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Contentious C

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Everything posted by Contentious C

  1. Just the usual "players don't respect him/Giannis has pull with the front office/first-year HC in over his head" kind of drama.
  2. Your Eastern Conference All-Star Coach is now 3-7 after losing at Memphis, whose starting 5 consists of Santi Aldama, a Bag of Used Wind, Champagne Wishes, Caviar Dreams, and a Sandwich LeBron James left in the locker room after that game where Dillon Brooks punched him in the gonads.
  3. I hate to bring it up, because it sounds stupid - it sounds doubly stupid on such a badly male-skewed place as this - but I was just thinking last night how, if there is any double standard in the world that is actually unfair to men instead of women, it's 100% the mental health domain. All the other double standards that exist, women definitely take the L, let's just get that out of the way. But men...well, women may get labeled more frequently as crazy, it's certainly meant more as slander towards them as a gender, but FSM help you if you tell someone you're struggling and you're a dude. "Active shooter" "dangerous" "violent" "lone wolf" etc., and those are probably the nice ones you may hear. Granted, the VKM sewer parade elsewhere does justify quite a bit of the worst of it, but...oof, if there aren't a lot of us bearing the brunt of the pieces of shit who get away with the worst. And there might be a sniggering stereotype of That Old Dude Down the End of the Bar, which we all cringe at and hope isn't us someday, but hey, that guy is probably feeling lonely, or feels broken, or is an addict, or might even be experiencing all of the above. Maybe you don't want to talk to him, or immediately get involved in whatever is dragging him down, but he's not alone. He is all around you. He might be you already. And most of us aren't remotely the dangerous kind of struggling. We're just struggling. We're just broken. Sometimes all you want is someone to acknowledge that it's OK to be broken. I'll put the rest in spoilers, for a variety of reasons. Ahead there be Dragons. Hopefully if you read the above, you can gauge just a teensy bit of difference between now and how I behaved here 20+ years ago. I'm glad this place still exists.
  4. Man, those two inspire confidence (B-R puts them at 25-57(!) and 38-44 respectively; I figured they stunk but wow).
  5. Meh. Pedro is WAY too old to be starting something like a potential franchise. I mean, I'm not exactly chomping at the bit for 3 or 4 FF movies, but I want to see them done well if they have to get made, and c'mon, dude's going to be 50 by the time a movie comes out. Are they trying to say that, because he's super-stretchy, all the collagen in his skin is shot and that's why he looks old and flabby in the face? Yeesh. I guess Ebon as Thing could work because all you're going to see are the eyes and he's basically Mesmero as a real boy anyway. And he can act. But it still feels like a little bit of a waste. I almost would've rather seen him as Reed, but He's Not a Draw(TM) -- like Paul Rudd had captained a whole bunch of hundred-million-dollar blockbusters before Ant-Man. Quinn could be great, but Johnny's the least important of the group anyway. Hell, given modern storylines, it feels like even Franklin & Valeria would be a bigger deal. Kirby could be awesome, but she's gonna look awfully young next to Guy Who Is in Every Show and Movie, and her flings with Namor are going to make a LOT more sense if MCU goes that direction. Then again, doing a first FF storyline that's anything besides "Solve Everything" is a terrible idea, and I imagine they will fuck it up, like they've been doing.
  6. Meanwhile, the Celtics are already close to clinching a playoff spot of some kind. The nice thing about a home-and-home against the Nets, besides skulling the Nets, is that their magic number for at least guaranteeing the play-in is already going to be down to 7 after tonight's prime curb dinner.
  7. I had a recent, albeit one-sided, contact with my all-too-alive father recently and I feel like it touched off a passel of other grindy mental health issues that have been dragging me down the last couple of weeks. I don't know what your relationship was like; maybe it's just impossible to get away from negative feelings about someone who mistreated you, or, worse yet, impossible to get away from the childhood desire to receive validation from that person, but, well...if your relationship with him was truly a lot like that song, you wouldn't be the first person I've known who grew up like that, and I doubt you'll be the last. And each and every one of them thought their lives would have been better if their father had been involved. Mine was involved. He was a massive piece of shit. I wish he'd left sooner. The two-parent fever dream only works when both parents actually give a fuck. I'm not here to compete in the Misery Olympics with you or anything, but the Bad you got may have been a somewhat more bearable Bad than the alternative. The people in our lives were probably, more like certainly, broken themselves, and there's no guarantee whatsoever they could have done better even if they tried. Maybe more of them would also be just worse of them, you know? Basically, I'm saying don't beat yourself up over the past. You - and they - had less control over it than you think.
  8. After having speed-read the entire main-line Dresden Files again, I moved back to Julian May's Galactic Milieu books, which I haven't read in probably 10 years or more, at least since I picked up the Pliocene Exiles books that complete the 6-million-year storytelling loop she was going for. I'm a little surprised no one has made a real attempt to turn this into a TV show, except that A) the books were never that popular; B) they might struggle with where to start it - I personally would have the entire show run in 3 parallel timelines sort of like how Witcher S1 went, except the whole series would run that way; and/or perhaps C) the philosopher she based some of her ideas on turned out to be a hardcore eugenicist (and even the books themselves get a little weird about screwing around with human evolution). There are some characters I really love, and some who should have been a lot more interesting than they were but felt like they got short shrift in terms of really digging into them. The Intervention book, where telepathic aliens visit Earth and save humanity from itself, tackles a little of that, but it still feels like more of those characters should have been relevant into the Milieu series, since so many were still alive. Then again, I'm probably the only person here who's read them (and I've only ever met one person IRL who has, too).
  9. My pulled muscle is not recovered, so naturally I did Leg day and paid for it. Only ended up with 2 sets of elevated lunges and my glute cramped up almost right out of the gate, but I did get through the 2 sets, at least. I did 8 plates total on the hack squat, so 360, but those sled-based movements really only translate about 70% of the total weight, so it was probably more like 300ish, once you factor in my bodyweight and the sled. But even then, that bothered me a *lot* more than I expected, because it's pretty clear my quads are strong, but my joints can't handle the amount of tension applied. Knees were unhappy and my lower leg that had the pain issue before started barking, too. Did some calves, did some seated leg curl myoreps, called it because I hit my pain tolerance limit for a day. Pull day on Thursday is probably going to be fucking miserable, and I will likely have to find some kludges to work around the glute strain.
  10. YES, YES YOU SHOULD, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. And Emily Blunt gets in on the action, too!
  11. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/02/12/waymo-set-on-fire-san-francisco/ File under, "A little too Blade Runner/Westworld for my tastes"...
  12. I don't recall his character being at all evil: just deaf and bureaucratically incompetent, if anything.
  13. Could it have been because the audience expected them to do puke takes?
  14. Kinda weird how certain people get so twisted up over a singer and a vaccinated guy dating that they'll crap on a team that's as Middle America as Middle America gets in favor of hoping *the team from San Francisco* wins. Nose, face, knife, hi, bye!
  15. Never trust a Shanahan in overtime. Damnit.
  16. This has been a weird game, no real fireworks but somehow a good game nonetheless.
  17. Jennings may be on his way to MVP if SF takes it.
  18. Nice answer. Or, it mostly was, until that.
  19. Awful commercials, good kicks.
  20. And a Western at that, fitting for a Niner.
  21. Oh right, because why run it opposite the game? That is asking for trouble. I should have remembered that, but I'm also kinda glad I saved it. Although I do marvel over and over again that Christopher Eccleston really looks like shit in this show. There's a part of me that wonders whether that's for the role, since the character is straight out of the Gone to Seed Shitheel Handbook, or if it's the kind of thing that simply awaits all of us when we hit 60, even big fucking stork people like him and myself (though I'm actually even taller than he is!). I think I'll choose to solve that problem by simply not hitting 60.
  22. And I think I'll nominate the "Fuck Tesla" commercial as this year's winner, especially since they ran an ad about it last year.
  23. We have our Big Loser of the night.
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