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Everything posted by Zakk_Sabbath

  1. I had completely forgotten that game and googled it only to find that there was a Switch remaster a few years ago, just FYI if you didn't know (I certainly had no idea)
  2. I loved these WWE docs when they first started making them on DVD and including matches and stuff, but it's obvious now that their revisionist history has done more harm than good. An entire generation has heard only their side of the narrative and it's led to some really weird shit
  3. Speaking of which: the BALLS on Europe, man. I saw reports they wanted $50K per play for The Final Countdown. In 2021!!
  4. Coles theme is delightfully close to being a Jimmy Hart-ized version of the UE theme and I'm living for it. Maybe a little more RATM-like than the original, which I am digging. Danielson's has potential, but I think it's one of those themes that will get real good on like, the third remix.
  5. Tony mentioned making a massive investment into their video game division, and part of me wonders if part of that means licensing not only legends but NJPW, Impact, and NWA wrestlers.
  6. I think this is why I was so into the Bear Country signing, they come pretty close to filling that void
  7. It might be a bit of an overstatement on my part as I enjoy this post-show buzz, but I honestly think this is eventually going to be looked at as a BATB '96 or WM XIV type of night.
  8. This one delivered big. Like, "where do we go from here?" big, which is a good problem to have.
  9. I didn't realize she was hiding ink in those chinos!
  10. Agree 150% with your post, but just wanted to make a slight amendment
  11. I was saying when they were lowering it that I bet we get him spraying someone thru the cage, they didn't even wait for the PPV!
  12. O/t but I can't allow the FAN to be discussed without posting this: https://youtu.be/kS34hMBbOXc
  13. @NikoBaltimoreI had to see some of it because it auto-played when I reported the tweet, and I feel very much the same way you do. But definitely don't beat yourself up for being curious, you're only human and it's completely understandable. My anger was more directed at the guy for posting it and for Twitter for still hosting it (no idea if it's still up, and not going to check for obv reasons). If you feel like you need to talk about it in a judgment free way, my inbox is always open for you (and anyone else reading!) I always feel very cornball saying that but now is as good a time as any.
  14. I'd love if the game had like super-great next gen graphics, but inexplicably there's a little low-res Funker cartoon popping up in the corner of the screen like Mark Curtis in Revenge
  15. Just real quick because I wouldn't feel right not addressing this: some person on Twitter is keeping that video up against her family's wishes. He's kinda doing it under the guise of "it may help someone" but it's pretty gross to me, I dunno. I won't link it here but it's pretty easy to find if anyone feels like they want to report it. I wasn't sure myself if I was going to, but I felt like it was the right thing to do. For one thing, I think it's pretty exploitative, and for another, I think it's messed up to show someone at their absolute lowest moment - that's notwithstanding the fact that this literally *just* happened.
  16. Awful, awful news. I've been dreading hearing this today. After a lack of anything last night, I kind of figured this is what happened. Truly fucked up.
  17. This is gonna be my first PPV on PS5, I'm extremely nervous about this. Last one we did was on Xbox and it completely failed so I had to switch to Roku within 10 mins of the buy in starting. Edit: There's no BR app for PS5. Roku it is.
  18. https://twitter.com/Imparter_Conor/status/1433414077045424139?s=19
  19. I honestly think it would have been 1000x better if Billy Gunn had been in the QT role the last few months. I get he's Cody's buddy and it's probably a little thank you run for doing Dynamite tapings at the Factory during the beginning of the pandemic, but oh my Goddddddd
  20. I could see the Bucks retaining on Sunday and dropping to PnP in NYC
  21. As someone who is going to be in that crowd, I cannot emphasize enough what a relief this is. Nothing's ever going to be 100% safe again, but this goes a long, long way with me. I don't know if this was the city's call, the venue, or AEW but kudos to them for doing what needs to be done.
  22. That's still pretty damn good company to be in!
  23. Now is not the time, but when the time comes, I think Shida will be the first 2x Women's World Champ. They've been keeping her so far away that, for me, it actually went beyond "What's the problem with her?" and full circle into "They must have plans for her." Total speculation.
  24. Yeah, I figured that was some BS newz stuff once I saw the part that said it was J.R.'s idea. Regardless of what one thinks of his current output, the whole reason he signed is because he felt he could still do it full time, so that didn't jibe
  25. Not being funny, but I havent seen much of them after NXT, how are they in the ring currently?
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