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Everything posted by ExcellenceofAirPollution

  1. to me she looked genuinely happy for Rhea and like she knew they just tore the house down
  2. I signed up for Peacock to watch Elimination Chamber and stuck around for WM. Other than EC this is the first WWE show (tv included) I've watched since last year's Mania, but I keep up with the product a bit via internet/podcasts/clips - First things first, the bad out of the way: the spot calling was super loud and noticeable throughout the show from the first match to the last and it really bugged me. KO in the main event when he's in the corner: "double superkick" and he proceeds to get double superkicked. Sami when he's in the corner and Jey is beating on him: "More. More. More." and not as part of the character. those are just the two freshest in my head. I know it's an open air stadium and the crowd is kind of weird and quiet at times and it's tough to mic but this was killing me and takes me out of matches. Adjust the mics or something, someone in the back watching the PPV feed had to notice it too - I'm not a Kevin Hart or a Miz fan so the first 10 minutes or so of bad comedy didn't get things off to a hot start for me - I also thought the entrance with the kids was really sweet and touching. Thought at first that meant they had to give Cena the win, give him a short run and drop it in Puerto Rico. But as the match went on I figured Theory was winning and Cena can just go backstage, tell the kids you can't win em all and to Never Give Up and they'll be fine - I was impressed with the 4 way tag because the crowd was DEAD at the start and they really managed to get them into it. Some good spots here, this turned out to be really fun and I'd rank it 3rd on action - wasn't into LP and Seth and other than the singing bit I didn't think the crowd was super into it. Seth looked ridiculous in his gear and it highlighted how hit and miss his character and performances are with me. This was largely a miss for me, while at other WM's he's been one of the highlights. I'd seen enough clips of LP's appearances (the match with Roman in particular) to know he's talented, but I'm not the audience for this. Thought it would be his brother in the costume, other than hearing the name KI before I had no clue who he was - 6 woman tag was about what I expected, maybe a little better honestly, but just there. This was my first time seeing Trish in years. I don't know how to say this other than just say it: Did she have her implants removed and then done again? She looked like 1999 Trish out there and I remember her looking much more natural whenever it was she came back with the dark hair when I was still watching semi-regularly. - I absolutely love Dominic's character now and his entrance was tremendous. Rey is one of my all-time favorites since the mid-90s. I loved everything about this......except for the action between the ropes. Dom still isn't very good in the ring but I expected them to have better action and for Dom to be more vicious. I don't want to bemoan that though because Dom's gotten good at all the other stuff and this was great from a storyline perspective. I kinda love that they've randomly brought the lWo back - I'm still used to the marathon shows where they have the HOF or a music performance or something intermission like, timed my smoke break poorly and missed maybe the first 10 minutes of Ripley-Flair. From where I picked it up until the finish was great. Charlotte not being able to keep the smile off her face on the outside post-match was nice to see as I'm someone who's in the "this should have happened 3 years ago" camp but it all worked out in the end. Her reaction when the fireworks went off was pretty great too. They made the right call not putting this last. It was a better match than the main (from what I saw) but it would have been an uphill battle with the crowd. I'll be watching this in full tomorrow b4 night 2 - I was ready for the main by this point, not a McAfee or Miz fan. I did not need this buffer and I'm not sure the crowd did either. Might have worked better if the last 2 matches were reversed? - I've been a fan of all 4 guys in the main for so long that I was just happy to see them in a WM main event. I remember when the Usos were in the WM pre-show opening match in 2015 in San Francisco, 8 years later in LA and they're main eventing. And as a fan of tag team wrestling I didn't think I'd ever see the tag title main event WM. Crowd seemed drained once the match began but they got into it and it ended up being pretty darn good by the end. Overall I thought the Night 1 was pretty fun for the most part. I'm not expecting great matches at WM at this point and the crowd is always a bit weird at huge stadium shows but I was entertained. I don't mind the commercial breaks on Peacock, I can use the downtime between matches, but with 2 nights I wish night 1 had been a little bit shorter
  3. Yeah, this show is loaded with a little bit of everything, looks great on paper!
  4. What was supposed to be a Triplemania main event is happening in Missouri of all places. Weird
  5. Loved the opener. Really good layout, BCC are great heels and Wheeler was awesome in this one. Main was really good but they were rushing at the end and I didn't think it peaked and finished strong. This felt like a one off special match but I'd like to see them run it back. Omega seemed more over than Jericho, great gear too. He's been awesome since his return. QTV has been covered sufficiently, I'm with everyone on this. Is TMZ's TV show even still a thing? This would have been lame 10 years ago. No point in arguing about Jarrett. He can be good at what he does and it can work on a live crowd but that doesn't mean it's good for the show or the company having him on TV. There's so much wrong with the women's division right now. I hate all of this and I like almost everyone involved. When they manage to take people I was actively enjoying to one degree or another, throw them all together in a big angle, and it results in me not wanting to see any of them.......actively bad booking. I almost never skip segments on AEW but they've now earned that distinction, this stuff is cringe. My biggest problem is it feels like a throwback to the pre-evolution Divas division where the women were all catty and bitchy and cliquish and fighting over bullshit. It's the opposite of what I want and what AEW has successfully delivered at times. That and the outsiders thing feels incredibly forced.
  6. I've been having a hard time putting my finger on it but that's pretty close to how I'm feeling about the current product overall right now There's definitely a lot of stuff happening, and very little of it has been clicking for me. Even stuff that I want to like or should maybe be good hasn't been hitting right. The buck stops with Tony so I blame him. Learn how to filter out Jarrett for starters, my worst fears came true and AEW has started turning into TNFnA. And I appreciate the ECW influence on Tony's booking for sure, but ECW was hit and miss and AEW has been missing big a lot lately
  7. There's no way any gaming commission worth it's salt could look at WWE and take this seriously, but then again as someone said earlier we are witnessing "end stage capitalism" for whatever that's worth. I guess it means everything is fair game, including gambling on pre-determined sports entertainment. Wake me up when opium dens are legal again
  8. Oh don't get me wrong, I don't want anyone killing themselves, I just don't want them doing these lame business exposing spots period. They stopped being cool around the time of Shane McMahon v. Steve Blackman, but I think AEW would have learned their lesson after Jericho fell off the cage and it looked like shit If you can't make it look good don't do it.
  9. Can we please just get rid of crash pads period? First Hobbs has the broken ladder (I don't get why he didn't just get another one, there were a half dozen ladders at ringside), now this shitty finish? Plus somehow they break him off from Taz (like over a year ago seemingly at this point) just to saddle him with a kayfabe GEEK. I don't get it. He'll probably stay over in spite of it, but jeez Between Jarrett standing tall at the end of the opening segment (nothing says cool, hip alternative promotion like JEFF F'N JARRETT IN 2023) and another bullshit sports entertainment finish in the main event of this show, this show left a bad taste in my mouth On the brightside I'm looking forward to that trios triple threat in Winnipeg and I'll be happy if it spins off into the JAS and Elite feuding for a bit while the HOB just kill the rest of the roster for a while. I'm also down with Ricky and Juice feuding, I can see them having good matches and both benefiting from it
  10. The way Meltzer and Alvarez explained the betting thing is that WWE would lock in their finishes "months" in advance and theoretically wouldn't tell the talent who's going over until the betting lines close I remember a while back when the UK betting was all the rage backstage and the lines would have wild shifts the day of the show when the finishes were finalized, so they started swerving their employees or some shit. Didn't they confiscate phones/laptops at one point? I can't put into words how stupid this all is. What's next?
  11. https://www.f4wonline.com/news/wwe/ariel-helwani-details-reaction-to-tony-khan-tweet-reply-wwe-montreal-experience Helwani is ridiculous saying "I'm not a wrestling journalist!" while covering it on his show, doing friendly interviews with people from WWE and getting paid for it. I don't pay much attention to him but from the outside it looks like he's been doing a lot more wrestling since he went "independent" for the same reason other media outlets cover it, it brings eyeballs. Helwani seems to quickly be becoming one of those "journalists" who uses contrived controversy and trolling to get traffic, guess he learned that at ESPN Tony really needs to learn not to take the bait on this stuff though. I'm not on twitter and I'm just reading about all this today. Both of them come off bad, but Tony really needs to be above this sort of shit
  12. Punk debuted 8/20/21. He was barely there a year and was injured for 3 months of it. Just watched the show. Avoided spoilers for over 24 hours. First Dynamite in a long time that when it was over I felt like I could have skipped it without missing much at all. Oh well, they'd been on a hot streak of shows and crowds, was bound to end sometime. Mox was split in two places (eye and forehead) and he's definitely reached the scar tissue and overblading stage where a well aimed knuckle will bust him open. Props to Preston Vance for the gusher. Kind of a waste, but he doesn't get on Dynamite much. And hey, I think the camera man managed to keep off the blade this time! This match was much better on paper than in execution. Why aren't they loading the fuck out of Rampage leading into the All-Star Friday stuff? Potentially some new eyes on the product, not the card I would put on, even if I understand the logic behind each match (trios spotfest, showcase for Swerve vs. Dustin who everyone knows and who's brother is main eventing Mania, Jade being Jade). Just like with the lackluster Battle of the Belts shows, I don't get Tony sometimes Kinda weird that Lucha Bros haven't been on TV since losing match 7 and they just show up randomly to help Mark Briscoe. There's a story there with the brother tag teams if they want to explore it. I thought Wardlow's story was simple and effective. Great motivation for him, it was totally new and out of nowhere, and it makes Joe into an even bigger dick. I've been really into Joe's character since his heel turn, Wardlow not so much, this worked for me.
  13. watched the show a couple days ago. 3 really strong matches, the opener and the main the strongest IMO. I'm absolutely loving the Hangman-Mox feud. It started organically, they have great chemistry and it reminds me of 97 WWF in the best possible ways. Shades of grey done right a couple thoughts I scribbled down that I don't think have been covered - wtf was up with Bowen's hair? Heavy black spray-on all on the back of his head that didn't match his actual hair. Fucked up LBJ tribute in Ohio? - bad layout having the pull-apart with MJF followed by the Rush pre-tape with a cool, calm collected MJF in a different shirt. This used to happen more often but it's still inexcusable - Nick hitting an 18 footer isn't impressive. - when Joe and Darby were going up the stairs I was TERRIFIED that one of them was going to replicate Joe's insanity from TNA Taz had a couple choice lines during the breaks as per usual "Takeshita definitely 6-2 and a half thereabouts. Looks about an inch or two taller than me." (going back and forth with the other announcers about what Nana's deal is) "Hey, trust me on this...I have a feel for people who wear headdresses" *I pointed to the sky when he said this*
  14. Also, no offense DEAN, which always means take offense brother....I've been seeing your posts since the AOL days and as much as I enjoy your takes I REFUSE to give your wall of texts a like. If we had a happy middle finger emoji I'd give it that
  15. I liked the Gunns pointing out how actually they were the ones being nice to The Accclaimed and they got screwed over I'm not sure if that actually adds up, but since this is all cosplaying 99 WWF it makes more sense if the babyfaces are the heels and none of it makes sense on a shot by shot replay
  16. I think it's time to go ahead and read A Scanner Darkly, Greggulator
  17. I had a hard time getting into Buddy and Darby for some reason. On the international feed they showed the Jay Briscoe tribute video and then it went to Buddy's entrance and X was very flustered on commentary, pitched like it was live a couple of times, and Buddy was in the ring just crouching in the corner with his mask on forever The timecues were off a couple times with the international feed, I was kind of curious where some stuff actually went to commercial or PiP. Usually you can tell with how the match is being worked, but people were off their marks a few times it felt. Buddy and Darby did some good stuff during the break, I wonder sometimes if things get changed on the fly when it comes to straight commercial vs PiP and how much dudes can adjust. Like if they had something planned for PiP but they end up not getting it or getting told last second or not at all, etc etc Also, on that tip, kudos to Jay Lethal the ultimate professional, but how often has Mark Briscoe worked live television? If we're not counting PPV.....never?
  18. Yeah, I almost forgot about that!! I marked the fuck out because honestly I almost forgot Thatcher existed. What a perfect match for Danielson
  19. New England is pretty much all rural/country living outside of the coast and the I-90 corridor running through Massachusetts, and even then you're a short drive from nowhere. We got rednecks and hillbillies galore. Americans are pretty much the same everywhere, thing with New England is we got different weather and people been here longer so we've gotten a bit more sophisticated and such ahead of some of y'all, a bit more ahead of the curve if you weeel
  20. hopefully this cheers DEAN up. from the international feed, during the Danielson-Cage match: Tony: "you can hear Prince on the outside, trying to drive his spirits down, trying to intimidate him, which I don't think he can do to be honest with you..." X: "Prince Nana.....not Prince the musician" Tony: "..........yes, Prince Nana!!! not Prince the Musician!!! X: "I just wanted to clairfy" Tony: "You don't have to clairfy! because Prince the musician is DEAD!!!" *Taz and X like wtf* but this actually led to Tony putting Prince Nana over, saying that last week when MJF told him it was more money than he'd ever seen he calls bullshit because HE'S PRINCE F'N NANA and he's seen all sorts of money!! Thank you Tony! Toni nailed an awesome ass attack early in their match with Ruby caught in the ropes, then killed her later on in the corner which I totally buy as the setup to the finish every time. Her ass-based offense is the best thing going and she needs to add more to the arsenal Loved the Briscoe match. Shame it took Jay dying for them to get on TV. Loved Mark with both the belts and them announcing him as one half of the ROH Tag Team Champions. My favorite little moment from the match was when Mark rolled to the outside after Lethal hit a big Lethal Injection and a fan front row was like, "Ya gotta do it man! ya gotta do it" hahaha. I also loved how they teased Mark hitting the Jay Driller, especially at the end. *****
  21. Danielson-Bandito and Darby-Kushida were great. Another good crowd, I wasn't sure how hot Fresno would be. There was a lot of the show that was too sports entertainmenty and I kind of zoned out. - appreciated them showing clips of Lethal and Orange from last August. I remember liking that match at the time. They should do stuff like that more often - figured Top Flight would win, wish the finish hadn't been so banana peel. Didn't they win a trios battle royale on Rampage a while back for a title shot? - The crowd dynamic in the Bryan matches has been weird for the story but who cares. Won't be a problem next week with Cage. There was some really cool stuff in this one and there was just enough of a styles clash to make it feel like a struggle for Danielson. Liked Excalibur pointing out Bryan's reverence for Blue Panther and Bandito using one of his holds on him - The backstage segment with Shida, Toni and Saraya was so weird/bad. Shida's one of my favorites but her role in this has been bizarre. Same with Toni, who I can't tell if she hates this story and doesn't want to be a heel or is just bad at it. I don't really like "I've been other places" as a motivation for Toni either, she quit WWE and did a bunch of interviews about how happy she was to be in AEW. So far I'm kinda hating all of this despite liking some of the people involved, but I wasn't into Saraya as a babyface so at least they're trying something - Takeshita promo was great. Mutual respect, he's got Danielson's back and he doesn't like MJF. Simple and effective. Boom. - Dug the main event and the matwork/armwork. I thought it was gonna be a night off for Darby but then he goes and tries to kill himself anyway with the shotgun dropkick into the armbar. Really interested in the ratings for this one, feels like a test to see how well Darby can do
  22. https://www.f4wonline.com/news/aew/william-regal-says-original-plans-for-aew-role-never-transpired Says he didn't expect to be on screen as much as he was. I'm guessing the original role was going to be more scouting? Tony bought ROH after Regal came in IIRC, the roster is huge, and they have guys out there working the indies scouting first hand. They didn't really need a talent scout like WWE did.
  23. Man, I was kind of in shock about this last night. Don't really have much to add other than RIP Jay Briscoe. The Briscoes were the realest mofos, 100% DIY originals and completely unique. I didn't see as much of them as all the heads here, but I followed their entire career and still remember watching that outdoor match they had against each other a million years ago when it took me hours just to download 1 match. And back in the EWR days I would always sign them to WWE and push them up the card Thankfully his daughters survived. Sadly not surprised at all that he wasn't wearing his seatbelt. All the crazy shit he did in the wrestling and that's what gets him. A college football player from Georgia just died in a car crash, same thing. Hope we don't find out the other driver was on her phone, just to make it even more senseless
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