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Everything posted by LooseCannon

  1. If WWE leaked a false rumor that their plans for Bryan are dependent on ratings and merchandise sales, would they get a bump in T-shirt sales to the internet nerds?
  2. I think "they" have more faith in Daniel Bryan than they did in CM Punk.
  3. Wrestling being wrestling, that promo that AJ cut should lead to her defending her title at Night of Champions in a lumberjack/lumberjill match, right?
  4. Swagger seems like a guy who should be cast as the dumb-witted goon hired by the chickenshit heel who berates him for continually being outsmarted by the hero, the sort of henchman who makes you feel a bit of pity for the bad guy being surrounded by incompetents.
  5. If they bring in Linda to tell her husband and son-in-law to "Be a Star" and stop bullying poor, defenseless, goatface Bryan, how badly does that ruin the angle?
  6. The threat isn't that if you intervene you will get fired, the threat is that you will be beat down night after night if you get involved. An ironclad contract won't save you from that. That being said, I wish they could do an angle where Show, Henry, etc. get fired for rescuing Daniel Bryan, then show up on Smackdown under masks as new iteration of the Machines.
  7. Does this go here or in the MTV thread?
  8. When Ryback is harassing people backstage, does anyone else think of Big Bully Busick and Sid eventually coming out to destroy him?
  9. I don't think there was an official stipulation. It's just that they all fear how HHH will make their lives a living hell if they do anything. It just takes one man to lead the charge. It could be John Cena returning just long enough to call out the locker room before taking a beating. It could be Bret Hart showing up in Toronto and cutting a promo about how HHH and the McMahons are a bunch of rats and people should stand up to him, leading to the Shield menacing him and Natalya dragging Khali out there to start the ball rolling. It could be giving Regal one last month-long run where he defends Daniel Bryan and wins an improbable match at Night of Champions vs Dean Ambrose before losing a Raw rematch and getting slaughtered so brutally that it spurs the troops to action.
  10. I would like to keep him around long enough to job him out to 3MB in a string of singles matches.
  11. HHH proclaiming the belt as his personal property that Randy just holds the strap was also A+ troll work. YES! And that Randy didn't have any issue with that. Just hilarious. This week's "SHIELD GUYS," moment. Triple H could pull this Vince thing off to great effect. Fuck the Miz, Mark Henry is your man for a fucking war games match. Show, Henry, Dolph and Bryan, baby! Depending if he's game we might also add in HBK on the faces (Bryan's mentor) to counter HHH for the heels. I wish there was a way to easily transition Regal back into a WWE role so he could be Bryan's mentor type and get in on this. Regal shows up backstage, talks to DJ Maestro Maddox about getting more matches. Later, he is caught on camera saying something bad about HHH while visiting Daniel Bryan. HHH has Maddox give Regal a match to prove he deserves a spot. It turns out to be a submission match against Daniel Bryan, which Bryan must win or else there's some bad consequence for him.
  12. Two men can have a relationship without them being gay lovers. See: The Primetime Players. However, Heyman just screams "creepy gay uncle" who always insisted on giving Punk advice and pep talks while Punk was taking his post-match shower in the lockerroom. When Daniel Bryan made his entrance, Big Show and Titus O'Neal did the "yes" finger pointing. Darren Young, Miz, and Broadus Clay could be seen clapping. Meanwhile, AJ seemed to be no-selling his entrance and turning away to talk to Big E Langston. I could see them waiting to see how the crowds in multiple places react to Young and O'Neal before pulling the trigger on the Primetime Players being the guys who finally cross the line and Daniel Bryan. The next Raws will be in Des Moines and Toronto, then, after Night of Champions, Cleveland and Chicago. If your goal is to get an awesome crowd response that blows the roof off when someone finally helps Daniel Bryan, how are the fans in Des Moines? Would you rather wait until Toronto?
  13. She's an attention whore and some people are just jealous that she gets to do her attention whoring on TV while they are relegated to attention whoring on Twitter.
  14. So you think creating a roster full of jobbers is a good idea. I think letting wrestlers lose feuds is better than 50-50 booking.
  15. Guys who often half-ass it if they aren't booked to win matches probably shouldn't be given a strong push just to keep them happy. I actually think WWE has it right in pulling back on pushes on younger wrestlers and seeing how they react (and how the crowd reacts). There are some exceptions when you just need to strap a rocket to the back of a possibly underdeserving wrestler due to a unique alignment of circumstances, but trying to make sure that you only hand out prime spots on the card to performers who will be company guys isn't a bad idea.
  16. What kind of conversation about wrestling would you imagine having if you had to sit next to a fan who loved Daniel Bryan but was, at best, indifferent towards CM Punk and had zero interest in ever watching a match between the two?
  17. There's some sort of obvious joke there about Khloe Kardashian's ass and crack.
  18. Curtis Axel and a fake scion of the Anderson family?
  19. Sounds like something that way too many people will think is an awesome idea for a con in Seattle. Go as Count Vertigo and Lady Shiva and interact with them. What else has been suggested and what is the problem with those ideas?
  20. It's not being released in the US, but if it were, is there anyone who would be interested in the 7" Asus Fonepad?
  21. Now that Matt Morgan has been released from TNA, that's a guy who I think would fit in as a Paul Heyman guy.
  22. Would it be a great dick move if HHH tried to hand Daniel Bryan a newly re-instated cruiserweight title and appoint him as the new champion? Then book him in a match against the last champion?
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