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Everything posted by jaedmc

  1. But what if while Cena's out they bring back Hollywood Batista. Triple H pays Batista the big bucks to just wrestle Daniel Bryan a couple of times and protect Randy Orton. The old squad back together trying to save the WWE from the shitty RoHBot invasion.
  2. That felt like it should've been sandwiched between trailers for Beethoven's Fifth and Air Buddies 3: Buddies On Patrol.
  3. So I either misspelled "Independence" or "Day". Or both.
  4. If I get a Ribera Jacket I'm sure as shit not giving it away to you bunch of assholes for March Madness.
  5. Ewwwwww you're a mark. Get it away get it away!
  6. But it means we get to see him start a match with headlock take downs and monkeyflips while JBL says something like "John Cena can wrestle when he wants to, Michael." Shit he may even do a missile dropkick if we're lucky.
  7. 2 years ago, nearly everytime I embedded a video of WWE guy the video would get pulled at their request in 48 hrs. Just long enough to cast a vote. So I figured someone was participating and then after a poll would close they'd act like they were doing their job.Oh how I wish the'd pull people posting recordings of their WWE video game matches instead. That shit is the running for most annoying part of March Madness. So many fucking video game matches.
  8. His brother made that movie about steroids! Also he's dead.
  9. ...because I just found out I've almost got a check coming to me from Google for the ads. THE NEW GENERATION ERA PROJECT IS BACK! This time..it's for the money. For those who are new to the board or didn't read the thread last time on the old board, I've been working on a project for apparently 20 years, in which I watch pretty much all of the WWF programming from 1993 to the beginning of the Attitude Era(an ending that I'm not actually sure about when it is). During this project I've discovered many things, like Matt Borne's Doink the Clown is one of the best wrestlers in the company, and that Bret Hart and Ric Flair had a really great Iron Man match that was fancam'd. Go check it out. And feel free to post thoughts about whatever you see from this era, here. So any matches I should make sure to watch as I come to them, or if you go over old blog posts and want to tell me I said something stupid, FEED ME MORE. Anyway, enough with the introductions let's go: YEAH YEAH YEAH HEAVENLY BODIES ARE AWESOME LUDVIG BORGA BLEEDS DOINK GOES HOME ALONE ON BAM BAM BIGELOW & OH MY GOD THAT'S AL SNOW! It can only be... WWF SUPERSTARS 10.02.1993: http://jaedmc.blogspot.com/2013/08/the-wwf-new-generation-era-project.html Kind of not very important show. They're moving forward with this prankster Doink push, which..whatever Bigelow is kind of the perfect foil for that, since he's agile, and would be the guy people would most be afraid of pulling a prank on for fear for dying. Lots of Mr. Nanny commercials in this. Does anyone know the time line of when Hogan was for sure gone from the company? It wasn't the night Yoko, beat him right? Were they still in negotiations at this point? I guess I could google that, but I know someone will come through. Also, anyone know a really great Heavenly Bodies match from Smoky Mountain Wrestling? I would assume they did even better work there as a top team in epic tags.
  10. The Terrence Mallick/Zoolander is no joke either. He curated a small program of three or four films recently and the main event was Zoolander. It's kind of the opposite of what you're talking about, but I LOVE looking over Roger Corman's Top 10 Criterion flicks: http://www.criterion.com/explore/201-roger-corman-s-top-10 Love that the guy who directed all this amazingly awesome schlock likes L'Aventura. David O Russel included Groundhog's Day on his Sight and Sound Top 10 films of all time list.
  11. Oh shit yeah. Kizarny would be tough as hell. Good call.
  12. I thought about that, but it has to be someone who wasn't super over. See people can always fall back on the "He made Vince lots of money!" deal. It's got to be someone who wasn't way over on a National level and never did a Missile drop kick.
  13. Vince's love of Bastion Booger is no exaggeration. He's more excited and having more fun during a Boog match than anybody else's. That's including Bret, Luger, and Taker. The only people near the same level are Men on a Mission.
  14. Chris Chetti killlllllllls Davey Richards. I was so fucking perplexed by that. And so was everyone in the building. His debut was like the last match on that RAW, can you imagine if that happened today? I don't think they ever filmed anything with him, which is a shame. I have no idea what you'd do with that, but my plan would be doing a Name of the Rose mystery angle starring Friar Ferguson and Friar 123 Kid. But I will say this, I'm kind of turning around on him and his Bastion Booger bit. It's all dumb as shit, but he really goes full throttle with it. He's like The Road Warriors of Bastion Boogers.
  15. Davey gets his ass handed to him every March no matter what guy I put him against in the first round. And I'm almost positive Big Show is one of those people who crushed him. Or it was Big Show killing Angle, which is the same difference at this point. Davey vs. Norman the Lunatic would be a more interesting poll.
  16. We've discovered a philosophy that says a wrestler is not lazy if he or she can perform a missile drop kick. This is the knew school of thought taking over DVDVR Matt, either get with it or be left behind. With this knew frame of mind, I've gone back and discovered that Davey Richards is really underrated on this board. He's incredibly not-lazy.
  17. Oh I thought Directors was between 90s and 50s. Don't mind me...
  18. Not to get ahead of everything, but we're doing Directors next, right? I was wondering how we were going to go about pimping that stuff. Maybe separate into countries? US, French, Japanese, etc? I'm sure you're super busy with this now, but just wanted to plan on filling in gaps for the next project.
  19. You'd think someone would have Ocean's 11'd that shit by now.
  20. Funny you should mention that flick, I was just talking to a friend of mine about that last week. I said when Jerry dies that movie will get a theatrical release.
  21. The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell Picked by EVA Read and Reviewed by RIPPA Years ago, I settled down to watch Battlestar Galactica. I convinced my wife to watch with me since she is just as much into SciFi and good television as I am. Well for those who have watched, you know that less than 5 minutes into the first episode, Number Six wanders around, looks hot and then kills an infant because they are squishy and stuff. Well that was it for my wife. Show has been banned from the house. Now enough time has passed that I will probably give it another shot but that wasn’t exactly super happy fun time for me either. (Also – as a complete aside – we do find the irony that the deed was performed by Tricia Helfer whose work as EDI in Mass Effect 2 and 3 is some of my wife’s favorite.) I tell this story because a very similar experience happened for me with the first chapter of The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet. Without trying to reveal… well anything… let’s just say that the first chapter involves a… troubled childbirth. And again it wasn’t super happy fun times. (And don’t argue with me that the end makes it worth it because, nope, it doesn’t. Not for me and my super sensitive Dad genes.) It took me three attempts to get past it and the only reason was so I could write this stupid review. I blame Jae. Now, I freely admit that the moment of life I was in when attempting to read this novel wasn’t the best and that contributed a lot to my – for lack of a better word – combative attitude towards the book. I also confess to having a slight biased since as per usual when you get an author like Mitchell who some will declare to you is THE GREATEST PERSON TO PUT PEN TO PAPER (or KEYSTROKES TO WORD PROCESSING PROGRAM or whatever the proper medium that he creates his craft from) because I get into that defensive YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN mode. Anyhoo – The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet is David Mitchell’s book AFTER Cloud Atlas. 1000 Autumns is basically a historical romance novel set in the 19th Century so if you are going to read 500 plus pages thinking it is going to be like Cloud Atlas… yeah… you are going to be sad. Normally I have no issues with historical fiction and you can tell that this book is INSANELY well researched (partly because Mitchell was drawing from his own personal experiences) but hoo boy is this book… dense. There are like 7 billion characters to keep track of. Jacob de Zoet – obviously the protagonist – will vanish for what seems like 100 pages at a time. Any book where I feel like I need to take notes while reading tends to get the Marge Simpson growl from me. Part of me says I will revisit it when I am in a better place and willing to give it more of a chance. But there is that part of me that won’t forget the first chapter or the work that I felt like I was putting in to read the book. So yeah…
  22. I'll have to look it over, but I might actually dig Kensuke and Hawk over Hawk and Animal.
  23. GTFO with that Mark Henry pity party that didn't get to have "a novelty". He had REALITY. He had legit claim as one of the strongest men in the WORLD. Road Warriors didn't get that. Someone sad they were the baddest dudes, and they made people believe it. Someone said Mark Henry was the World's Strongest Man because he actually was. He didn't have to make people suspend disbelief because they could just play videos of him lifting Volkswagen's and dunking basketballs.
  24. Since it got archived, it might be possible to copy and paste the old purotopia stuff like poll results http://web.archive.org/web/20130502141944/http://board.deathvalleydriver.com/forum/36-purotopia/ EDIT: Nevermind, I was teased into thinking they had the actual content of threads saved. I WAS DUPED! Sorry to get your hopes up.
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