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Everything posted by J.T.

  1. Candyman and Fallen are probably the best ones with Def By Temptation following closely behind. JD's Revenge is dated but is surprisingly suspenseful if you can get past the 70's cultural references. Alice Jubert was hotter than lava back in the day. Bones had potential that it did not realize. There is an production company called Queen Nefertari Productions with quite a few Afro-centric horror movies like The Inheretance, Holla, and Holla 2 under its umbrella, but I couldn't give those movies glowing reviews other than "enjoy them for what they are." I suppose we should also lump Leprechaun In The Hood in this pile. Too bad you included the "and with black people" criteria. Not too many people realize that From Hell was directed by The Hughes Brothers of Menace 2 Society / Dead Presidents fame which checks the "made by black people" box..
  2. I won't unlock the achievement until I complete the 15 Knife Flight challenges. I am going to use a guide and avoid the humiliation and 9/11 allegory that comes with crashing an airplane into the side of a large building.
  3. I got the juror but died in the subsequent chain explosion of the police cars at the hotel. Robert and Mark survived, so we were all good. Hopefully me getting paid but not surviving counts as "completion" of the mission so it does not pop up in my job queue anymore.
  4. Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein That was going to be my answer. Does Dr. phibes count? I would count it especially given the macabre yet humorous thematic deathtraps he put together. That shit was straight up '60's Batman stuff.
  5. I like Still Life, but Living Dolls weirds me out more. I just think that mannequins are creepy in general. I think it is because I was home alone babysitting my kid brother and sister when I was 15 and Tourist Trap with Chuck Connors and Tanya Roberts came on The Movie Channel. That movie fucked me up. My boss fucking hates clowns. He won't watch It or Killer Klowns From Outer Space. I think the clown doll from Poltergeist did him in.
  6. I fucking hate Chessman but at least you posted the only Chessman match I like.
  7. I will always steer you towards the kickass scary stuff, man. The ending of The Ten Steps is heartbreaking. I remember hugging the crap out of my daughter shortly after watching it.
  8. I have 53 gigs free so I should be good, but this tempts me to get the 320 gig HDD.
  9. It is absolutely terrifying. I don't think anyone with children can watch that and not feel uneasy. I miss the cable line-ups of the '80's and '90's, Shorts like Still Live and Living Dolls came on during the commercial breaks for Night Flight and Saturday Nightmares on the USA Network and Recorded Live was a short that came on during interludes between movies on HBO. Night Flight also featured a short film adoptation of The Open Window by SAKI (I think I even watched that film in Middle School) and I seem to remember another short called Something's Fishy or somesuch where a fresh water angler suffers the worst role reversal ever..
  10. I don't think I need the expensive flightsuit but I will probably invest in a new parachute, I crashed for about three hours after signing off last night but was awoken by some commotion in the parking lot of my apartment complex. Probably just raccoons. Couldn't go back to sleep so I knocked out Flight School for Michael and had Trevor steal the minisub. Prep work for the Merryweather Job is all done. Finally got the Downtown Cab Property Mission that hooks Franklin up with Liz. Wow, her ex-boyfriend, Alonzo, was a real asshole. I am still shit in GTA5 fistfights but I managed to pull off a counterpunch finisher without getting my ass kicked. Had an awesome Random Encounter near the Redwoods Racing Track. I wasn't thrilled about helping out a Lost biker, but the conversation provided a lot of backstory. He even talked about Trevor and some of the shit that happened in The Lost &The Damned. Switched back to Trevor and engineered the civillian Buzzard spawn on the Davis City Hall helipad. Stole the chopper and parked it at Sandy Shores. Now I have a reliable aircraft to use to fly under bridges. I'll check that box before doing Three's Company. Oh, almost forgot. SPACE DOCKER ONE MORE TIME, BITCHES~! The Spaceship Piece under the bridge near Fort Zancudo is a fucking chore to get. I had to fly a helicopter and save my game while the heli was in mid air. Took me and Franklin three parachute jumps to finally land on the bridge without clipping my chute and plunging to my death.
  11. So, this whole discussion about Occulus Chapter 3 has got me to thinking about my ten favorite short horror films. 1. Oculus Chapter 3: The Man With The Plan 2. The Ten Steps (Jesus, the payoff is my worst nightmare. I think this weirds me out so much because I am a parent.) 3. There Are Monsters 4. Recorded Live (A sentimental favorite made in the '70's! The blob made of video recording tape scared the shit out of me as a kid) 5. Living Dolls (I have always been freaked out by mannequins) 6. Proxy (SLENDER MAN~!) 7. The Contraption (Still a classic. Stars mother fucking Riff Raff from Rocky Horror!) 8. He Dies At The End 9. Mama 10. BlinkyTM Other good shit: Alma (CGI animated short that starts off sweet but turns dark in a hurry), Still Life (yet another creepy mannequin movie), The French Doors, The Boogeyman (a Dollar Baby adoptation of the Stephen King short story). AFAIK, most of these have got to be on YouTube, Vimeo, or Dailymotion somewhere. I don't really consider the various versions of the Tell-Tale Heart to be horror shorts because they were really well done. There has to be an air of amateurism in a work for me to think of it as a short.
  12. Oh, it most definitely counts, especially the sequel.
  13. Shaun Of The Dead by light years. Slither ( ) and Army of Darkness (Evil Dead 3) are tied for second. Then there are Black Sheep and Fido. There is another movie whose title escapes me right now but it is pretty much a feminist revenge fantasy about a bunch of men trapped in a building being hunted down by mutated or deminically possesed women. I think it has been on either IFC or Sundance recently. I wasn't crazy about Tucker & Dale vs. Evil when I first saw it, but it has grown on me with repeated viewing.
  14. I think the show is okay but nothing special. Tom Ellis is a good actor but the character of Will Rush is nigh unlikeable. It could also stand to take a few hints from Royal Pains and have more medical stuff thrown in since the dude is a pretty much Hank Lawson with a drug habit. I like Satisfaction but it really is a show that should be on a premium cable channel where it could be so much more risque. It is by far the tamest thing I have ever seen that had male prostitution as a sub-plot. The second season of Sirens cannot start soon enough.
  15. I always thought it was awesome. Karen Gillan does the dude's dialogue almost word for word in the big budget Oculus movie with all of the manic paranoia. She is great. I still prefer the short. It works better with the single batshit unreliable narrator. Oculus is a great horror movie but it doesn't blur the supernatural vs. insanity angle as well as the 30 minute piece that inspired it.
  16. Yeah, the 1.16 patch broke properties for sure. Not only did Franklin get access to his hangar at LSA once properties became available, the security gate near the Stunt Jump and Devin Weston's personal hangar is open for Franklin and he doesn't get a Wanted Level when he drives onto the tarmac. Came in handy when getting the Spaceship Piece on the far side of the airfield. I still nearly got my ass shot off getting the Spaceship Piece hidden at Richards Majestic Studios. The 1.16 seems to fix minor Story Mode bugs. I can now buy a Sprunk from a vending machine and I have gotten a couple of Personal Fare missions from Downtown Cab without having to resort to the "buy another property" workaround. I still haven't hooked Franklin up with Liz, though. There are more armor and fewer parachute power-ups hidden around the city than I figured. Man, when DJ Cara on Non-Stop Pop refers to herself as "the girl with the eyebrows," she isn't kidding, is she? Franklin has been attacked twice now on the road while looking for Spaceship Parts by assholes from Blaine County riding dirt bikes and four wheelers. Thank God I've only got one more of those damned Border Patrol random encounters left to run across. Even with the Buffalo S at 80% armor and bulletproof tires, the sawn-off shotguns they have tear the crap out of my car I hate it when the Security Vans pop up. I always feel compelled to rob them no matter how much money that Trevor, Franklin, or Michael has. I am afraid that if I skip one, they won't show up anymore.
  17. Hey! Watch the Oculus Chapter 3 short film on the YouTubes!
  18. Not really. You have a kid, Jae. One of these days you will find out just how fast August and September roll by. Finally watched Oculus last night. Had a flaw or two but I still enjoyed it. I will discuss it in length once we are well into the horror movie watching season. I was kinda bummed that Relativity Media owns the rights to Mike Flannigan's short movie that Oculus is based on and only included the short movie on the Blu-Ray and UltraViolet releases. I still need to go and see The Purge: Anarchy while it is still in town and showing at the budget theaters. It is hard for me because my girlfriend hates horror movies, so I have to go and see the first run stuff by myself when I can spare the time. Here's my list of shit I am going to watch / look forward to seeing as we get closer to October: As Above, As Below Afflicted DEAD SNOW 2~! The Sacrement Annabelle - The Conjuring, Part 2 Demonic The Purge: Anarchy The Babadook (if it comes out anytime soon). Horns (comes out on Halloween~!) Under The Skin (ashamed to say I let this one slip by)
  19. The DAD Zone is the best thread ever.
  20. Yep, just like Crom. I passed a business on the way home yesterday on Centrailia Road in Chester, VA called Dean's House of Hair & Nails.. Nah.. Couldn't be..
  21. Precisely. I love how people try to apply the US Constitution to a worldwide network of computers owned by public and private organizations. This is not a democracy. Behave or be dog food. Was anyone actually making that argument? I might have missed it, of course, and if I did, obviously they're wrong, but I don't actually recall anyone standing on constitutional rights, just questioning the board's policy. The Free Speech argument was made in the context of the internet in general but even so, the board's poilcy really isn't up for open debate or open question. At least not by us since we're not moderators or administrators. I've had opinions about some of the calls made in the past by mods, but I kept my opinions out of the general forums out of respect for the Playaz and admins. There are ways to question authority without being an asshole about it.
  22. Well, next in line for my OCD Replay of Story Mode is collecting Spaceship Parts with Franklin and purchasing Downtown Cab. I've already bought McKenzie Air Field for Trevor and done enough rounds of Air / Ground weapons trafficking to satisfy the Hobbies & Pastimes requirement for 100% Completion. I was surprised that I have managed to get Accuracy and Time bonuses for some of the air missions. It's only like an additional $250 total, but I am pleased that I am not the shitty airplaine pilot that I used to be... at least when it comes to Story Mode. Nuclear Waste / Submarine Parts will have to wait. I forgot that properties become available in increments and the Sonar Collections Dock is not up for sale yet in my game. I noticed that the 1.16 Patch broke Story Mode. Michael and Franklin did not have to buy their respective hangar / boat landings. They automatically gained possession of them once properties became available for purchase. Michael got access to Higgins Helitours and the marina (I bought Mike a yacht to check the "Purchase A Vehicle Online" box and parked the new DLC chopper at Mike's helipad) and Franklin can spawn airplanes at his hangar at LSA even thouugh he still gets a Wanted Level for being on the flight yard before the conclusion of the Devin Weston missions..
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