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Lazlo Woodbine

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Everything posted by Lazlo Woodbine

  1. Land's End is yet another promotion, run by Sai. Fuck knows about SPE, it seems to only exist as a twitter account pimping Sanada. Just saw that line up.
  2. What from his singles matches would you recommend? Is much available for free online? I remember a couple of years ago folk were talking him up so I watched a couple of his matches and didn't think he was very good at all, like some US super indy tribute act. Thought the team with Dante worked well though.
  3. Mastiff vs Damo from ICW was on youtube last I looked. There are at least 2 Rampage/Damo matches from Discovery, the second being a last man standing match that I adored. There was a tag match with Crusher Craib I liked a lot, and anytime Damo gets to manhandle Joe Hendry or Lou King Sharp is worth seeing. Edited to add this, because it might be overlooked. I'd say it shows off what Damo can do pretty well.
  4. Hideki Suzuki is great, loved the whole Suzuki gives no fucks that he is Wrestle-1 champion thing, but it seems his dispassionate crushings of KAI and Hama have been removed from the internet. I think he's a guy that would appeal to a lot of people on the board. Check this out. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x32dcur_daisuke-sekimoto-vs-hideki-suzuki-zero1-7-24-2015_lifestyle
  5. Fair enough then. It's not really distracting, just a bit jarring when the names are announced.
  6. What's the deal with NXT guys having versions of indie wrestlers names? Like, I still can't hear the name Baron Corbin without thinking of Darin Corbin. Now I'm catching up with the show and here's this Elias Samson chump most likely named after Sam Elias, who I just found out is Coey Graves' brother making it even stranger really. Samson totally looks like a young Macho Man though, has the sad eyes and everything. Too bad about the shite gimmick.
  7. Loved them when I was a kid. Even with the bondage gear and the monster paint they looked recognisable, like guys your dad worked with or something. Hard guys ground down by hard lives, slightly pudgy and past their prime. Those guys would surely agree to dress up as fetish clowns if it meant getting to look tough in front of big crowds. All time great theme tune too. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6y9tf_hart-foundation-vs-demolition-summe_sport
  8. Yeah, I'd never seen it before. It looks like he takes offence to a kick coming too close to his balls and just goes apeshit. EDIT: Marty, if you're just trying to post a gif, unless it's some odd file type then it's just the same as posting other images.
  9. King Kong Karhula wants to take Harley Rage's Swedish title back to Finland. Booooooo. It could have done without the cameraman staying on Harley while he wedged his upper body under the ring for juicing purposes. It really kicks into gear from there though. Starts after 1:37:00 Enjoyed this too, Joey Kaos in 2015!
  10. How about baby Sabre against junior Jimmy Havoc? Speaking of really young wrestlers, Kidd Myers here is only 15, and looks like he has a future. British Brawler is the dude from that recent Yuki Ishikawa match, They both train under him.
  11. Man, there are a couple of guys primed to pounce as soon as Villars hits the floor there. Look at that sneaky fucker getting a stomp in.
  12. Kind of surprised you'd mention those ladies and not Nixon Newell. She's younger, prettier (IMO) and more spectacular than what I've seen from any of those. She's understandably not as polished as Nikki Storm, but I'd say she's got the brightest future of any of them. Best of 2015 music video Oh yeah, she's good too, it wasn't meant to be a comprehensive list at all. I realise looking at that list now that it's quite centered on a handful of promotions, I'll happily take any recommendations.
  13. I'm real partial to this. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbukoi_arn-anderson-vs-steven-regal-wcw-su_sport http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbulcn_arn-anderson-vs-steven-regal-wcw-su_sport This too. Love this, but the video quality isn't great.
  14. Only if next Friday gets to be fat friday. Who am I kidding? Every day is fat wrestler day.
  15. He's the Mongolian distributor for Yokohama tyres or something like that. It came up in a thread ages ago.
  16. No memory of that at all, though it's been years since I saw that stuff.
  17. I think this makes me steve's arch-enemy or something.
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