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Everything posted by GuerrillaMonsoon

  1. Frustrating game. Tempo dropped dramatically after the penalty that was line ball at best. Think the last few weeks have taken their toll. We'll always have the penalties against the cheese eating surrender monkeys though.
  2. Bret/Davey Boy/Bruce/Smith vs Yoko/Owen/Headshrinkers probably works at one of the Survivor Series for that time period. Still want the Jacques Rougeau face turn by finally using the super shockstick on Yokozuna though. That's definitely getting....some sort of reaction from what's left of the crowd six hours into an eight hour Superstars taping
  3. I'd have been down with the Bloodline angle playing out with Yokozuna in the Roman role and the Headshrinkers as the Usos instead of the mess we got in 1993. Not sure who gets the gig as Sami in this instance though. Jacques Rougeau? Brutus leaves Hogan after KOTR 93 and becomes a lackey of the Samoans instead?
  4. Curious to see what people have as the best match shown on a promotion's B or C shows? Action Zone had that obvious clique tag match from 94. Superstars less clear. It had a really good Bret vs Backlund match that started the heel run for Bob. Pat Tanaka vs The 123 Kid from late 93 is a ridiculously good sprint. The sunset flip powerbomb to the floor spot is just ridiculous for 1993. Love to hear the nominations for WCW Pro/Worldwide/Saturday Night ..even Thunder.
  5. I think it's an interesting little character point that it's the first time we've seen Hangman drinking in a long time, and it coincides with teaming with Kenny again. I'm far more interested in Jericho/Guevara than Jericho/Ospreay. Even Sami/Ospreay. Such a weird train of segments where JR looks dishevelled as shit and barely coherent interviewing Kenny re Callis. The cutaway to JR looking mildly apathetic while the beatdown occurs was a choice. Then after that, you do the Jericho/Callis angle and transfer all of Kenny's heat onto Jericho. You're left with a relatively pointless six man where most of the participants have no real skin in the game and a Jericho match no one really wants to see, presumably to avoid Omega/Ospreay happening here, and to a lesser extent shoehorning some of the main guys on to the card by any means necessary. Similar issues with the Stadium Stampede. Throw a bunch of guys in, hope for the best and to keep everyone happy.
  6. Wasn't the WCW 2000 show in Germany ended with Hugh Morris and Alex Wright becoming wacky tag partners and winning a tournament to show off Germany and US friendships? And then the next night in the US they retconned the whole thing in like two minutes?
  7. Congratulations to England. Counterattacked effortlessly all game. Bring on Saturday for third place
  8. Punk's Valentine promo to set up the dog collar match was something that immediately came to mind. Cody's Undesirable one on the first or second week of Dynamite also something I rewatched a few times. Does Le Dinner Debonair count?
  9. In fairness most of them are for the same reason, and they should be allowed to use whatever bathroom they choose to.
  10. Punk wearing the union shirt while to some extent crossing a picket line to perform... Nah, I'm not going to bring up worker's rights with him, that hasn't ended well before.
  12. I'm looking forward to Pac making the save for Orange Cassidy against the BCC, finally earning his respect after years of disgust towards OC. I suppose that sets up some sort of four way dance with both titles on the line?
  13. Lesnar choosing to shake Cody's hand and show he earned his respect after a match where he completely beat the shit out of him, implored him to stay down, got back up and luckily got back into it, instead of Brock destroying him in five-ten minutes is a better parody of the Cody TNT title matches than Omega/Sonny Kiss was
  14. Pretty much when Vince went off commentary I guess?
  15. I mean in fairness - a lot of these were studio shows taped in Stamford (Superstars in 1993), and he was doing it well into the 2010s till they seemingly forced him into wearing his Ed Hardy knock off gear.
  16. Why did anyone think it was a good idea to have Jerry Lawler in his wrestling gear commentating from a studio or even ringside for twenty odd years? A fifty year old man in tights with his weird ass salami nipples out obsessing over the ladies for three hours really goes in that "embarassed to be watching around non fans" pile
  17. I came in to point out the 4 sold out shows they did in Australia in October 2000, as well as some really good shows in Germany and the UK around that time as proof that the company still was viable. Never heard this story though: https://www.thesportster.com/wcw-sold-out-tour-of-australia-lost-money/ The reboot was good in theory - it just sprinted through three months of storylines in a single night and again on PPV a fortnight later. My view was that Thunder was the impetus for the decline of the promotion. A second show could have worked had a) it was not three hours and b) they'd appropriately reviewed all relevant contracts to work out sustainable costs and who would viably appear most weeks rather than most of your top guys having a maximum amount of dates per year to work around. Instead they had this huge albatross that guaranteed huge roster costs as a necessity and produced awful content as a result. Hindsight being twenty twenty, repackaging WCW Saturday Night was the way to go.
  18. I wrote pretty much exactly that perspective about half a dozen posts up re Misawa/Kawada. It doesn't stack up at all when you realise that constantly dropping guys on their head for transition spots lead to him dying. It's not what I want in a match to enjoy. My comments on the Shibata match were completely limited to how poor the commentary and layout of the match were. If I'm mistaking a preconceived match layout/spot/structure for something that was a legitimate injury, then I'm absolutely in the wrong. It looked like the finish to me, rather than calling an audible because of what occurred.
  19. Yeah, no, that's not how it works. Reread Noflips post who went to far too much detail explaining it for you to just ignore it.
  20. Oh fuck right off. That's clearly not what I'm referring to, and it's pretty disingenuous to suggest otherwise.
  21. I think it's Warrior at Mania, when you consider what he has to work with and the story told. I'd also put up the Bret match on SNME as a contender.
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