurt and was struggle to sleep. So the two of us stayed up laying on the couch (then I was smart enough to bring his mattress to the living room) and we watch Zootopia and Finding Nemo on repeat all night. Last year he had bad Stridor and needed to be in the ER overnight. Father’s Day is cursed. My beautiful wife, Gazelle, is making pork chops though. So I’m tired but about to eat good.
  22. The modern Andre The Giant vs Stan Hansen
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