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Kevin Wilson

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Everything posted by Kevin Wilson

  1. Now that Zelda stuff is leaking it is time for me to avoid the Internet altogether for a few weeks. It is unfortunate that I start my new job on the 6th and will be moving the weekend before, so I dunno when I will get a chance to play it. But its the most excited I've been for a game in years and I'd like to go into it as clueless as possible. Cancelling my Horizon pre-order was the hardest thing I've ever done but I knew there was no way I could play it with all the hecticness going on in my life, I'll grab it during Black Friday sales.
  2. I think Lewis has earned getting a legit Top 5 fight vs. someone like JDS/Overeem/Cain. I'm not completely sure how he'd do against those guys but I think he has earned the right to find out.
  3. Sam Sicilia has never been on my radar and from looking at his wikipedia page I can see why. How is a guy with no notable wins in the UFC in five years still in the UFC?
  4. My favorite card set each year is BBM True Heart 2017. Partly because I am a Joshi fan, and partly because I think the autographs are among the best available. First of all, they are all on-card autographs, which I prefer over stickers. Secondly, it isn't uncommon for them to draw a picture, and minimally they actually sign their full name and not just initials like some WWE wrestlers do. A box retails in Japan for around $70, each box has 20 packs with six or seven total autographs. Here were my autographs from the first box I opened: Hikaru Shida and Syuri are my favorite tag team, so having their dual signed card is great. And Emi Sakura always draws a little picture on her autographs which is a nice touch. A great set of cards.
  5. Bills fans coulda told ya that 12 months ago. He really started going downhill in 2015, some thought it was just lack of interest but it felt like more than that.
  6. I'm just curious, do you guys that have high data caps actually use it? I I only have I think 1 GB with my plan but I never get close to it, as 99% of my life I am somewhere that I sign into WiFi (home or work). I mean I don't stream much anyway but if I did, it wouldn't use my data. I would think it would be a very small percentage of people that actually need high cap or "unlimited" data.
  7. I always wanted to try Tower of Guns or Guacamelee, if you still have them I think I have most of the rest myself. Quality games in that bundle.
  8. Welp I got the job. So adulting starts.... now. Anyone wanna buy an underwater condo?
  9. I don't like the Azumi jump either, but Momo's injury put them in a tough spot since their roster is so thin in the middle. Its a home-grown stable so they weren't going to use a Freelancer, and really no wrestler on their roster made sense. But they didn't want to keep it as just a tag team. I'm not sure what I would have done in that situation. Azumi hasn't really progressed much, I know she is young but she's really done nothing to be part of what is in theory the main "heel" stable. She is so small that she can't be taken seriously, and as of two months ago she wasn't even the top "rookie" in the promotion per the promotion. Just last month she was losing to rookie Natsuko Tora in the opener. As long as they keep using Konami I won't complain too loudly, but it will probably just mean one more skippable match as I can't see Azumi suddenly improving enough to be seen as a real threat to any current mid-carder or Gaijin.
  10. It is so expensive though ($60 a month now apparently) it seems more designed for people that like to watch on more devices than people looking to save money.
  11. I applied for a job up in Northern Virginia, interview went well and from what they said I figured I have at least a 50% chance of getting it. Which is about as confident as I think one can be after an interview as there are too many factors I don't know about. Assuming the pay is good, which I think it will be, I'll have an incredibly hectic two weeks to prepare if I get a job offer and accept it. Since I own my condo, in very short order I'll have to: Set up/attend a meeting with my "mortgage company" (previous owners) and try to re-finance, currently I pay too much per month to rent it without taking a loss. Currently underwater, selling isn't an option. Set up/attend appointments with rental companies, as since I'll be three hours away I don't want to manage it when I do rent my condo. Pray it isn't too expensive. Find a place to crash in Northern Virginia in case I don't have a place already when I start, luckily I have some family up there I can probably bribe. Decide if I want to rent a mother-in-law suite/basement, or rent an apartment, then find some and set up appointments to look at them. Move everything out of my condo so that I can paint/replace carpets. Find a cheap moving company since I have big furniture and I'm weak. Figure out where the hell I will keep the stuff while I find a residence. Set up appointments, etc. to get my place fixed up so I can rent it. Nothing major needs to be done, it just needs cleaning and some painting. Once a new place is found, decide if its too small for all my stuff, and if so get a storage unit. Hopefully it won't be. Move everything into my new place, find a company to help. Try not to die. Yea there will be some serious "adulting" going on if I get that job offer. Luckily since it is government related there is some red tape, I have to get government clearances and what not, so I am hoping to have more than two weeks to do all of that. I haven't started the process because 80% of the jobs I am applying for are local, so I don't want to start the process, not get the job, and then find a local job anyway. But yea it won't be a fun couple weeks.
  12. The reason I can see Holly hanging around would simply be money. I don't know what the boxing circuit paid but I think its safe to assume her checks main eventing UFC PPVs are a whole lot more than she has ever made in her professional fighting career. Its hard to turn that down. Plus she barely lost that fight on the cards, sure Cyborg would eat her for breakfast but she can still at least hang with the other women in the division. I could see her staying to try to earn another title shot. MMA fighters don't usually retire "early" (I realize she isn't young but 35 is pretty young to retire) for logical reasons (ie getting too beat up) and the UFC will still want her to stay, so I don't see her turning down a big fight if she is offered it. For every Rousey (potentially) there are a dozen fighters that stay years past their prime looking for one more glimpse of glory or to make that next big check, unless Holly has mentioned early retirement in past interviews I assume she'll hang around for a bit longer.
  13. They must feel pretty confident about Cyborg's challenge of the suspension since they heavily implied (or outright stated) that she would be the next challenger.
  14. I mean most promotions aren't really 'necessary' but I imagine after being a promoter/boss it isn't easy to just go back to being an every day Freelancer. If they have a backer it isn't really hurting anything, they will just use the same pool of wrestlers that the other promotions use.
  15. I do love my HD Antenna. I haven't had cable in about seven years, between the antenna and things like NFL Ticket I don't feel like I missed much. Only live sports on cable in HD has been an issue since I can usually "find" just about anything else I want to watch. But March Madness is always a pain since they have games on cable channels, plus oddly I do miss PTI. I doubt I'll keep it past the two months but if the stream is solid I may pick it back up when football season starts for ESPN related things.
  16. For MM, typically you have to sign in with your service provider to watch the games online, plus they have some games on TBS/TNN/Court TV/etc. during the early rounds. Which I couldn't do since I don't have any cable at all. I mean I could always find a way to stream them but I figured since it was a free promo I may as well go legit.
  17. Does anyone use Sling TV? I got a promo for two free months so figured I'd give it a whirl through March Madness. Stream seems fine, price seems fair. Not sure why it isn't talked about more unless I am missing something bad about it.
  18. Printing Plates are their own weird category, since there is one for each color. They definitely have value but not as much as a "true" 1/1 does. Sting should be one of the better selling wrestlers from that set, I'd say its worth between $75 and $100. What is great about printing plates is in WWE Undisputed if I recall they don't usually count as the "hit," its more a bonus than anything else.
  19. It sounds odd but I have known people in real life that when they got older, they lost weight and somehow it made them look worse. I mean I knew they were healthier but when you are used to seeing people more beefy, it can look off when they suddenly have loose skin and less girth. From what I have heard he isn't interested in the wrestling business anymore, which is why he doesn't ever (I don't think) show up to events in any capacity. Someone mentioned they went to his restaurant (which is apparently overpriced) but he wasn't interested in talking about wrestling.
  20. I avoid that thread because I want to stay spoiler free of everything but I know I won't have time for ME4 until the summer
  21. Anyone else picking up Horizon Zero Dawn? It has terrible timing for me personally since I know that 3/3 onward is Zelda Time, but I don't want to cancel my pre-order since the collector's edition has been sold out for awhile and that statue is nice. It looks really fun though.
  22. I'm no Cowboys defender, but Jones did arguably more than any other individual owner in the modern era to get the NFL to where it is today. Yea he made some shitty GM moves but he does have three SB rings in 30 years which is more than most owners can say. I think he is nuts, but his accomplishments outweigh his mistakes, that would be like saying Favre shouldn't be in because he threw a million INTs, the good overcomes that.
  23. I enjoyed the SD show I went to last summer, but the NXT show had much better pacing. I mean I get it, of course something being filmed for TV is going to be different but I really like the house show atmosphere. I've never been to a bad house show, I have been to bad TV tapings.
  24. I have always loved Zombie, helped by the fact he was in the best MMA fight I've ever seen live, so I am stoked that he came back after such a long layoff and got a first round KO.
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