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Skeeball Wizard

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Everything posted by Skeeball Wizard

  1. Man, Undertaker's bachelor party must have been bonkers!
  2. He did send Undertaker to the hospital. The Undertaker is also old as shit. Concussions are pretty horrible at any age, more so when you're older and have taken more bumps. How is that Brock's fault? Taker allegedly got the concussion on a double leg takedown did he not? That's just unfortunate circumstances more than anything. It was Austin saying he considered Brock safe because of his incredible strength, and I tend to believe Austin. I have no idea the condition of Bryan's neck, but given his history, seeing him take headdroppy stuff makes me wince. Its his body, he knows what hurts and what doesn't and he is ultimately going to have to deal with that himself.
  3. Im pretty sure the only way to avoid a huge backlash on Reigns winning Sunday is the Shield reformation. First Rollins comes out looking like he is cashing in, the Ambrose comes out looking like he is going to stop him. Then the three of them put the boots to Lesnar, with Heyman running the show.
  4. Well, ya know, lemme tell you somethin...only acceptable beginning to a promo/HOF speech. Growl out the "well" like Hawk also.
  5. I love that there is one visible shoe in that shoe ad.
  6. This is a tough one. I have voted for both of these guys in every round so far. Sami Zayn is the most likable babyface in the world right now and his in ring has been stellar. Nakamura is bursting at the seams with charisma and is tremendous in ring as well. Have to give the nod to Zayn, it came down to which guy I would rather watch any random match they had. Either is going to be crushed by Rusev in the finals though.
  7. Its weird that i feel the same way about WWE as i do shitty indy wrestling. WWE will more than likely be the first wrestling someone in the US is exposed to, and while there is some good stuff there, its pretty inconsistent and at worst somewhat embarassing. That will turn alot of people off to wanting to see wrestling again. Just like some kid who's first show ever is some backyard level shitbag indy with dudes in tennis shoes and khakis putting on blown spot fests. Its like a shield against potential new fans.
  8. Just because it isn't good doesnt mean it isn't profitable, just because it is profitable doesn't mean it is good.
  9. Rusev made a match against the Big Show not just watchable, but good. The man is a miracle worker.
  10. I feel like it is missing something... There we are.
  11. Boy, I'd forgotten about HHH's "I really want to be Lemmy" period. Surprised he didn't glue a couple big-ass moles on his face. This was also during Kurt's "I want to be Professor X" phase. Based on his performances Kurt has always wanted to be Professor X, if you catch my drift.
  12. I feel like they left money on the table by never addressing if he's underwater does he get wet, or does the water get him instead?
  13. DDT? Yep. A group of guys studying at a college wrestling club, which is a thing in Japan, apparently.
  14. Its was a different time. People used to wear Kikwear pants outside of shitty indy shows too. And watch Friends religiously. And rollerblade as their primary means of transportation. Ive heard, anyway.
  15. My sister called me by my real name at a show once, so i kicked the shit out of her.
  16. YES! OMG YES!I couldn't quite put my finger on what he looked like but that's it! "I'm the baby, gotta love me, even though I, look like Dusty"
  17. Lets hope this results in some bizarre Chikara-esque nonsense where the paradox of him being in two simultaneous battle royals results in him splitting into his own twin.
  18. I think it also has to do with the perception of wrestlers. Big guys used to get pushed almost no matter what, and smaller guys were jobbers. By now enough people have seen smaller guys who can work and a lot of bigger guys who cannot. It opens up the field a bit.
  19. Wow what an amazing episode of television that finale was. Just note perfect. All the subtle hidden jokes, the character endings, the reunion at the end. This has to be in the running for best series finale ever, right?
  20. Good to see him get some exposure. I like your style. You don't dick around. I feel like a real boner for missing that joke at first.
  21. You were a kid when you were younger. You probably don't appreciate movies, tv, books, food, etc the same way. I'd generally argue that being an adult broadens your perspective on matters. You don't just appreciate sweet or salty, you like sour and bitter as well. I dont disagree with what you are saying, but what I meant was wishing I could watch and not try to pick apart everything and just enjoy the ride. Not shout at the driver about every bump in the road. Obviously growing up gives you perspective and maturity and aquired tastes. Wrestling has been a staple of my life for going on 27 years, and I was just reflecting on a time when my childlike wonderment was fullfilled every time WWF, NWA, WCCW etc. came on, and wondering if wrestling itself was really that different or if jaded cynicism has taken away more than I thought.
  22. Agreed on this. Who else makes the list? I got him, Marcus Cor Von and Brian Kendrick for starters.
  23. Taking a step back here, I just wish I could watch as I did when I was younger. I didnt care who was getting pushed, I was just happy to see my favorites show up. I was thrilled if Bam Bam Bigelow crushed a jobber on Superstars or Crush was fighting Repo Man at Summerslam. I want to not care about who is "the chosen one" or who is gonna be the next Cena. I guess what I'm saying is I hate my mother.
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