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Everything posted by J.H.

  1. Ad Astra Aster - this should've been the SNW S2 premiere. Everything about Gene Roddenberry's vision was on full display in the speeches put forth. Wht they launched S2 with the previous episode I will never understand James
  2. Head also popped up in the miniseries for Vanity Fair that had Michael Palin i troduce each episode James
  3. I liked the premiere but didn't love it. It was a nice little episode. Part of me wants Jared Keeso to appear and find out who the toughest Admiral in Starfleet is James
  4. You think that's something? The Jaoanese opening song for GI Joe is so not what you're used to. Hell, the Ninja Turtles opening (inckuding the batshit crazy Japanese only season) still weirds me out! I mean, we are all familiar with those X-Men openings and "CRY FOR THE MOOOOOOOOOON!" James
  5. I need to give Perry Mason another try, as Sandy was 2 or so when I furst tried it and was disteacted by her Mick Foley level bumping around the house (Seriously, she would climb packed boxes and take Nestea plunge off the top. I'd hear a thud and rampant giggling afterward) James
  6. Man... if IMPACT! would name all their PPVs after Phil Collins songs I might pay more attention to them. Just imagine... IMPACT! Wrestling presents... TAKE ME HOME! IMPACT! Wrestling presents... IN THE AIR TONIGHT! IMPACT! Wrestling presents... TARZAN ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK! James
  7. That movie where Tom Hanks stalks Meg Ryan? James
  8. Saki Akai announced her intention to retire in November I'm assuming Sakisama is retiring as well (If they have 2 separate retirements that would be grand) James
  9. Are youvtrying to tell me Brock doesn't subscribe to Sherrie's Berries? James
  10. If you are struggling, in crisis and thinking of harming yourself: USA: DIAL or Text 988 or 800-273-8256 UK: text 85248 Australia: Dial 13 11 14 If there other members of the board that want to post non-English speaking Crisis Lines, please, I implore you, DO SO! Remember... Everyone is Different Everyone is Special James
  11. The taped fist matchbfrom the Bash commetcial tape is a personal fave. Garvin just lays into Tully hard. I thinkbthe only major 86 spring feud that didn't get a match on that tape was Wahoo/Garvin James
  12. Also, are any of the sales for this going to the care of Bill Mantlo? James
  13. Man did the pandemic Kill Letterkenny's momentum! James
  14. The fact marketing isn't calling the ROMNIBUS is a crime! James
  15. Insomnia had me up from 130am to 530am and this thought darted in my head... Would you cast Kelsey Grammar as as a Jedi or a Sith? James
  16. Seriously, fuck Marvel for agreeing to this. I realize they're killing her just so they can bring her back but it doesn't mean it should be done James
  17. I initially thought Turner was Margo Martindale but my brain was like "No... that's not right". Haven't seen Turner since The Path on Hulu James
  18. SWAT got renewed at the expense of East New York it seems. I really was shocked the latter was on the bubble because it started so strong. At least So Help Me Todd got renewed James
  19. Dean's review of Jumbo Tsuruta v. Greg Gagne remains one those amazingly weird quasi-fictional things that after you read it you feel his appreciation for everyone involved in the match. Then you read his Aja Kong/Sugar Sato review, written as Southern White Trash Gothic and his comedic genius just leaves you breathless In the end, we are a motley band who were brought together by DEAN in a round about way. As much as we like pro-wrestling, he genuinely LOVED it and his writings are his love letters to the medium and to us. James
  20. I have used 2 Dean quotes multiple times on women I know to let them know they are attractive and should not doubt their beauty. The fact that these women smiled and/or laughed at these lines tells you all you need to know about how funny Dean was. James
  21. After posting the first DVDVR Anime Review, DEAN was the first to comment. It sticks with me to this day because it was someone whose worked I enjoyed indicating they like something I wrote. In six words he made me feel vindicated for writing it. "You should do more of these" And so I did for awhile. Because of 6 words. James
  22. As long as I've been on the internet, I've been reading Dean's thoughts on wrestling. I got to interview him once for my radio show. We spent so much time swearing that my co-host didn't even realize our feed had been cut 20 minutes in. I loved his genuine love of wrestling and how he would talk about it with anyone. I loved his laugh and sense of humor. I always wanted to meet him just to shake his hand and thank him for keeping me entertained all these years My heart aches for his family. My heart aches for his friends. My heart aches for all of us, because without DEAN none of us would have crossed paths. Rest In Peace Dean Rasmussen and Thank You from the bottom of my heart! James
  23. I remember the 07 strike and how, eventually, the late night hosts just said "Fuck it" and did their shows after a couple of weeks. James
  24. I have to imagine our "friend" George put it in his deal to sell to Disney that original cuts never get put back in circulation or else they wouldve already put them out by now James
  25. ROTJ came in at #5 for the April 29th-28th box office. Good thing because Disney needs the revenue. We Hate Movies Chris Cabin put forth the argument if it had been the original cut it would've been #1. I maintain if any of the original cuts make it back to theaters they easily would top the BO chart for at least 2-3 weeks James
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