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Everything posted by Throat

  1. Seems like Olenna's pushing her to get on with it, consequences be damned. Hurry up and burn everything! She ain't gettin' any younger! Maybe don't take strategy advice from a septuagenarian with nothing left to lose.
  2. If Varys does betray her, I hope he has a good reason, like she's losing her mind like her father. What other reason would he have? As long as she doesn't become The Mad Queen, she's the realm's best bet. Wasn't Jon burned in the first season while he was fighting the wight that tried to kill Jeor Mormont?
  3. My wife liked it too, which really surprised me. She actually told me yesterday she'd like see it again. She'll have to do that alone. Though I'm not a fan of the film, I really like the soundtrack and listen to it often.
  4. The pointlessness of the game isn't just limited to Littlefinger. The threat of the white walkers makes all the political scheming and various factions battling each other throughout the series seem like a tremendous waste of time. It's like a reverse Walking Dead. There the walkers have become an afterthought and all that matters now are the different groups of horrible people fighting for power.
  5. I've already seen it. I was just curious how you'd convince someone it was worth owning. If I hadn't seen it, you would've convinced me to. Having seen it, I don't ever want to see it again. I think it would have value as a film to lend out to people, though. A real test of a friendship.
  6. Like Littlefinger said when Ned choked him in season one, the Starks have quick tempers and slow minds. Jon's a dope just like his "father." At least the Stark women seem to have learned from the mistakes of the men in their family. I wonder, is what happened with Nymeria going to happen in the books? Or was this just a cost-cutting measure? At least they didn't kill this one. And why do they cost so much? Are they actually fully CGI? I always figured they just made an actual wolf appear larger.
  7. Throat

    Twin Peaks

    I'd sure like a fourth after this season-long tease.
  8. I'm pulling for Baelish, king of the ashes that remain of Westeros.
  9. Dead of Night deserves a spot at the top just for the end of the ventriloquist segment. I saw it in a theater a couple of years ago and that bit really shook up the audience. I seem to be completely alone in hating Trick 'r Treat.
  10. Alright, now sell us on Sweet Movie.
  11. Throat

    Twin Peaks

    I hope you're right. I thought the attack from Ike was going to do it. Seemed like it almost did. He's definitely going back to normal before the end. There's footage in one of the teasers of him driving, something that seems beyond him as Dougie. At least Lynch isn't so cruel that he'd end the show without Cooper at 100%.
  12. When you list that many for one subgenre, you end up having to list a lot of shitty films.
  13. It seemed especially pointless to punish those two houses when they've both been reduced to children being in charge. I doubt those kids had much say in betraying the Starks. Plus the new head of the Umbers is named Ned! Greatjon Umber certainly wouldn't have sided with the Boltons had he still been alive. The guy was loyal to Robb even after his direwolf bit off his fingers. It was his prick son Smalljon who sided with Ramsay. Apparently Stannis told Sam about the dragonglass at Dragonstone in season five. Not sure why it was such a big revelation for him when he read about it later in a book. Must have slipped his mind.
  14. Martin, Night and Dawn are all in my top five. I'm guessing Romero's upcoming film about zombies racing cars is not going to rank for me. In the Two Evil Eyes segment of Document of the Dead, he was playing with a yo-yo as a nicotine substitute. A shame he didn't stick with it. In an interview a few years ago, he was chain-smoking the entire time.
  15. Throat

    Twin Peaks

    Yeah, this ep felt like a bunch of wheel spinning. I was really hoping the midway point of the season would be the end of Cooper as Dougie. I'm worried he's not going to come back to his senses until the end. This reminds me of all those videos the cast made about how Twin Peaks isn't Twin Peaks without Lynch back when he was going to drop out. Is it still Twin Peaks without Dale Cooper? Lynch once said he felt Cooper wasn't 100% Cooper when other people were directing during most of the second season. What percentage is Lynch giving us now? Maybe less than 5%?
  16. I hope you're right and it's just Tyrion. Holding someone important to Daenerys hostage as a deterrent would be a much more reasonable way of giving Cersei an advantage.
  17. Should we be talking about Dragonbinder in this thread? I'll spoilerize my comments on it.
  18. Jonathan Banks too, but no Michael McKean. I thought for sure he'd get nominated.
  19. Throat

    Twin Peaks

    Remember when Ontkean tried to emote after Josie died? Boy, that was rough. I'd also much prefer Harry over Frank, but I'm not going to pretend Ontkean was a good actor. He played a simple-minded small town sheriff well. When pushed beyond his limitations, it was embarrassing. Granted, I've never seen Forster have to lose his shit in anything. He's always very low key.
  20. Throat

    Twin Peaks

    But Cooper was actually trapped in the Black Lodge according to Sarah Palmer and Annie. There is something lost by it not being Harry, but at least Forster is a better actor. I'm sure Frank is at least aware of what Cooper meant to his brother and that's part of his motivation. I imagine Harry will die before the season's over. I hope that leads to a funeral that unites the town like Laura's. What a bummer if Cooper makes it back to Twin Peaks only to see his friend buried.
  21. Throat

    Twin Peaks

    So Briggs didn't age while he was in the Lodge, but everyone else has: Cooper, Laura, Leland, The Giant, MIKE. I have no doubt Cooper will come back to his senses, but what a drag that he's lost 25 years of his life sitting in a chair in another dimension. It would've been a nice consolation prize to not have aged, although of course I understand why that wasn't doable. I hope they go overboard with a happy ending to make up for it. Maybe Cooper hooks up with Audrey, as he should have 25 years ago, and moves to Twin Peaks to take over as sheriff for a retiring Frank Truman. That doesn't sound like Lynch, though. I loved the callback to Major Briggs' vision from season 2. That was one of my favorite scenes in the original series.
  22. Wow...that's quite a parting gift to remember him by. I imagine Goodwill just trashed it, which is for the best.
  23. Throat

    Twin Peaks

    Bad Coop should still be bad without BOB. In Lynch on Lynch, he clarified that the doppleganger was occupied by BOB but not possessed by him. An evil entity found a willing host who would be down for whatever awful shit it wanted to do. The general consensus seems to be that that BOB bubble-spewer was the glass box creature and also the mother referred to by the eyeless woman in the "Mauve Room" in episode three. I don't know what to think about that Laura bubble. If she was spewed out of the Giant's face, is she not really Sarah and Leland's daughter? Is she even human?
  24. Throat

    Twin Peaks

    Maybe this was a backdoor pilot for Eraserhead: The Series?
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