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Curt McGirt

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Everything posted by Curt McGirt

  1. Murakami has to be a bouncer at a really sleazy Roppongi District nightclub owned by the Yakuza who gets paid by getting to beat the shit out of people in public. Partially, anyway. I don't want to know what the other half of the payment is.
  2. I don't know who posted this before in the metal thread but they deserve some kudos; I finally got around to listening to it and it's almost as good as its album cover. Watch out for those lyrics though because they will seriously creep you out. I advise not looking them up at all honestly. The only other lyrics that have disturbed me as much are the ones to Dead Infection's A Chapter of Accidents. This was recommended to me last night and is pretty good also. I need to give it a couple more listens though. EDIT: I also got ahold of this to continue my mind's Riotization. Mike DiMeo is certainly no Guy Speranza or Rhett Forrester (goddamn, how many people have died in this band?!) but he's decent enough. Meanwhile, Bobby Jarzombek absolutely rips it on the cans.
  3. It better be a tope con hilo from the balcony this time. Gotta raise the bar.
  4. The Racial Draft is ignoring the Hulk (Orange) Delegation. In honor of that, White Delegation gives him the Insane Clown Posse for no trade at all.
  5. Then let's keep it wrestling at least. Black Delegation taking Nakamura and Okada is a decent horse trade. But if you went for Nakamura and Suzuki (because the hair, obviously), that might be a bit much. If I was Asian Delegation I'd want to get rid of Okada myself. EDIT: Hair and general badass-ness. Okada is fake bling. EDIT II: White Delegation is always trying to speak for Black Delegation. What else is new
  6. BTW, don't look up Raven De La Croix if you're at work folks. Or do, if your work is sans paunts.
  7. Oh you just had to edit that after I looked up Raven De La Croix. She was married to Greg Valentine, White Delegation has an IN~!
  8. Hey, did you not read that last sentence? Native American Delegation has a better chance of pursuing Pam. Actually, Native American Delegation should request any white person they want.
  9. Fucking wrestling bubble. Pam Grier is right there and all of you start talking about Jackie. Of course, anybody in their right minds knows THAT trade is well off the table.
  10. In other news, White Delegation has just traded Donald Trump for Chapo Guzman, because White Delegation needs an efficient drug dealer, and having Donald Trump's head on a stick is a good trade EDIT: please read that in Paul Mooney's voice
  11. Oh WCW, always managing to talk about dumb shit and other wrestlers over a perfectly good match. "Those wacky guys in the face paint the Insane Clown Posse" haha Hey Blitzkrieg, Lucha Underground might be shooting again, you always have a job waiting for you there. Also, did we put Eddy in the lottery for "best brainbuster ever" when we were talking about that awhile ago? Because his is right up there with Hash and Murdoch for sure.
  12. In a hilarious coincidence a racist asshole who was a manager at the store I work at got the Hogan treatment yesterday for pulling the very same shit. EDIT: Well, I mean, he didn't have a sex tape. But he's trying to get another manager fired for showing a picture of a guy's ass who she fucked on her cell phone to him so HEY! There's another parallel!
  13. Goddammit I was gonna post that picture but I was going by Rippa's "no giant photos" rule. And I am out of likes of course hahaha
  14. I'll bite the bullet and do the Dailymotion. Guess I must be banana! http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x21qilj_wwf-msg-1979-bob-backlund-vs-pat-patterson_sport http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6kvsb_andre-the-giant-pat-patterson-vs-ke_sport http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xy6pyo_wild-samoans-peter-maivia-vs-pat-patterson-tony-atlas-ivan-putski-msg-may-19-1980-2-out-of-3-falls_sport I also found Angelo Mosca hitting Pat with a metal water pitcher and calling him "little blue boy" but yeah, you don't need to see that.
  15. I love this album so so much. Frenzied as well as doom-ridden. Go look them up in Google image search to see what they dress like. I've been there live and seen it. How you perform with 60 pounds of nails, spikes and leather hanging on you, and still stay standing, I have no idea. The singer and bass player are the infamous Hardrock Broderna, twin brothers who are the biggest Iron Maiden fans and collectors in the world. For something a little lighter but just as awesome, I was reminded today by a big fan about how great this album is. Riot had many eras through their career (and continue to, RIP Mark Reale) and this is one I'm least familiar with and need to delve into deeper. "Angel Eyes" is a stunner. (PS this is a playlist video and the whole album will play through if you let it)
  16. With all the tags and the hate that's going on I'd lean more towards early '90s All Japan for a proper wrestling reference. Wishful thinking, I know, but there is a parallel. Sasha just needs to keep reminding me of Kawada with Tamina as her Taue.
  17. I hope this isn't a stake through the heart of China, IL. That's one of my favorite things on Adult Swim.
  18. Hey Schneider, more lucha and old stuff? Maybe you want to watch this first. Yeah Puroresu ain't dead, just like Punk Rock... it is and it isn't, and will be for eternity.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5sCTOnwx8g ...
  20. I have a horrible feeling that that is Tenryu taking the blast that Onita himself should be taking. Please say no. In searching results for that I found this (thanx BAHU) Megumi Kudo as Elsa from Frozen and you know who as himself EDIT: Whew, cagematch.de told me no. But now I want to know what this is as well:
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