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Everything posted by Execproducer

  1. Not being able to unsee the film, I don't know if I could have guessed the twist from that trailer but I doubt it. The only actual clues in the film are... But as I said, I may just not be as clever as I think. I'm also not a very big George Michael fan but I thought they integrated the music into the story fairly well. It's definitely a film designed to push emotional buttons on cue which, while I wouldn't want a steady diet of it, is occasionally worth my time. And Michelle Yeoh.
  2. I completely respect Devin DeVasquez's career.
  3. @RIPPAreviewed that last year for the Christmas Chaos.
  4. I will say that.... I still really like the movie. It's a romcom, it's supposed to be nonsensical.
  5. I'll have to watch the trailer later to see what it shows. Critics are big meanies but I just may not be as sharp as I'd like to believe. ?
  6. I'm going to watch that other movie tonight so I'll have another review for you later.
  7. By the process of elimination it looks like I'm the one that ruined your Christmas.
  8. Looks like Kim Ki-duk has passed from COVID. I was going to post the article this morning but I started reading the details of the end of his career and it made me a little queasy.
  9. I believe his movie was actually from the first Chaos and he was going to do it last year as a bonus. ? I deleted those messages but I think I remember which film he had.
  10. We're going to need a Christmas miracle to save this thread.
  11. Wait, was that a pick or you were going to do it as a bonus?
  12. I don't want to turn it into the execproducer show but if someone can't meet their obligation, I can take on another review.
  13. Gonna have to watch that. While I wasn't the biggest Macho fan, that is certainly one of my favorite boxing eras.
  14. Yeah, sounds like the perfect end to 2020. But it isn't like we can't decorate this sad tree with more holiday appropriate bonus reviews. I am as guilty as anyone of picking a lump of coal....though still a really good film.... but my idea was to demonstrate that we aren't limited to the usual suspects and Christmas-themed slashers. I'll have my review as well as a clutch of bonus stuff in by the wee hours of Monday morning. I actually liked my film. Thanks Curt. At least I'm reasonably sure it had to be Curt's pick.
  15. "All in my stew" is going to become my go-to for griping.
  16. Doc heavier than I would have liked, most of which would have showed up in the GOAT doc poll that didn't happen.
  17. She wants to cut through the circles That she has lived in before She wants to finally kill the delusions She won't need them Any more Any more Any more But there's a sound Across the alley Of cold metal Too close to the bone And you can see If you look in her window The face of a woman Finally alone Behind straight lines Straight lines - Suzanne Vega, Straight Lines The Long Hair of Death (Margheriti, 1965) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058307/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0 Reviewed by: Curt McGirt
  18. You were going to review The Long Hair of Death also.
  19. Has anyone mentioned The Molly Maguires? Been a long time since I watched it but I remember liking it alot.
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