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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. On the Rewatchables pod, they did a two-episode discussion of Pulp Fiction. At one point, they mentioned that it was Butch who keyed Vincent’s car (ostensibly after the “I ain’t your friend, palooka” confrontation at the bar). Is that an accepted fact or just speculation? In 30 years, it’s the first I’ve heard of it.
  2. Can anyone recommend decent pods that cover current shows, but the hosts are cool? Dave and Bryan were so cynical and joyless discussing Collision, I’m damn near ready to tap out and save my $15/month.
  3. Nobody has mentioned the ref holding up a count and Rosa kicking out waaaaaay late because she was struggling mightily with a wardrobe malfunction. Somewhere in the power bomb —> piledriver sequence, the collar of her top broke and it was hanging off. Sorry, midnight chokers (TM and RIP Dean~!), she had a bra on. But she was busy trying to fix it instead of kicking out, and then there was a long delay and closeups of Deonna, then long shots of the ring, before they just went to the finish. Weird ending to a great match.
  4. That’s just an insane oversight. Have they checked under the cushions of the couch? At this rate, I’m just hoping AEW signs a new deal before Zaslav is axed and they need to start negotiating from square one with someone new.
  5. I wonder if there’d be a market for just new/alternate heads for Jazwares figs. I’d gladly pay $5 for a new head for my Butcher…it’s a cool figure but he cut the skullet long ago.
  6. Yeah, I don’t think we need a “modern” take on the Dusty finish. The less we see Creative getting cute to get out of booking a winner, the better. The “How do we get out of this match we booked?” approach is a blight on wrestling.
  7. Two teams with the same gimmick! Outrunners are like an alternate reality FTR who decided to put their faith in someone slightly less serious about wrestling than Cornette or Bret.
  8. @Elsalvajeloco is the best. If you need to know about boxing, the WWF New Generation, and weird buildings where they taped their TV at the time, he's your man.
  9. 1) Going an hour wasn't MJF & Ospreay's call; they don't deserve to get shit for it. 2) The show was planned and timed out with those two going an hour. Nobody lost time. If this is all on the up and up, I have no idea what Britt was complaining about or why. Mad that these guys got an hour? Thinking they weren't good enough to do it? I have no clue. Because "she was angry that they were going long and possibly taking time away from her segment" makes no sense at all. Because for every Orange Cassidy, there are 40 Warhorses, Dan the Dads, Danhausens, etc...meme wrestlers who don't bring much more to the table than a cute gimmick to be shared on social media. Not to say there's no place for it, but a workrate company might not be it.
  10. I enjoy their pods enough, though $15 per month is steep just for a pod per day (and honestly, Dave and Garrett are kind of boring together and I hate the way Garrett pronounces "both." He says "BOWL-TH" like he's Fred Norris imitating Bababooey saying "boss." But I digress). I might drop it for the $10 Apple option instead. The only other wrestling pods I listen to are Deadlock and We Watch Wrestling. I'd drop F4W/WON entirely if someone not insufferable covered the same ground they do, for free.
  11. The bolded part is funny to me. "Whether they did it the right way or not makes no difference!" Apparently, they did knock and ask if they could see Baker, didn't barge in or anything, and HR reviewed the footage and thought it was fine. What's now being reported is that Baker was shit talking their match while it was happening, Atout told MJF about it, Baker called Atout a "stupid fucking bitch" or something like that, and it all blew up from there. The wall punching was done far from Baker. The whole situation is dumb but why the fuck is Baker talking shit about people? All this falls under the legal precedent of "don't want none, don't start none," subsection "FAFO."
  12. As a guy who worked at a Suncoast for 3 months in 1997, this makes me irrationally sad.
  13. Yeah, it seems like they learned from the Punk situation…apparently they bring HR right in to deal with this kind of thing instead of relying on TK’s judgement.
  14. We’re definitely a far cry from the old days of Excalibur beating Jimmy Havoc’s ass in a restaurant parking lot.
  15. Details are super vague but it sounds like she brought some simmering animosity she had with MJF and his girlfriend (Alicia Atout, who also works there) to the surface. Britt said something about MJF, his girlfriend heard it, confronted Baker, not sure what else happened. MJF punched a wall, HR got involved, Britt got two weeks off which is just lovely considering she has a match to build. Honestly, I’d say pulling the match would have been a better punishment.
  16. Paul Walter Hauser would be a great Brian Knobbs if we’re talking Hogan ball lickers. Also, please let this serve as your PSA reminding you to watch Black Bird on Apple TV if you haven’t yet,
  17. Well you are the old fashioned gamer, of course you’d feel that way I’m older now, with a lot of other stuff going on, and just want to have a fun story and some challenge. I play everything on the easiest mode possible. Last thing I need is managing saves when I’m just trying to have fun but again, different strokes.
  18. I watched MJF’s entrance in CMLL and I’m seriously shocked he didn’t throw tortillas at the crowd, given his usual lazy heel antics.
  19. Aw man, I feel you. That’s a major issue with remasters…mechanics that were acceptable in their time are no good nowadays. I tried to play the Dead Space remaster and after the 3rd or 4th impossible enemy spawn and umpteenth hunt/backtrack for a save station, I tapped out. If you’re remaking something, don’t just pretty it up. Take out the bullshit that’s not modern.
  20. Leave Britt alone. She only beefs with people on days that end in Y.
  21. Considering the fact that some UFC moron was talking shit on trans people with impunity, it’s a safe bet the answer is “nothing.” Vince is gone but the company is still run by scumbags. That’s awesome.
  22. Maybe somewhere in the middle? I’m not as much a fan of “Memphis style.”
  23. It’s like thinking “Born in the USA” is a nice, patriotic song just because it has “USA” in it.
  24. You just reminded me of how awful the Griselda Netflix series was. Thanks.
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