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Yo-Yo's Roomie

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Everything posted by Yo-Yo's Roomie

  1. Just photoshop Hogan's head onto Savage, so it looks like Hogan is posing with his waxwork. But also shop a world title belt onto the real Hulkster. And have waxwork Hulkster holding a bass guitar. EDIT: Brother.
  2. Nash is totally no-selling the vanilla midget.
  3. There's talk within WWE that the man behind The Bunny costume will be Darren Young. That's who I was thinking. Don't know how that would go over with the crowd though. He wasn't exactly being pushed before he got injured.
  4. Leading to Steph saying fuck it, and doing it for them.
  5. More important question: why doesn't the WWE protect guys and play to their strengths? That's the thing I don't get either. It seems they go out of their way to make guys look like idiots. I remember when they put The Hart Dynasty on commentary and it was cringe worthy. On the one hand, yes, The HD should learn to talk better and sell themselves better but on the other hand, they clearly weren't ready for that sort of thing and were awful talkers, so why even put them in that position in the first place? Why not give them a manager or a valet? Thing is, Tyson Kidd is back in NXT and week by week has become better on the mic. He's not amazing, but he's good at portraying his character and would be fine in that spot on commentary now. What WWE needs to do is not pull guys up to the main show so quickly where they are going to get lost in the fray anyway; some of these guys get killed right off the bat by being put into situations that they need more practice in. The worst part about that is that it wasn't just Kidd and Smith being put in a situation they shouldn't have been in, it was them being put in a position they shouldn't have been in, and then Michael Cole pointing out to everyone how terrible they were in that situation. The whole thing was set up to expose them. Sometimes I think JBL is the worst commentator ever, but then I remember heel Michael Cole.
  6. Scott Steiner may have been the only relatively fresh face who was close to being a believable challenger at that point. He was really over as a heel, and was doing some great work. Plus, we later learnt that he had great chemistry with Goldberg.
  7. Goldberg's whole title reign was booked poorly. I think they should have built Bret up as the one to end it.
  8. Definitely Black Blood, because BJH had been away from the national scene for a few years at that point. What the hell was that gimmick supposed to be exactly, anyway?
  9. I love showing people the finish of that match. I believe Hercules may have been on his way out? On the powerbomb he puts his hands behind his head as if lounging, basically chills during the pin, then rolls out, basically no selling it as if he's saying "Alright, fuck it, I'm going home." Yeah, that was him 'doing the honours' on the way out. Glad to see Herc, or TMH, as I call him, getting some love here. Very underrated dude.
  10. Everyone has a really fun Sheamus match. Seriously, try it. The Great Khali? Really fun Sheamus match. Jinder Mahal? Really fun Sheamus match. That social media guy Del Rio slapped the shit out of? Really fun Sheamus match. Frankie the parrot? Really fun Sheamus match. It's uncanny.
  11. Bret said on Live and Kicking that he just assumed the footage would be reviewed, and the belt returned to him. Talk about misguided faith in the system.
  12. Surely it's between Russo and Nash. Most would probably give it to Russo without a thought, but that Nash era was so bad that it really runs Russo close.
  13. Taker had that coat as well as the hat, so he was doubly useless. I hated the figures where the legs weren't separated. Can't put a sharpshooter on those things. Bret Vs Marty Jannetty- always a stalemate.
  14. So AJ is doing Tommy Dreamer's old gimmick now?
  15. When was Kane feuding with Rey-Rey (when he had the mask in the burlap sack) and teaming with Mike Knox?
  16. Stephanie was de facto face in their feud after Brie turned out to be awful at acting. I could see some sociopaths rooting for Nikki out of spite. I can understand people preferring Nikki or Steph because they think they're better performers than Brie, but I don't see how anyone can think that they were the babyfaces, or sympathetic, or justified in their actions, in those feuds, which I've seen a few people say.
  17. Wyatt has been booked like shit for months, and it's a pretty depressing sign of the times when people are defending it, and even spinning it into 'look how much they think of him letting him trade wins with Jericho and get beat by Cena'. What happened to protecting people you think a lot of?
  18. I worry that anyone who sides with Nikki in this feud might have slight sociopathic tendencies. I actually thought that was a good segment, but fail to see any way in which Nikki comes off as sympathetic. I also really liked the Swag/Rusev match. They have good chemistry. Disappointed in no Henry follow-up though. Overall, I thought Raw was a pile of shit. JBL seemed worse than ever on commentary, and the direction they went with Cena, not to mention the sacrificing of the Wyatts, just cast a terrible shadow on the show. Shame, because Summerslam and the fall-out had me really hopeful about things going forward. As an aside, I really hate Bo Dallas. I just see absolutely nothing in the guy, and he actually really creeps me out (and not in a good heel way).
  19. It's besides the point to talk about the specifics of Cena's beatdown vis a vis Swagger's or anyone else's. The point is that Cena got dominated in that match like no defending champion ever has before, and it would only be prudent to sell the effects of that, both physical and mental, for at least a couple of weeks. Wrestling doesn't have to be consistent across the board. That's the beauty of a scripted form of entertainment. You can bend things in order to tell a more compelling story. Cena getting brutalised, then coming back 8 days later better than ever is less compelling (to me at least) than Cena getting brutalised, followed by an extended period away to put over the effects of the match, and to make it stand out from just any old beatdown.
  20. There's not that much to it. A bit of comedy, Khali is about to kill him, then Finlay makes the save. That was Finlay's babyface turn.
  21. I had those Shawn Michaels criticism threads in my favourites list (actually, still do, but obviously there's nothing there now). Really good reads. The WON HOF folder over at Classics is what really got me thinking differently about wrestling, and challenging conventional wisdom. That's really a different topic though.
  22. I'm more bummed that Jean-Pierre Lafitte was bumped from the BodyDonnas.
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