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Matt D

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Everything posted by Matt D

  1. Has anyone ever seen Mae Young matches from before the Attitude era? Moolah stuff isn't so hard to find but I've never seen Young from the 50s etc.
  2. We do not speak ill of the walking dead.
  3. For DEAN. I think these are Headhunter L and Headhunter M: Why did they show that reply over and over. Even with the narration I can't tell what's going on.
  4. He should be pretty fresh when he coems back though.
  5. Aw, that was like the divas curtain call, just you know, with a superkick. Also, I just saw the clipped version but I liked that the Rhodes Bros won with the Disaster Kick instead of one of their usual finishers.
  6. I'm curious to see what you have in mind? No wonder you can't figure out character development in WWE characters without them shoving it down your throat. What do they teach kids today? Suddenly PPV become a hell of a lot less important as something to get people to drop 55 dollars at a time on. Maybe TV ratings are a lot more important instead depending on the contract and when everything comes up. I think they were likening themselves to NASCAR and that sort of money would be a huge increase over what they're getting now. No, now they need to convert 200k people paying 60$ into 1.2m people paying 10. They're going to need to differentiate the two products significantly. Then we get better PPVs! What the hell, I'll take that too.
  7. I'm curious to see what you have in mind? No wonder you can't figure out character development in WWE characters without them shoving it down your throat. What do they teach kids today? Suddenly PPV become a hell of a lot less important as something to get people to drop 55 dollars at a time on. Maybe TV ratings are a lot more important instead depending on the contract and when everything comes up. I think they were likening themselves to NASCAR and that sort of money would be a huge increase over what they're getting now.
  8. Sorry, was putting the baby to sleep. So yeah, the monthly PPVs are now no longer shows that they expect people to dump fifty or sixty or whatever a month on. It's part of a ten dollar a month deal that they're not just expecting but encouraging their fanbase to commit to. Now factor in how important the new tv contract upcoming is to them. Something's going to give. That's all I'm saying. I'm curious what Jae had in mind.
  9. You realize this changes what we'll get on TV every month if not every week. Without the old PPV model, everything changes.
  10. It's not hard to get that stuff. I want WWF Mania and All American.
  11. He is onto something though. Wether it be heel or face I would love to see him ditch the Goldust gimmick and have one more run as "The Natural" Dustin Rhodes before he's done. Who knows if he'd even want that. And yes it is a point of contention. I really think Too Cool are/were shite wrestlers. Maybe this is because WCW had Rey, Eddie, Ultimo, Malenko, etc and the WWF had Too Cool, TAKA, and Essa Rios. For a Jr. division it wasn't even close. Rikishi was quite good but the stinkface got so tiring at the end. Man, I love Dustin the Natural as much as the anyone but I saw some of his mid 00s stuff as Dusty Rhodes, Jr, and while some of it was good, there was just something missing. I remember in 98-99 really wanting Surfer Sting back but that would have just been offputting in retrospect. Sometimes you can't go home again. All you can do is make the home you have as awesome as you can. Also, man, I watched the 97, 98 and the start of the 99 Rumbles over the last few days just for kicks and the crowd for the 99 one is just a bunch of fratboy douchebags with self-centered signs. I've never seen a crowd easier to visibly hate within a matter of minutes. They are not a good indication of anything. That said, the much more even crowds in 97 and 98 sat on their hands the whole time so that wasn't good either. All THAT said, can we please just agree that it'd be great if we could have great characters with great motivations giving us the kind of matches we are having these days and it's a shame that the writing crew can't pull that off and the wrestlers aren't given the chance to shine and/or don't have the charisma. I mean it really doesn't have to be an either/or. Ideally we get both. It sucks we don't right now, but we do get is pretty good, just like what we did get in 98-99 was pretty good too. And what we don't get now is disappointing, just like what we didn't get then was too.
  12. Psychological edge. He still does the little biting of the air and hands on the chest taunt and what else. I could go more into depth but there's really no need. That's part of his ringwork too.
  13. He's the world tag team champion having one last chance at the spotlight and getting to do it with his brother. All of that #brotherhood stuff. The mutual respect after the four way with Show and Rey, the way he fights back out of the corner against the Wyatts, the way he works the corner lighting the crowd up for the hot tag like a guy who's not just wrestling but really cares. Not only is it there, but Dustin's a good enough wrestler that he can portray his character almost entirely through body language and what he does in the ring. That's why those Goldust chants happen almost every show, no matter where they are, which you seem to be missing entirely. It's all on the screen, right down to the crowd's reactions. You might have an actual point somewhere within your ridiculous tomfoolerfy but not about Dustin in the last few months, as late as this week. Argue about someone else, because you couldn't be further off the mark here.
  14. They could give him a cool Captain America themed entrance though.
  15. Isn't the consensus that Dolph would do well in NJPW right now?
  16. Whoa. There's a Dusty Rhodes/Herman Munster thing here that needs to be explored more.
  17. The answer is more six man matches.
  18. I care enough for both of us, big guy.
  19. No one else just does a simple power bomb right? They have the triple power bomb. Why can't he just do a simple one? I guess Cena does now and again.
  20. I had a big post and it was all about not having wwe stock and how we're arguing personal preferences instead of something objective and how basically people are arguing what they want to hear instead of what people are saying and how it's devolved, but fuck it. I'm just posting this instead.
  21. No one's arguing that. Some people have decided to argue against it as if others were. Some people have decided to give the rest of us a migraine.
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