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Contentious C

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Everything posted by Contentious C

  1. Yeah, that was pretty clearly the Reality gem - no big surprise that if he's already jacked up the Nova Corps for Power and the Asgardians for Space, he'd have knocked off the Collector for Reality.
  2. The trailer accomplishes two things at once: - It makes the movie seem far more interesting than the characters it's based upon, and - Also makes it more glaringly similar to Basic Instinct. As for the actual guy who did this crap...what a moron. Smart enough to con people his whole life, too stupid to use a VPN or a burner. But a restrained Jim Carrey role could be interesting. Bill Murray doing the blase bit he's done since Rushmore always came off like he was phoning it in to varying degrees. Carrey is such a wild overactor that pulling back on the reins this much seems like a Herculean task on his part.
  3. I can't believe there were people who didn't exploit the Soul Trap glitch. Enchanting was damn near impossible even with it (that or game crashing potions).
  4. Yeah, I think I struggled the first time I tried with Jade Empire because I thought it was going to be less button-mashy. But no, it's fairly button-mashy. Second playthrough I barely broke a sweat. I wonder how well ported this ends up. Hell, 2 of the 3 reasons I kept my original XBox are on that list - 1: that Jade was always considered a terrible PC port, and 2-3: the wondrous controller button glitches from KOTOR 1 & 2. But I suppose those of you who have actually played other ports by now have a good handle on how other games have been ported, and can comment accordingly. Also makes me wonder how hilariously broken Morrowind will be. Best guess - hilarious for the first hour; throw controller into wall past first hour.
  5. I think the late, great David Huddleston sums up my feelings about a Skynyrd retirement tour.
  6. As I just discovered via adding it to my Amazon shopping cart while at work. When the "People Who Buy X Also Shop for Y" is NSFW...crikey. People shop for some weird shit. Maybe I'll stare at a few "3 Wolves" t-shirts to try to adjust downward. Was there some list-o-rama show on one cable network or another that featured it many moons ago? I think that was my first exposure to the film, some 15 years ago, and I always wanted to watch it, but never got around to it. Can't recall if it was a 'top 10 horror' thing or a 'top 10 weirdest movie' show, but it was something like that. Off to Google to find out...hopefully that will be a little safer. Hopefully.
  7. I can see both sides of this argument. On one side is, for example, that one season of Dexter where the big reveal was spoiled after a single episode by a few shrewd guesses. At least by doing this you get to confirm/disconfirm things in advance and spare the people who want to talk about the show to others without there being craptons given away all day long. All 14 of them. Hi, other 13 people. On the other side is the notion that they painted their bloody TV show like it was some lawless Hedonism III vacation spot. Well guys, there's a place more lawless than Westworld. It's the fucking Internet in the fucking real world in the 21st fucking century; This Will Not Go Well.
  8. It's funny in a "wow, that's the most pathetic thing I've seen all month" sort of way that the section of that quote firmly connected to reality stops with "Went to the doctor".
  9. Yeah, I'm going to go back tonight and give it another try. I think I played for all of 25 minutes the first time and found the controls so clunky that I just gave up. Same with the one time I played Fallout 1. I don't even remember what I was trying to fight or what I was trying to do - probably a Dustman encounter, from what other sites are saying? - but I mostly just stood there and got the shit kicked out of me. Really just telling me I should put my big-boy pants back on, innit.
  10. I just realized that going to see IW on that Thursday is going to essentially "ring out" my first year of having a Ph.D. Dear Infinity War, Don't be as disappointing as finishing a Ph.D. Thanks...
  11. Good thing, too, since the one time I tried playing it, the combat was godawful.
  12. Talk about random... Sitting in a lame pub in the middle of town, and someone mentions going to a Skynyrd concert. Why? Because it's their farewell tour. Are you fucking shitting me with this?
  13. Which is especially ridiculous since the Cushman character in Jerry Maguire seemed like it was based in part on Leaf. (though in retrospect I suppose it couldn't have been: 1996 movie release, 1998 draft. Blergh.) I bet the Chargers wish Leaf had refused to play.
  14. Someone needs to Stanton his testicles if he makes another lame pun like that. .... Goddamnit.
  15. While detail #1 is very clearly the case in the game, I think the fly in the ointment with the rest of the interpretation is that
  16. I bought GOROGOA after the comments here. I probably should give it another playthrough or two. But I just feel like I'm missing something about it. I'm sure, in a rational sense, that I'm not missing anything at all since I completed the game, but it's probably my slavish need for something like a real narrative that makes me feel like I could have skipped it. Hell, I even play dumbass, boring games like Skyrim and I'm on-board with whatever moronic crap it's telling me to do from moment to moment. I like puzzles, and I like *these* puzzles, but I sat there after finishing it, thinking, "What does it all mean?" Maybe that's what it wanted me to do, though.
  17. Pretty sure that's Sling Blade, there. Makes me wonder what the mash-up would be, though. Someone's done a Sling Blade Runner parody by now, right? "Some calls it a replicant, I calls it a Synth, mmmm. Well it caughts it on top of my mama while I's eatin' some biscuits 'n' mustard, so I retired it, mmm."
  18. The bit about the Chinese takeout place is golden.
  19. Guys guys guys. Pizzolatto didn't direct anything. Hasn't directed anything. All he's done, by and large, is write stuff. And, as Orson Scott Card has proven, you can be batshit crazy and impossible and write stuff FOR-FUCKING-EVER. Still, though, would be kinda funny if S3 ends up a complete trainwreck, just to go, "16! Ah-ah-ah! That's how many episodes I counted, from being the talk of the nation to pissing away your credibility!" (OK fine, it was really by whichever one opened with Vince Vaughn talking about the mold spot on his fucking ceiling)
  20. I went to the taproom they have at Arundel Mills on a number of occasions and never came away impressed. I think I've tried every non-IPA they've had on tap routinely (Dirty Little Freak, Misfit Red, Bad Moon, and Bare Ass Blonde for sure) and could do without all of them. Never saw the one you mentioned, though.
  21. SBJ also suffers from being a Duclaw beer, and they've made nary a good one in their existence. I have this suspicion they're starting with not so great water or mash, or that their yeast strains suck, because every one I've had just comes off flatter and less appealing than it ought to. SBJ might be their best beer, which should give a fair estimate of the rest of their offerings.
  22. Mordo is small potatoes next to someone trying to snuff out half the universe. Given all the 'look at the big picture' messaging in the first movie, and given DS will probably respond to torture as well as any mammal would, he'll want to do something about Thanos first and foremost. But Mordo could play an outsized role in either unleashing Zom in the first place (which would be a lame copy of the first movie's plot) or helping put the genie back in the bottle, what with his Living Tribunal relic.
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