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Everything posted by tbarrie

  1. I just looked at the latest spam e-mail from ShopAEW, and they're selling an Eddie Kingston t-shirt that says "Redeem Deez Nuts" with the letters coloured like the Union Jack. Do you suppose Eddie was at one point scheduled to face Miro again at All In?
  2. Wait, is there a risk of being banned for repeatedly pointing out that Luchasaurus is a God-damned dinosaur who knows lucha libre? Because if so, I intend to go down swinging.
  3. I've heard New Vegas was a comparable shitshow on launch, though I can't confirm; I first played it years later. And some of the bugs that are still in are pretty annoying.
  4. Speaking of early patches - I'd be curious to see the reaction if the game were unplayably broken on the Early Access date and didn't get fixed until after the regular launch date.
  5. One other thought: at my age, a four-hour show starting at one in the afternoon goes over a lot better than eight in the evening. Any way we can get AEW to have all their PPVs in Europe?
  6. So that was a pretty awesome show. I want to call out what a great facial expression Nick Wayne made when Luchasaurus grabbed him by the throat. I think the kid might make it in this business.
  7. Did you mean to say Penta vs Mox, winner gets a shot at Cassidy? I don't think Mox even holds a title currently.
  8. They've seen the things Fenix has kicked out of and assume he's pretty much indestructible.
  9. If we can't have a specific thread for whatever Octopus was referring to, can we have some sort of "Backstage shit tbarrie doesn't care about" thread and leave the existing AEW threads for discussion of actual AEW programming?
  10. I just want to note that Adam Cole is main eventing another AEW PPV, and not only am I planning to watch the match, I wouldn't even be upset if Cole won the world title. The Cole-MJF angle has been that good. So I guess I can't contest Drew's right to the "Chief Adam Cole hater" title any more. He's all yours, Drew.
  11. Is Shaq even still alive in AEW continuity? His last appearance ended ambiguously.
  12. Does Fight Forever appear to have any weight detection that affects what moves you can do? I'm curious if Keith Lee will be able to toss Paul Wight across the ring.
  13. Perhaps I don't remember that era of WCW well, but are we perhaps being optimistic in assuming there was a reason?
  14. Buddy Wayne probably stole the tights from HBK in '94 and bequeathed them to Nick.
  15. It also makes sense because one guy is Brock Anderson and the other is Luchasaurus.
  16. Do we have any idea how it works? Does it appear to have been coded by somebody who's actually seen a tag team match? (As opposed to, say, WWE2K22's hot tag mechanic.)
  17. So it seems the free preview of TSN+ is over, and Canadians now need to pay $8/month (on top of what they pay for TSN) to watch Rampage and Collision. This irks me.
  18. Also Jeff Jarrett. I just scanned the list of participants for '93 and I think you're right.
  19. A Takeshita vs Omega singles match would presumably be about Omega getting revenge on Takeshita (and by proxy Callis). It would in fact have emotional stakes that a trios match lacks, in my opinion.
  20. Wait, how did you wind up the only wrestling fan in the country a year later? Did you murder the classmates who laughed at you? Not judging, just curious.
  21. Makes sense, I guess. Shipping a dinosaur across the Atlantic would probably be prohibitively expensive.
  22. Is Darby vs Luchasaurus not confirmed for this show? Or is that at All Out?
  23. I watched the first episode, enjoyed it, thought the ending was surprising but convincing - but for whatever reason it left me with no particular interest in what happened next. So I guess for me it succeeded more as a short mini-movie than as a first episode of a TV series.
  24. Santo y Blue Demon Contra Los Monstruos is the fourth-greatest movie of all time.
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