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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. Only incredibly slightly related to watching wrestling in Baltimore in the 80s, but maybe I should explain SuperTV sometime.
  2. YES. You know what executives like? Making money. Execs loved WCW when it was hot and making money. The same execs wanted it to go...when it became a low-rated money pit. This is an oversimplification but still, what killed WCW was anything that led to the on-screen product being shit and losing eyeballs. Once that happened, execs couldn't tolerate WCW anymore. Blaming standards and practices is bullshit, too. Oh, WCW failed because you couldn't call women bitches or run Beaver Cleavage gimmicks? Do tell.
  3. Brad Armstrong would have been bigger if he had a hook and the ability to summon bees.
  4. We’re pretty advanced, hon! I was born and raised in Baltimore and my fandom started in early ‘85, so this is my jam.
  5. I loved Secret Wars! To be fair, I was 10, so it was written specifically for me.
  6. Right? Consider yourself ahead of the game if they have nets. The best story is that they had to change Van Hammer's name from "Private Stash" to "Major Stash" because he didn't like being of lower rank. Dude is in a comedy act with a guy named Hugh G. Rection, on a fake fighting TV show, and RANK is where he decided to draw the line.
  7. As the rare person who likes Satan's feces white chocolate/"vanilla creme"/"yogurt coating," I need to say it doesn't really pair well with strong flavors like peanut butter.
  8. But apparently the Wasp is not in that 60+, as I saw a news story this morning about Evangeline Lilly taking a hiatus or outright retiring from acting.
  9. I don't watch ROH so I just Googled and yeah....shaved Nick Comoroto is, as the kids say, cursed.
  10. @Dolfan in NYC I keep wishing Shane Taylor Promotions would work Dynamite so you can employ "Wake Me Up Before You Ogogo."
  11. Every home repair project, every damn time. Multiple trips to Home Depot, it never fails. My worst was when I replaced my kitchen faucet and realized the old hoses didn't fit the new faucet AND the nearby Ace Hardware (I was living in a smaller town and the closest HD was a pain in the ass drive) had closed a half hour earlier. So we had no kitchen sink until the next day. Greedy fucks, the lot of 'em. I can't believe how bad real estate, both sales and rentals, have gotten. I bought my house in 2015 and now similar houses in my neighborhood are going for double what I paid -- both double the price and double the interest rate. I could sell mine and make a nice profit but then where could we live? Shit's out of control.
  12. I'm trying not to think too hard about a guy imploring people to pay their fair share of taxes, as opposed to cheating on your taxes, being a heel gimmick. I guess everybody irrationally hates "the tax man" but as a guy who only owed one time because I didn't withhold enough, I'm ambivalent. Wrestling works better if you just kind of go with it, I guess. It's also funny to consider, in this age of "temporarily embarrassed millionaires," where people making 40k per year complain about tax increases for the rich, that an ostentatious millionaire who flaunts his money and buys and sells poor people for sport would be a babyface gimmick now.
  13. Looks really similar to Tag Team Wrestling (Strong Bads vs Ricky Fighters!). Speaking of The Main Event, I thought I'd read someplace that it was pulled due to treading a little too close to WWF trademarks, but I can't find that "fact" on the Wikipedia or KLOV articles for the game, and it was apparently re-released on the Xbox 360, so who knows? My weirdest Main Event memory was that the video store near my house had it and one of the employees was really good at it. He went on to become Axl Rotten.
  14. Apparently Missy Hyatt has contacted Grant's team about an incident that occurred with Vince. I mean looking back: Hire Missy Hyatt Shoot some Missy talk show segments ??? Fire Missy Hyatt ...should have figured there was fire to that smoke.
  15. andrade is unhappy in wwe who could have predicted such a thing
  16. I don't want to name them and possibly give them hits, but there's a YouTube channel that tricked me last week with a "new Romulus trailer." It was the original teaser, maybe intercut with some scenes from the other Alien films or some generic sci fi, with a god-awful unprofessional sounding voiceover that made it really obvious it was fake. Checking out their channel, they had tons of (now obviously fake) trailers labelled the same way, like "movie name final trailer." Why is the internet such a carny cesspoool?
  17. I'm sure it's horrible in hindsight, but at the time, Bordello of Blood was one of those movies where you go into it expecting it to be shit, but then it turns out to be okay, so then your mind plays this trick on you where your pleasant surprise makes you think it was better than it was. I had a similar experience with the 2001 13 Ghosts remake, where I won free tickets and went into it expecting it to be god awful, realized it was somewhere around "competent," but somehow left feeling it was really good. And as you can see, this seems to only happen to me with horror movies.
  18. I loved these in the arcade. The Wrestle War video you posted had me thinking about this, and this video backs it up: every non-licensed 80s wrestling game had to have at least some of the archetypes: Hogan, Brody, Road Warrior. Mat Mania/Exciting Hour and Mania Challenge had a fun glitch where you could back body drop a running opponent out of the ring regardless of whether you were right in front of him, the foreground, or the background.
  19. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL that dude has seen some shit
  20. I love when Hechicero shows up because his taunt reminds me of the magician boss from Sonic Mania https://64.media.tumblr.com/44f694045cb10dcdca8af2a0f648111e/tumblr_inline_ouxtznxH281riafjl_400.gif
  21. Dammit, you sent me down a rabbit hole, watching longplays of The Main Event and Champion Wrestler.
  22. Speaking of the Learning Tree, who knew Bryan Keith was such a great promo and character? Him aggressively muttering "DISRESPECT!" under his breath as Jericho recounted his enemies' transgressions was amazing.
  23. What if FTR joined the Learning Tree? "We've always been great rasslers but we want to be rich and the only way to do that is to learn from a great sports entertainer! We love Bobby Eaton but he died penniless." HEAT
  24. One of my favorite things in wrestling is when you take a wrestler or a tag team who doesn't look particularly great, isn't much in the promo department, isn't flashy, etc., so you give them the GREAT TECHNICAL WRESTLER gimmick. It's some amazing postmodern kayfabe how even the smartest of smart marks eat this gimmick up. This dumb galoot almost lost his hand punching out a limo window because "Goldberg wouldn't need a bat to knock out a window." I swear his favorite scent is his own farts.
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