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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. The only time Vince ever saw Baywatch, or any other show, was when he caught maybe a minute of it here and there between sets of benches and curls while it was on the TV at the gym. The guy is a workaholic and I doubt he ever sits down to watch television. He has psychological issues to the point where he won't even let himself sneeze; I can't even fathom the self loathing that would stem from wasting an hour to watch TV.
  2. I wonder if he requested they make the script more Will Smithy for him. Over/under on the number of "aw hell naws" in this one?
  3. I know "Son of Havoc" is just a play on Sons of Anarchy but, since it's Lucha, I keep wondering about the legendary luchador named Havoc.
  4. Albert came so close to saving two lives that day. Watching that gif without a shred of sympathy.
  5. Speaking of looking dumb in a mask, I'm not a fan of Son of Havoc's look at all. Matt Cross is not a big enough star to the point where he had to wear a hood or else everybody would know him, especially since he didn't have the massive beard during his one time of major exposure, Tough Enough. Motherfucker looks like Charlie Brown from Outta Town in that hood. And that voice alteration thing is god awful. Actually, the whole gimmick is just bad. How many bikers have six pack abs, no tattoos and are gymnasts? They should have run with a Crossfitting lumbersexual hipster gimmick for him. EDIT: Holy shit. I just looked him up on image search and he's actually rocking the Hitler Youth hipster undercut. They really missed the boat on a very contemporary gimmick.
  6. You're thinking of Rich Swann. Shane Strickland (Killshot) is from Tacoma and looks like Dumb Donald from Fat Albert in that mask.
  7. Oh, did she have that horrible duck bill lipjob reversed during her time off between tapings?
  8. You know the funny story about how Shawn Michaels told Verne Gagne that they wanted to be called "The Midnight Rockers" and Verne balked at it because he thought everyone would hear it and think of rocking chairs? Vince is Verne now.
  9. Have you ever seen the movie High Tension? He does that Pentagon is really Vampiro even though it makes no sense?
  10. Somebody photoshopped Nash's head onto Techno Viking.
  11. It's so fucking smarmy when Bischoff refers his time in WCW as "when I worked for Turner Broadcasting." Yes, it's technically true. But come the fuck on. I often refer to those few months working at Suncoast at the mall as "my tenure with the Musicland Corporation."
  12. Drake Younger should submit one, just for fun.
  13. I disagree with using the term "politically correct" as a pejorative in general, and what is "PC" about actual Native Americans being offended by jokes made at their expense? What's so horribly PC about this situation? Sandler invited them to be extras in his movie, they arrived and saw that the movie was crass and offensive to their culture, and they left. I'm seriously curious. Because typically "PC" refers to people (liberals, I guess?) acting offended for another party. This is an actual group being essentially insulted to their faces and electing not to stand for it.
  14. It was his commentary on straight, and very square, Arab culture.
  15. Why I love wrestling reason #8696: Only pro wrestling could have a homosexual Jew portray an evil Arab named "The Grand Wizard."
  16. Bischoff, Russo...wrestling creative is like NFL coaching. No matter how bad you are at it, once you're attained a certain level, someone will always hire you.
  17. To paraphrase something Dean said about somebody else (Warrior?) a long time ago, Jarrett in a suit looks like a landscaper with a court date.
  18. So instead of wrestlers that are irrelevant by 10 years, we'll have a creative person 20 years past the time where anybody gave a shit about him. Nice.
  19. It was really disappointing. Sorry, I watched it so long ago that I can't remember specifics, just that it was definitely not good. It strays from the "true story" as well, as the cop in the movie is not religious at all and converts after the exorcism. In the book, he's super duper religious and stays a cop while pursuing "the work" on the side. On a side not, I started to read the book that this film is based on and just had to put it down. There were three possible conclusions to be made from this guy's tales and none of them were favorable. Either: Ghosts, demons, etc are all real and this is a 100% true account (unlikely) or This guy and every single person whose homes he exorcised are all insane or This whole book is a work
  20. My daughter loves this movie and I also think it is pretty great. Have no idea why they did not keep All You Need Is Kill as the title. Americans are dumb. Because "All You Need is Kill" is just senseless Engrish word salad and the only people who like it are Japanophiles who think anything Japanese is automatically cool.
  21. Great takedown of the XTREME 90s Joker via AV Club http://www.avclub.com/article/jared-letos-joker-definitely-down-clown-218545
  22. Cute Totally Attainable Chicks Quarterly (The catalog specifically for wrestling fans)
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