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Everything posted by bobholly138

  1. Yeah hours ago a local indy guy that knows the Gilberts told me about Tommy's passing. I am a bit shocked that Doug outlived Eddie and Tommy.
  2. Sucks for me cause no channel besides DA aired it around here. And we do not get Comet.
  3. Back 4 years ago at Coast Con a long time fan from NOLA had passed away earlier that year. He had a huge collection of books. And told his sons "Take them to cons and sell them cheap." First day of the con stuff was 2 bucks a book. Day 2 they were a buck each. Day 3 was 50 cents each. Then the last hour of the con they were 25 cents each buy 5 get 1 free. I dropped 40 bucks on books in that last hour. Got complete runs of ERB Tarzan stuff,lots of the Wild Cards novels. The first 10 or so of the Gor novels. And all kinds of other stuff. When heard 10 cent books I was as happy if not happier than the dog in the above gif.
  4. All I have read was Dr Strange #1 and it was great. But I am also a huge Dr Strange mark.
  5. Watts era WCW was bad about it too. They claim 5000 people were at Beach Blast 92 in Mobile. There is no way it as every half that many. I was there. The floor seats were not full and the bleacher seats were 90% empty I doubt there was more than 1500 there.
  6. I was tempted to make my second son's middle name Joey,after Joey Ramone of course. But decided against it.
  7. Powerslam Productions Presents Wrestlefestivus 3 Franklin County High School Gym Meadville Mississippi Nov 7th 2015 Powerslam Tag Team Champions Big Ramp Enterprises(Reggie Krimsyn Matthews/The Real Deal James Veal) with Big Ramp defend the titles against the team of Lukas Frost and Nate "The Boss" Moss. Since I was filming the entire show for Powerslam I passed off my camera to a friend. Was her first time ever filming anything and she did pretty decent.The tall dude with a camera in the blue shirt and black hat you see moving around ringside is me.
  8. Weird fact. Satchel's son was the janitor at my Jr High. One day he saw a bunch of us trading baseball cards. Came over. "Hey my dad was a pitcher for a long time.I will bring some of his cards tomorrow." Next day he shows up with a shoebox stuffed full of his Dad's MLB rookie cards.
  9. I know of one. But he has no internet and watches any wrestling that comes on TV. He was kind of mad that TNA cancelled the NOLA PPV taping and the Biloxi house show.
  10. Imagine if a bored Jr high kid wrote "The Ultimate batman story" while stuck in study hall. With Jim Lee's bad art and you got Hush. I would say avoid it.
  11. I had no idea Funk was gonna be at the AIW show. Then had Ray Rowe showing me a pic of him and Terry after the show.
  12. I think you need to learn that a babyface isn't actually determined by how a crowd reacts. It's based off of how he or she is booked. And it's always been that way. Uh, no... The wily veteran of RSPW is spot on in this instance. Sasha is like Nakamura from six years ago, yeah, technically she's a heel, but she's such a fantastic performer the crowd has turned her without really turning her, if you get what I mean. How you're booked doesn't mean jack, it's how you connect with the audience. In fact, the WWE is going to have the same problem with Asuka as they currently have with Sasha (and it's not really a problem unless in typical VKM-style they dig in their heels and try to force things their way instead of letting the organic development occur), the fans have already decided that they love Asuka. She could come out and eat a kitten and she'll still get cheers. I'm sure that the idea was to make her a killer heel to face Bayley, but that's simply not going to happen. Her destruction of Dana and impending destruction of Emma have sealed the deal. No matter how heelishly she behaves, Sasha is such a great performer that people get behind her, it's like Flair in the early 1980s... He could act like a total douche and people still loved him. Matter of fact, the smart move for the women's division might be to turn Charlotte and draw on the Flair history. I think she can pull off arrogant heel with a sense of entitlement pretty well. A little reshuffling of say, Tamina, Natalya, and (not sure about the fourth, Nia Jax seems like overkill, maybe Paige in the Tully Blanchard spot?) and you have a legacy Four Horsewomen stable. Gives you two strong heel stables, allows for Naomi turning back to face (which she's much better at), and lets Sasha, Bayley and Asuka cut loose as three very different but likely equally popular faces. Old Smoreslock isn't the only RSPW vet here. I still remember some guy name John coming in there to go after someone named Chad Hell I still remember back when RSPW had Marc Mero posting there. I wish the UA posted here. And that guy who worked at Subway and had goofy rspw angles. Some of the UA was decent. But 2x was an idiot racist. Last I heard he get shanked at his job and is now on disability. Subway guy I am assuming was Alex Cain AKA Chad's arch nemesis. He is doing good. RSPW still exists. But it is 10 people. 2 of whom spend all their free time trying to see who has the most posts for that month. I miss Anal Warts Kelly,Pron Wars and the best thing in RSPW history,"SIT YO HONKEY ASS DOWN!"
  13. Finally saw The Green Inferno and loved it. Having seen most of the well know cannibal films from decades ago this was a nice change of pace. Got better camera work,better acting and way better FX work. Sure the few comedy bits seems strange. But it is an Eli Roth film he always has bits of comedy mixed in with the horror. Really only the CGI on the ants was disappointing. I guess I got very different tastes in cinema cause most reviews I have seen of it are from people hating it. Might watch Hellroller today.
  14. Oh dear, do we need to go back to telling folks to "lurk and learn"! I always heard it called "shine" when the babyface is getting over. And this is from guys who had been around at least 15 years,most of them 20.
  15. I think you need to learn that a babyface isn't actually determined by how a crowd reacts. It's based off of how he or she is booked. And it's always been that way. Uh, no... The wily veteran of RSPW is spot on in this instance. Sasha is like Nakamura from six years ago, yeah, technically she's a heel, but she's such a fantastic performer the crowd has turned her without really turning her, if you get what I mean. How you're booked doesn't mean jack, it's how you connect with the audience. In fact, the WWE is going to have the same problem with Asuka as they currently have with Sasha (and it's not really a problem unless in typical VKM-style they dig in their heels and try to force things their way instead of letting the organic development occur), the fans have already decided that they love Asuka. She could come out and eat a kitten and she'll still get cheers. I'm sure that the idea was to make her a killer heel to face Bayley, but that's simply not going to happen. Her destruction of Dana and impending destruction of Emma have sealed the deal. No matter how heelishly she behaves, Sasha is such a great performer that people get behind her, it's like Flair in the early 1980s... He could act like a total douche and people still loved him. Matter of fact, the smart move for the women's division might be to turn Charlotte and draw on the Flair history. I think she can pull off arrogant heel with a sense of entitlement pretty well. A little reshuffling of say, Tamina, Natalya, and (not sure about the fourth, Nia Jax seems like overkill, maybe Paige in the Tully Blanchard spot?) and you have a legacy Four Horsewomen stable. Gives you two strong heel stables, allows for Naomi turning back to face (which she's much better at), and lets Sasha, Bayley and Asuka cut loose as three very different but likely equally popular faces. Old Smoreslock isn't the only RSPW vet here. I still remember some guy name John coming in there to go after someone named Chad Hell I still remember back when RSPW had Marc Mero posting there.
  16. No idea if it is one of the Essentials that has jumped in price. But if it is still 20 bucks or cheaper grab Essential Moon Knight Vol 1. It is a great collection of all the early Moon Knight stuff and will help answer lots of your questions.
  17. Finally finished The Plutonium Blonde by John Zakour & Lawrence Ganem. Was pretty decent. Kind of a hard boiled detective but set in the far future. But with lots of comedy thrown in. After you get use to the authors strange cuss words subs it is fun.IE DOS is used instead of damn and GATES is shit.
  18. Alien Legion-Piecemaker Pretty sure this is reprinting part of the second Alien Legion series from Epic. I remember seeing the first series when I was younger and for some reason I never read it. Got about 10 issues cheap a few years back at a con and loved it. So threw 2 of the Checker Books trades on my wishlist. And got them both last X-mas. They got misplaced and just recently found. Chuck Dixon does good military action,and Larry Stroman's art is great. I know there is a Dark Horse published Alien Legion Omnibus,but can't find what all it reprints.
  19. Someone would have had to have read it. Plenty of people read it. Had a long discussion about it with a local indy guy recently. Who was in developmental when the Benoit stuff happened.
  20. Got told Hollywood Jimmy ran the promo by Lawler and Dundee before the show to make sure they were cool with it. And Lawler loved it.
  21. I am not much of a drinker. But my three are Hardcore Holly One Man Gang Jamie Dundee If it was a list of 3 I would want to smoke a bowl with. Chris Masters Barbi Hayden Teddy Hart Went with three I know smoke and would be fun to hang out with while high.
  22. Hmm my top 5 In no kind of order hardcore Holly Foley's first Gary Hart Jericho's first Ring of Hell The worst that I have read have been Chyna's-Got the hardcover from Dollar Tree for a buck. Was not worth a buck. Hogan's first book-Again found the hardcover at Dollar Tree for a buck. Was barely worth that. Hogan's second book-Got the hardcover for $3. Love how some of the same stories as the first book are told again. But this time stuff in the stories is different. Brody-The parts written by his wife were not needed at all. Kind of glad I got my copy so cheap.
  23. Championship Wrestling Isle of Capri Casino Lula MS Sept 5th 2015 Main Event Pure Destruction (Brody and Cody Hawk) with Manager Hollywood Jimmy vs Jerry the King Lawler/Superstar Bill Dundee with Handsome Jimmy Valiant Make sure even if you don't watch the entire match to catch Hollywood Jimmy's pre match promo on the face team.
  24. Somedays it feels like I am one of the few that loved DKSA. But I see it for what it was. Miller getting tired of the fanboys begging for a sequel. So he wrote the biggest Fuck You Fanboys comic I have ever seen.
  25. Back in 2008 I got all the Malibu Protectors stuff. The main series was fun. Sadly the art on the covers was great while the interior art wasn't as good.
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