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Everything posted by jaedmc

  1. I'd actually be fine with Valentine as is, especially when he incorporates fat-boy offense like stepping on a guy's back on his way to a tag. But it's pretty obvious he's not just being methodical - he doesn't have the energy to move.
  2. If Greg Valentine lost 40-50 lbs, and just did matches where he works over flippy guys he'd be my favorite wrestler right now.
  3. Austin has Hogan down with a stunner, DDP sneaks in and hits him with a cutter, Hogan drapes his arm over for the 1-2-3. Then we get the Diamond Cutter vs. Stunner feud that every 15 year old boy wanted at the time, before Austin gets his win back from Hogan in a one on one match at Wrestlemania. Vince masturbates furiously.
  4. I can't decide how I'd rather it be booked. If we mix up the faces and the heels on each team, you get this kind of drama as to who can work together with who. I feel like I'd rather have like a pure Face vs. Heel match. Like if the NWO jumped over and fucked with Austin, who are the faces he'd choose to have his back? Or if Heel Rock started calling out Sting on Nitro, who'd be cool to see with the Rock. BLOCKED
  5. What did their roster look like? I'm looking at a list that looks like this: http://renardo6.tripod.com/WWF.com/id12.html So Austin, Foley, Undertaker, and Angle. And with the guys they brought in from WCW they'd have to switch some dudes over to make it interesting, like Big Show and Jericho w/ Booker T and DDP. Or are you talking about pre-buyout? Because that's way more interesting.
  6. Alls I know is that Dwight Howard is finally signed to a team so there is no reason for him to continue popping up in the news during the offseason.
  9. Well sure, but Roadies do stuff that the Nasties coudn't do. Like look jacked up and badass with face paint. You put face paint on the Nasties and you get a weak ass version of Headhunter A and B
  10. How many would say the Road Warriors are better than the Nasty Boys? Because I'm not a big fan of the Nasties, and as a kid I loved the Road Warriors. I still have the foam replica shoulder pads on a shelf in my office.
  11. Pretty bummed about Karen Black, but man did she work with a ton of talented people. She may not be mainstream popular, but holy cow would I love to have a career in which I work with Altman, Hitchcock, Jack Nicholson, Dennis Hopper, Bob Rafelson, and a boat load of talented actors.
  12. I saw Another Day in Paradise when it hit video way back when. Between that, Kids and Bully, I thought Larry Clark was going to have a pretty decent career, but I don't know what the hell that guy has done since then. Finished Riki-Oh today. I don't think it'll make it on. Maybe. It's just about perfect, though. I wish I had seen it with my friends in college because it would have been an experience that would give it that nostalgia edge. Ran into copies of Double Life of Veronique and Vanya on 42nd St. at the Library. So it looks like I'm all locked up now. I reeeeeeally wish I got Nobody's Fool in. Won't have time to get it in from the Netflix. But I will say I'm pretty pleased with the list I've got right now. I would have liked to rewatch some of them, like Quiz Show and Schindler's List, but just couldn't get around to it.
  13. Becoming a wrestler seems like the absolute worst thing you could do if you love wrestling.
  14. Monsters University is fascinating. I didn't realize it was about how Mike's entire young life revolved around becoming a scarer. With the first film in mind, we know that whatever he does in this movie he will ultimately fail at that goal. It's kind of sad and tragic, but it makes his eventual rise to Comedian Monsters even more poignant. It is enhanced by the plot of Monsters Inc, while at the same time enhancing the original's story. Pretty neat. The set pieces aren't nearly as creative as the original - there's nothing as dramatic as the final door action sequence - but I find its entire concept and how it relates to the original really cool and worth checking out if you liked the original.
  15. Bill Murry George Clooney, John Goodman, Matt Damon, Cate Blanchett, and Bob mother f'n Balaban
  16. I wonder what questions we'd use for a Forum Census Age Sex Race Favorite AJ gif
  17. Reports were that he was offered $3M for 4 days of work. He wouldn't budge from $4M. Well. It's ONLY a million dollars.
  18. SEX AND PUNISHMENT: FOUR THOUSAND YEARS OF JUDGING DESIRE by Eric Berkowitz Picked by: Cliff Hanger Read and Reviewed by JaeDMC So it's taken me a little longer to read this than I hoped, because I realized I couldn't read it at the park while my son plays. I just felt kinda icky sitting around on a playground with this in my hands: Sex and how we judge each other on sexuality is a subject I have a deep interest in, so I'm really glad I got this one. Berkowitz explores how our feelings about sex have evolved over centuries by explaining laws pertaining to sexuality, and gives specific case studies when he can. He starts out 4,000 years ago with a Mesopotamian homicide trial. This case sets the tone for history, really, as its main focus is on the wife and why she didn't give up the killers immediately. Women would be getting the shaft(LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY) for pretty much ever. Women originally had god like power over men, because you know, they freaked dudes out with their supernatural baby making capabilities and ability to bleed without dying every month. So it seems pretty clear that laws were evolved to further stamp down women's status in society, until eventually they were treated like property. One crazy example: If you were a raped a virgin daughter and got caught. You had to pay the father how much she was worth as a virgin. After that the father could decide to marry his daughter off to her rapist. ADDITIONALLY! If the rapist was already married, the victim's father could require the rapist's wife be handed over as a slave that the father could beat and rape anytime he wanted. So, yeah. Looking out for the victims here. It also covers laws about homosexuality and clarifies my own misconceptions about how Romans and Greeks felt about male homosexuality. I think I just thought Romans were cool with it, and they sort of were, but they sort of weren't. It was like sport. But giving your bum up a lot and willingly was frowned upon. Kind of reminds me of how there was a study that showed that men in prison who rape other men don't think of themselves as gay, but they DO think the guy they're raping is. Which additionally reminds me of the present occurrence of the term "No Homo", when talking about how much you like or love another guy. It's weird that after thousands of years homosexuality and female sexuality still weird us the fuck out. I think we're just going to be stupid forever. The book stops in the 19th century, which I think is the right move, because holy shit he could just write an entire book about the last 100 years. However Berkowitz does a great job of chiming in to relate how little or great we've changed from the archaic laws of the past. It's just enough to get your mind relating present to past, but not so much that it takes away the focus from whatever history he's in. This is a book that is both incredibly fascinating and enraging. I couldn't stop telling my wife about pretty much everything I read as I read it. It's one of those "Did you know" books, where you can't stop going up to people and saying "Did you know between 1700 and 1820, 80 percent of the men executed in the U.S. for rape were of African decent, 95 percent of the females in these cases were white?" Fascinating factoid, but also the kind of information that pisses you off because you know exactly what was going on there. It's full of so much information that I think I'm going to buy it, because it's just too much to absorb in one reading. It's not that it was difficult to read, the prose is conversational and light. I just want it as a reference because there's just SO MUCH THERE. I'll leave you with one last image from 18th century, because I found the whole topic to be insane: This is an illustration of the last stage before you die from masturbation.
  19. Feeling slightly uncomfortable with the listing of all the black people in the "Report Weird Things" thread.
  20. What if he had a bigger offer for a movie that would shoot during the same schedule? Maybe it's not greed. Maybe it's just doing business.
  21. Over 10,000 wrestling fans just licked the Cheeto dust off their fingers dreaming of wearing Regal's jacket.
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