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Everything posted by TheVileOne

  1. In recent times, March and April have become good periods for some big releases. The Hunger Games came out March 23 for instance and made over $400 million domestic. Cap 2 came out first week of April. Some much bigger movies are coming out in those months and doing very well. Now that that's out of the way, Batman and Superman: Now all that aside, I have a bit of a love/hate thing with Man of Steel. There are things about it I like and that are really inspired. There are other things about it I don't like at all and just do not work for me. In taking it so seriously and bringing Superman into the real world, what did not work for me was just how loose Snyder played with all the collateral damage. I hate to make a comparison to Avengers, but just in comparison there was a lot of collateral damage and buildings getting destroyed and debris, but that was at least interspersed with showing the Avengers defending and protecting civilians. Cap telling authorities to lead civilians to safety. Hulk keeping a leviathan away from a building full of people. Stuff like that. I thought there was more of an effort on how to deal with something like that.
  2. On your left, Batman and Superman. Remember the arguments we had about this a few months ago? Good times. Batman v. Superman - March 25 Captain America 3 - May 6 Captain America, how do you feel about this bro?
  3. Honestly like that fight a little better, just in terms of how guys match up.
  4. Kind of feel bad for Assuncao, but he was way too silent through all of this.
  5. Dean Ambrose still my favorite member from the SHIELD and IMHO the one with the most star potential. Who did Cesaro piss off? Went from looking like a huge star coming out of WrestleMania to another "Creative has nothing for you" guy.
  6. Well not sure if it's all just a big show of it for the public, but NSAC and UFC make it sound like there will be repercussions for the brawl. I mean I don't seriously think the fight will be called off, but I mean, that's worst case scenario in my mind.
  7. Going to the UFC 178 promotional event tomorrow in Los Angeles. Will be curious to see who is there after today's skirmish.
  8. A look back at some GOTG discussions from six months ago: I expected more than a cheap looking Whedon boner and some lame jokes. I mean if you're gonna have a tree, a raccoon and a Batista, do something more than just show them scowling. Here are the Matt Murdock set pics for Daredevil. Zero views on Netflix: I'll be curious to see what they do for Kingpin and how Daredevil will get around the city. Obviously they won't have the CG budget of the big movies, so I wonder how they get around it.
  9. I remember this, but then I remember him going back to trashing it again later. Such is the nature of trolls. I think one of my favorite moments is when Quill calls Rocket a raccoon and he just casually says, "What's a raccoon?" Reminds me of how in Ultimate Spider-Man, Rocket would get pissed when he's called a raccoon. Also when he tries to get that Ravager's eye, and Quill was just like No! And then Rocket starts cracking up and says, "C'mon, it's really important to me," like he can't hold his laugh in. Stuff like that made Rocket like a real character to me instead of like Jar Jar Binks or the awful Transformers in the Bay films.
  10. Man Need for Speed was trash. Nothing against Aaron Paul, but he was shit in it too. Had the goofiest "acting" facial expressions.
  11. You can't feasibly do Civil War in MCU and have it work. It would have to be totally different. Plus when would you do it? Thanos is right there. You can't keep him out of Avengers 3.
  12. I guess its because they first appeared in Silver Surfer and Fox has that. Not sure how it all works. Marvel apparently only partially owns Skrulls too. I mean as I recall Black Panther first appeared in Fantastic Four as well, but I guess he's established enough as his own character that he would be licensed separately and he's not classified as a "Fantastic Four character." Have no idea how all this character copyright works though.
  13. For the second movie, I'd go with the Universal Church of Truth. The Badoon works too though. There's a billion things they could do. I swear I thought the movie would end with Lonestar finding out he was a space prince. According to Gunn, Marvel does not have the Badoon. I would think they would add like Adam Warlock or someone like that for the next movie. I'd really like Captain Marvel, but I think if they do Captain Marvel at all, it will be the Carol Danvers version.
  14. That's actually a different character. Different actress as well. Melia Kreiling played Bereet. Collector's servant was Carina, played by Ophelia Lovibond.
  15. Trying to get into BlazBlue, but its tough. I don't really play the games, but I like the characters and the designs. The TV show is just so disjointed. Nothing is really explained or established. Then they have the main character just walking around doing nothing for entire episodes.
  16. Probably a $90 million opening weekend. http://variety.com/2014/film/news/box-office-guardians-of-the-galaxy-explodes-friday-for-90-million-opening-1201273774/
  17. You could be right, but I was just pointing out to Lethal Striker that if they let Alvarez leave now, he already beat the champion going out the door and the had to do a vacant title situation as a result.
  18. Wow can't believe they put that last shot there. Thought it was funny that Incredible Hulk did not get its own spotlight segment. Just choice action shots for the montage.
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