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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. I have to back Swann, he's from my hometown. He also gets points for teaming with Ricochet in PWG as The Inner City Machine Guns. Once, they took the parody names a but further by insisting the announcer also refer to them as The (Martin Luther) Kings of Wrestling and D-Generation Malcolm X. They had a pretty good match with ACH & AR Fox (The African American Wolves), sticking with the wrestling trend that all black guys in a company must team, feud, or both.
  2. 1) I believe AR Fox's side of the story and I absolutely believe Gabe got butthurt over a booking thing 2) All four shows being promoted as "upcoming" on the scrolling banner on Evolve's site are in the past which is pretty LOL for a company whose primary business is online
  3. You could find any number of art school badasses who could realistically portray Tupac.
  4. How is Raw or Smackdown "DVR proof?" I haven't watched Raw without the benefit of the FFWD button since maybe 1998.
  5. Well keep in mind that DDP is the guy who said diet soda has more calories than regular soda and its zero calorie claims are the result of some sort of government conspiracy. I wouldn't go all in on his nutrition advice. We all know what we should and shouldn't be eating. Just do your best.
  6. Well that was my interpretation. Always ask why something is written the way it is. In this case, why did the new firm have to be in a different city? The Cicero montage was little long but it was great; a metaphor for an addict who has fallen off the wagon.
  7. LOL I haven't seen that but he did it to the Monster Mafia guys during the last PWG show and it was amazing.
  8. He neither had the world for the taking with that job offer nor was anyone doing him a solid. How many law firms are in ABQ? Yet the only job offer that HHM could wrangle for Jimmy was in a different city (Santa Fe)? The entire thing was a setup. They even had Kim mention that Hamlin was the one who managed to pull off the deal. The entire job offer was just a way for Hamlin to get Jimmy out of his town and out of his hair.
  9. It was a fun show that was made better because it was put on by a company that has been shitting the bed for a very long time. Lowered expectations helped and I don't think we need to keep analyzing this. Please for the love of God. It's like that time I won free passes to see Thirteen Ghosts from the video store. I knew the movie was going to be shit but, fuck it, it's free. Then the movie turned out to be shockingly slightly above average. Because my expectations were so horribly low, I have fond memories of that movie. It's like that. I don't think anyone in their right mind expected this Mania to be even half decent and it turned out to be a pretty fun show. It overachieved.
  10. Scott Steiner was Christian Bale's voice coach for the batman movies
  11. Jerry Springer in 2015, everybody. Vince's sensibilities.
  12. I wonder if he had horrible flashbacks whenever Lawler yelled "puppies!" all those years.
  13. I just got off of a conference call with the company that manages all my company's databases (MS SQL and Oracle). They have never heard of Jeff Jarrett or GFW, so take from that what you will.
  14. Wait, I remember it as drowning. But I just looked it up and Ross said, during his one man show, that he had to use a hammer. That is 100000 times worse. God damn.
  15. It always amazes me how Hennig was considered a smaller wrestler back in the roided-up 80s WWF. Dude was a fucking beast.
  16. The sad thousand yard stare of a man who, as a child, was taken to the woodshed many times and was once forced to drown a bag of puppies.
  17. And another good chunk was Google image search, most likely with safe search turned off. I don't watch MMA but I enjoyed that segment.
  18. What a dull episode. So many weird things happened while at the same time nothing happened, I was expecting a plot twist at the end, like it would be a dream or something. The song "Is that All there is?" was a pretty fitting bookend to this lame-ass hour. It was more a collection of vignettes than an actual narrative. I absolutely forgot about Rachel, which is to be expected, as season 1 was a long time and a lot of women ago. I felt it was disingenuous to essentially retcon Rachel as this long-lost once-in-a-lifetime true love that Don is all wistful over, when Don has had so many affairs and has fallen in love so many times over the course of the series. It felt like cheap writing to me. There are only a few episodes left and I hope it gets better before the end.
  19. I'm working on Rosetta Stone Spanish and came across this: 1) He doesn't look like a Pedro Morales 2) PEDRO MORALES. Are there wrestling fans at Rosetta Stone or is it a coincidence? If the lesson later contains "me llama El Hijo Del Santo," we'll know for sure.
  20. I prefer this one: Promotional consideration paid for by the following:
  21. The line of the night of this past weekend's ROH goes to Corino. Commenting on the returning (from injury) Ray Rowe: "Rowe looks great, just got out of jail."
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