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Wyld Samurai

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Everything posted by Wyld Samurai

  1. I don't get nostalgia for the characters... I get nostalgia for the ability. Foley, Austin and HBK could go. Ziggler can go but he's a cross between a poor man's HBK and poor man's Curt Hennig.
  2. That would mean that Ric Flair is the Harley Race of this era. Crazy former wrestler/champion that just speaks borderline craziness. I'll never forget Harley Race talking down to Ron Simmons leading up to Simmons vs Vader. So incredibly racist.
  3. Wyld Samurai

    RIP, Prince

    Not only that, but it's a punk album called BOCKWINKEL.
  4. I've never been big on Barrett as I found everything about him to be just gangly.
  5. Those guys ain't family. In all seriousness - one of the worst things to come from the WWE being the only game in town is that acts can't keep their characters fresh nor can mature as a performer. Letting them go to work the indy and Japan circuit is only beneficial to their own growth.
  6. If there's anyone on the roster that I'd want them to be released for their own good it's Bo Dallas. He needs to get to Japan for a year or two. It would do him a lot of good growth wise when he returns.
  7. You knos... I'm calling shenanigans on the Chumps tain Challenge.
  8. When did Eric Young become a strung out veteran suffering from PTSD?
  9. You got me there... though he still gets a definitive pop.
  10. It's that long build to get over that keeps you over. Which is why Roman Reigns will be a footnote.
  11. I absolutely agree with Ryback on that. It is up to the individual to get themselves over.
  12. The logical way I see it playing out is Anderson & Gallows turn on AJ when Finn arrives. That takes AJ out of the Main Event picture and you have Finn vs AJ for Summerslam while you set in motion a potential Survivor Series match between Bullet/Balor Club vs AJ/Whomever.
  13. I came to the realization last night during Payback that Dean Ambrose makes me long for Bunkhouse Buck.
  14. Asking Ric if he misses his parents is just harsh.
  15. Enzo pretty much is a FIP whenever he's tagged in.
  16. I like Nattie. She sold like a champ. It was odd to see Flair so inanimated. Charlotte's moonsault was just gorgeous. Bret... amazing to see him. But could have at least cheered or clapped or work the crowd a little for Nattie?
  17. I think AJ really proved that he could go with a bigger guy and make it believable.
  18. That would be an incredibly hot angle to have Cass come out tomorrow night and run them down.
  19. who's to say they won't? This is a new era! Maybe the new era will learn from their past and how to catch lightning in a bottle.
  20. That was such an awkward spot. Was he trying to baseball slide out of the ring or did Gotch try to throw him out? It just didn't make sense.
  21. Here's a question that popped in my head during my morning workout. Which wrestlers from yesteryear would be over enough today to carry a company? I absolutely think Billy Graham and Dusty would be huge draws in any era... Bruno and Race I'm not too sure about.
  22. Thank you so much! I haven't seen Garvin at the Von Erich Ranch in almost 20 years and I forgot how golden it was. Jimmy was just fantsstic... And man, those Von Erich's were dicks.
  23. I think there's an element of truth... but I also think the injuries also comes from the fact that few in the current product don't know how to tell a story anymore, go 100 mph in a match and using high risk spots to get over, spend all their time in the gym getting the sexy body which leads to over training injuries.
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