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Phantom Lord

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Everything posted by Phantom Lord

  1. So I watched the SNME with Hogan/Orndorf. Probably the first time I had seen the entire show maybe since it aired (my father taped it for me when I was like 7). Out of all the crazy stuff on this show, the craziest and most random had to be Blackjack Mulligan doing a Dusty Rhodes impersonation when they showed his promo. Did he do a few lines with Hogan because man he was HYPED. I know he didn't last long in the WWF at the time, but it was odd to see him not have to worry about Kevin Sullivan at the time.
  2. I was watching Ladder 49 on one of the Encores this weekend and the ending seriously hit me hard. I hadn't seen the movie before so I wasn't expecting it.
  3. I've used that attire on CAWs from Shut Your Mouth up to 2K14. He should have used that color scheme more than he did. I did the same thing as well when creating Hogan. I always liked the blue/white or all white better than the red and yellow..
  4. The best part of them being in TNA was like the whole crowd on the camera side was nothing but their fans. People were actually going to Nashville to see them. But TNA being TNA they were like "HEY...you being over doesn't count unless we want you over". Plus I think a couple of riots broke out when people couldn't get into the shows.
  5. Plus he was feuding with Haku and needed something to counter not being able to headbutt him. Who knows what the hell they were thinking. The helmet might have looked slightly better if it wasn't that horrible shade of red and yellow.
  6. That is the lamest tough guy shirt. Yeah, I looked at it for a good minute and I just couldn't figure out how that was supposed to insult anyone. I want to believe that somehow this was the best one of the whole bunch and there's pages of potential James Storm shirts and they settled on this.
  7. Brian Clark is a combination of Dream Theater's James LaBrie And current James Storm.
  8. Who ever is calling the shots in the truck is seriously slipping. There was some TNA-esq production slips tonight.
  9. Not nearly enough back hair. Though I guess in the right light that horrible lion he has on his back would count. He needs Bruno's swaft comb over though for the complete look. Before he started going bald, Bruno had a marvelous head of hair.
  10. Wouldn't it be the other way around though. Seth trying to take out Ambrose by doing that would probably get Rollins some insane heat. Hell if they had him feuding with Roman, the women in the crowd would probably burn the arena to the ground if they did that.
  11. Man the final two episodes are going to be insane. If this were a regular 24 season, we'd all be complaining about how frigging slow the reveals are going. Now its bam bam bam.
  12. Dealer knocked 500 bucks off. That's twelve weeks of Memphis payoffs baby! The car is so pro wrestling though. Take every current Indy poster with wrestling legends on with pictures that are 25 years old and this is that car.
  13. Another reason why there should be a reality show for WWE creative meetings on the network. I would pay good money for someone to explain OITNB to Vince. WAIT...WHAT? LESBIANS? Fuck it. We know someone from the WWE trolls these boards for ideas. Someone get David McLane on the phone and get the rights to Caged Heat. Bring in Delta Lotta Pain, Loca, and Vendetta and throw Emma with them.
  14. You know it is very TNA to just scrap the title. I'd rather see them being back the title and have a proper tournament for it. Dare I say, Devon as champion when he had to defend it every week (until Hogan forgot about it) was pretty solid booking for TNA. I'd like to see a good old fashion TV Champion who milks the television time limit to keep the title. Give it to Rockstar Spud. Tell me he wouldn't get massive hate if he kept managing to keep the title because he survived the time limit.
  15. Has Ron ever done an interview or shoot explaining just how in the hell they came up with the original concept for Farooq? I still remember watching the raw after Summerslam 96 (or was it earlier) and out comes Ron Simmons. I was like hey it's Ron Simmons...then a second later I was like why the hell is Ron Simmons dressed in a water polo helmet. It's honestly amazing that he ever survived being saddled with that when he debuted and lasted long enough to become Farooq of the N.O.D.
  16. The BFF's seem like the types who would befriend AJ and try to make her one of the cool girls only to get her to come to some party which in turn they would get her to go in the closet with the fat guy from the football team only open the door and have everyone make fun of her causing her to run crying home. The next day AJ would slash the tires on their cars because it would be ON. The WWE should just make Mean Girls 3 with the diva's of NXT. AJ and Bayley as the nerdy girls who get their revenge is a license to print money.
  17. I always loved the draft part where Lance Storm got drafted to the brand you weren't doing and because he was a tag team champion with Christian, Christian got to go with him and Christian's like "Oh thank God". As for AJ. If AJ and Paige have a match say like the one Paige and Emma had on NXT Arrival at Summerslam I think it will all be worth it.
  18. http://www.youdubber.com/index.php?video=EwHdyAw0NYg&video_start=0&audio=KxZbOZDineQ&audio_start=8
  19. I hope he dressed exactly like Bruce on the Born in the USA cover. Sandow doing that pose against the wall and Bruce's goofy look as he turns his head might be the greatest thing ever.
  20. On the subject of Harley doing the headbutt, he did a really stiff version compared to Benoit/Dynamite/Bryan who all do a huge diving one. They all go for flight and impact while Harley's was more I'm just gonna fall off the rope and hit you with my head. To tell the truth, Harley's version never looked that impactful. But back in the day you could get away with an optical illusion like that. Now it's like if you don't kick someone's jaw off and do a thousand chops to burst every blood vessel in a guys chest then you're lame.
  21. A shame both TNA and WWE missed out. She could've/should've been a total star for either one.. she's been awesome on the indys ever since. I don't know anything about alleged attitude issues, but it's like she's smoking hot and can actually wrestle. That's a rare one-two combo you'd be stupid to pass up on.
  22. Yeah good call by TNA not hiring Iveilsse. Last thing they would want is one of them girls who can rassle and might get over. As for Ryder, I always liked the underdog aspect of his character. He was this guy who should have never made it to where he was, but he went against the machine and got over using all the tools he had at his disposal. Youtube and Twitter were a game changer and the WWE failed to see that and when Ryder got over without their help it was like "well, we could reward this...BUT we don't want to encourage it either". So he got his moment in the sun and then had the proverbial magnifying glass put over him. People want to root for an underdog. We want to root against the guy they say we're supposed to root for.
  23. He feuds with Rick Rude over the US title, moves on to face Barry Windham for the NWA title, partners with Sting (assuming they don't sign Davey Boy) in 1993 against the Masters Of Powerbomb, faces Vader a few times for the WCW title but comes up short. Bret probably would have also done some stuff with New Japan. Maybe even been on that tour that Rude/Sting was on. Who knows maybe Bret would have had that match rather than Sting. If Sting never did that dive, Rude wouldn't have fucked up his back. I could see Bret being NWA Champion defending in Japan (or was it WCW International at that point).
  24. Vince's really weird when it comes "character". On the one hand hes the type that will make someone stay in character 24/7 even if they are off the clock. (Nick Dinsmore aka Eugene had to be "special" all the time. Kane had to wear his mask all the time...never mind wearing his wrestling gear to his movie premiere). But on the other he'll be like "WELL DAMN IT, THEY'RE NOT REALLY BROTHERS". Arent Jerry and and Jimmy Valliant supposed to be two of his all time favorite wrestlers ever? Granted the Major Brothers were horrible...but it wouldnt be the first time two guys were billed as brothers who weren't.
  25. That's fucking awesome. BRUNO NO LIKE WHAT THAT SLIME MACHO MAN DO RICKY STEAMBOAT! Now I'm picturing Bruno Hulk beating the shit out of Loki in The Avengers.
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