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Everything posted by J.H.

  1. I do it for the kids! We know Shirley actually throws a mean punch. It dawned on me that if Deuce and Domino were more Lenny & Squiggy and less Grease they would've gotten over... or not James
  2. Actually, I really want to see that Laverne Defazio v. Demon match. I'm hoping Laverne wins after a bottle of milk and Pepsi explodes in The Demon's face leading to a roll-up of some sort. Post match beatdown by The Big Ragu! Jamez
  3. The highlight of the scrum for me was TK reading Toni Storm's letter which had an MST3K level derp cut to the Peter Lawford/Sinatra beef (at least that's how I read it) James
  4. Julia Hart huh? Truly the Eydie Gorme of women's wrestling James
  5. No, Moira was stripped of Mutant rebirth power by Mystique and Deztiny via Forge's Neutralizer Gun James
  6. Ironically, "The Tailor Made Man" was a gimmick he got in WCW. The fact no one thought of that for him in WWF is kind of a huge "how did they not get that?" James
  7. For no good reason, ABC's "When Smokey Sings" assaulted my brain last night. It was a pleasant assault mind you because it is reallycsuch a nice bit of Britush blue-eyed soul... https://youtu.be/BTV5FvNCbhk?si=IxhPTvky1EcROQDb James
  8. Wait... how the hell are the Beauty Paur not in? They were so impirtant to AJW and were mainstrwam stars in Japan. I figured they would have been in the fiest HOF class. Hell no Beauty Pair or Black Pair and we don't have the Dirty Pair! James
  9. Happy Felix Unger Day to All!!! James
  10. The Killer was really enjoyable. I saw some compare it to Le Samourai but to me it felt like a Michael Mann homage. Like I got more a feel of Thief than anything else. Maybe I'm offbase, but ovetall I really enjoyed it James
  11. I love that LSH issue! Matter Eater Lad as Polar Boy's attorney is plain comic gold! James
  12. That trailer for The Bookie already has me hooked James
  13. Man, I remember that Holmes/Berbick incident. The day after it hapoened I was couldn't belueve how peo-wrestlubg it was Janes
  14. Backlund and Morales vacated the WWWF tag syraps immediately after winning them because Backlund was already Workd xhamp. I think Harley was Missouri champ when he won one of his World titles and had to vacate James
  15. Netflix decided to make Silverado available to stream so after I put the kid to sleep Friday night and hunkered down to watch one of the best odes to old school Westerns that Lawrence Kasdan could muster. Seriously, this is such a joy to watch, with such an amazing cast and joyous soundtrack. If I had taken part in the old Best of The 80s balloting this would be in my top 40 or so. I love it so much! James
  16. That Lower Decks finale was such a love letter to Wrath of Kahn. I loved every moment of it. We deserve a fifth season! James
  17. Listening to Werner Herzog giving his thoughts on Wrestlemania/WWE was not what I expected on Conan O'Brien's podcast!!! Even better is Werner referring to Linda Mcmahon as Vince's "Alleged Wife" and the commenting on "Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo"!! James
  18. Death Row in that Rotunda match... I think that was a Malenko trainee that worked on Boris' florida indy James
  19. Using Nic Lorcarno after already referencing Tom Paris before is fine deep cutting! Plus how meta is it for Lower Decks to go deep on TNG episode "Lower Decks" is just more icing on this cake! James
  20. If there is a Human Centupede Funko I'm fuckin done! James
  21. Hey at least you aren't sitting here trying to say Shaft In Africa isn't remotely watchable. Something about Shaft's Big Score makes it look like a TV movie to me. I can't explain it. The original does move slower but that a lot of that has to do with getting over Shaf as an actual detective and putting the pieces of the puzzle together. The original basically introduces all the major players in Big Score so it is a more direct "Shaft v. Bumpy" story. Are the episodes of the TV show online anywhere? James
  22. Point Blank was really good, Lee Marvin such a no bullshit leading man. Even when he smiles Marvin looks grim and determined. Hey! Carol O'Connor! Yeah, I just sat back and enjoyed this while chomping on hot sauce/cheese popcorn and Mr. Pibb James
  23. I went back and read my review of Shaft for the Ernie Ladd Black History Month reviews. I really believe the opening to Shaft is a top 5 movie opening and 90% of it is how Roundtree comes off cool and badass at the same time James
  24. I remember when I first watched Brick and Richard Roundtree showed up on my screen. I literally shouted "RICHARD FUCKIN ROUNDTREE!!" and my fiends on the sofa thought I was overreacting James
  25. Rest In Peace Richard Roundtree, you were one bad... James
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