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Everything posted by BloodyChamp

  1. Or X-Files inconsistencies, or King of the Hill inconsistencies. How about all the people that didn’t ever know that Dough For the Do-Do was a remake of Porky in Wackyland. Jeeze television might not have even survived.
  2. Come on guys sticks and stones… There was a post on the internet every week of somebody asking OMG WHAT WAS THAT THEME MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! until Shane Douglas and Dean Malenko left. I was searching for something else recently and found an old Reddit post where somebody asked, and everybody remembered the song, but only the last guy who answered knew it was Deep Purple. That’s 1 of the coolest songs that I can’t believe didn’t catch on, especially since it has always popped back up here and there. Those 2 albums are underrated IMO, especially if you just plain love them like I do. Most people do love them, but they love them guilty pleasure style.
  3. Old man Bret Hart promos are something we were robbed of. They could have been gold and they could have been enough to get him through a big postprime the size of The Iron Sheik’s. Kermit the Frog is another dark horse GOAT straight man. Hank Hill also. They were both funny but never funny on purpose and they rarely knew they were being funny. Shane Douglas had nuclear heat at the time. People wanted to see what he was going to do and say next, more importantly say because the limits he pushed on the mic were serious then even if they’ve since been blown away. The quality of his matches almost didn’t matter because people just wanted to see what was going to happen next. It was pretty wild watching all that fresh however mild it seems now. I don’t know where that leaves his legacy because I don’t have the full story on a bunch of other things he was in the middle of but that was him in ECW and what made him such a big deal IMO.
  4. I wouldn’t count Andy as a straight man because he did lots of funny things on the show, but he usually wasn’t the one doing the over the top funny stuff and he had straight mad qualities yes. And Lance Russell is a dark horse pick for GOAT straight man.
  5. That was 1 of the dumber things about show at that time not just his. But he was the GOAT straight man. Only Porky Pig might have been better.
  6. It’s been discussed many times that Bischoff was an idiot for thinking that. Bobby Heenan’s hatred for Hogan was the equivalent of Ric Flair wanting beautiful women. It was always his gimmick, all the time, even when he wasn’t working a gimmick if that makes any sense. Being silly negative in general was something he was always going to do also and that was just another example. Everybody knew he would say it. If he wouldn’t have said it it would have been worse. It would have been another example of the announcers trying to hard to steer things 1 way like when they kept going HAW MAN TED DIBIASE MUST BE THE NEXT HORSEMEN THAT’S WHY HE MADE 4 FINGERS HAAAAAAEWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! Bob Newhart was a funny comedian and storyteller but his TV shows were lame - O. If you haven’t seen the series finale of Newhart though, I recommend it. It’s 1 of the best series finales ever. It made the lameness of the show make sense. It was done as if his whole career built towards that payoff.
  7. And that job was given to her by here friend Trump, and running for the senate isn’t having a job in the senate.
  8. Bobby Heenan putting Jim Cornette over like that really shows how great Jim Cornette was as a manager. He was number 2 if Bobby Heenan was number 1, and Jim says Bobby was number 1 as do many other people. Bobby didn’t have to do that I would imagine but he did and he did it perfectly. I guess Yoko lost some steam but that was going to happen anyway. Jim was Jim til the end of all the things and people who changed in the 90s.
  9. I’m more disappointed in Trump for picking them because I had greater than 0% faith, hope and respect for him, vs 0% for Hogan. I don’t know much about Linda believe it or not but IIRC she’s never had a job in politics that wasn’t given to her by her friend wtf.
  10. I just saw an Instagram reel that was doctored up to look like somebody walking into the building to the old Raw is War bumper looped guitar riff. Somebody entering a building saying nothing and doing nothing but walking, to the sound of that music, is 1 of the bad assest things in the world let alone in wrestling. I hate to say it because I was a WCW man but it’s true. It’s up there with a football team walking through a tunnel CLICK CLACK, or the Chicago Bulls theme.
  11. John McKay would have been a GOAT wrestling personality and Bobby Bowden is on the ballot with John Madden and George Foreman for GOAT loveable goofs who are really geniuses and alltime great commercial pitch men. He could have been number 2 alltime behind Madden had he not chose to stay local.
  12. Those AI generated posts on FB about wrestling lately are so freaking bad.
  13. That ^ which nobody else missed when I first said it, or needed explained to them to start with by the looks of things. Scott Norton isn’t a random Goldberg match. It’s a Scott Norton match. It’s a match vs somebody who didn’t suck which Wrath, Riggs, etc never got. If you really were plucking up random Goldberg matches from 1998 you would find 10 jobber matches before you found 1 people cared about, and half of those wouldn’t even be glorified jobbers. They’d be half Mark Starr, Bobby Blazes and the other half Hugh Morrus and Jerry Flynns. EDIT: I since read the rest of the thread and saw where you misunderstood 1 thing. I also saw where people expanded on his “feuds” with Henning, The Giant, etc. He had a minifeud with Hennig similar to his feud with Hugh Morrus but by 1998 he was wrestling those guys and a couple others every month or so after every 4 or 5 matches he had vs straight jobber guys. It’s like they knew what they were doing and figured a match like that every few weeks would be good enough. I could be wrong on the matches vs The Giant but I swear every one of those were Nitro before ppv matches or O crap RAW has a better main event so we’ll do this as a surprise matches. Just no heat or no anything besides the visual of seeing him jackhammer The Giant, but heck plenty of guys had already suplexed him. EDIT AGAIN: 2 Giant matches? That can’t be right but maybe it is. I do remember them having a no DQ match out of nowhere on a Nitro main event, just to try and make people care since they’d already had the match atleast once. Hooking no DQ onto matches for no reason was an effective way of getting another match out of a feud still as far as 1998, but it was so obvious how desperate they were to try and make something out of that match in particular that should have been a ppv if you wanted anybody to care about it.
  14. Oldberg wasn’t a reference to his age and you know that. Talk about lacking objectivity in a reflection of what actually was. It was a reference to the same old squash every week vs guys that the sign fans had never heard of, and guys who we’d only heard of because we knew the names of the jobbers from other shows and in some cases other lifetimes. Goldberg vs Len Denton next whoop! Most wrestlers get a reaction when they show back up unexpected. That’s really not a standard and if it is it’s one that guys like Marty Jannetty and Tatanka met. All that does is show another example of how others could get Goldberg’s same results with way less opportunity cost.
  15. They did not use that same booking for those other guys and that comparison is way off. Heck one of those guys was only so called pushed so he could be fed to Goldberg, and not long after they finally did they were having to pipe in the Goldberg chants as the shrinking crowd waved Getting Oldberg signs.
  16. LOL at Riggs because he was another guy they were “pushing” for weeks by having him beat nobodies. His push did achieve a protomeme though - the hilarious time he shook his hiny in cadence with the BOR-ING chants.
  17. WCW didn’t truly push many people who they claimed to have pushed. They did push Sid, as they pushed Goldberg from the start, complete with his first match prompting Gene to run to the ring to interview him which Goldberg ignored, then did again in the promoted rematch. That whole thing they did starting in 1998 or so where every opening match for a few weeks straight that they claimed was a push was no push. What I’m talking about is how they’d have somebody like Wrath beat jobbers all those weeks then just end it because nobody cared. Had they had some guy named Bill Goldberg doing the same thing those weeks nobody would have cared either. Nobody actually cared when he beat Hugh Morrus, but because of the actual effort they made to actually push Goldberg from the start literally complete with the subtle postmatch stuff and stick with it people did care soon. Personal/hurting people stuff aside and unknown at the time really, I just wasn’t a fan because of how much they had to invest into him. WCW had future world champions who were ready with way less investment and opportunity cost had they magically been able to get back on track after Starrcade 97.
  18. Goldturd…even Jimmy Hart took a bump for him. He never took bumps in WCW. I know why…he was old even back then. He was older than the old guys. His wiki says he’s 80. Any time he’d ever get it from the good guy it’d be the corny reverse atomic drop and he hold his hiny and jump. So there he is against Goldberg who everybody has to almost die for and even he did it, right alongside the toughest one in real life. I know people are tired of hearing it but Goldberg was absolutely useless. His success is nothing but a testament to what you can do in wrestling when people all agree to make you look good and market you, which even WCW could do when they wanted to.
  19. I’ve heard about Jim Cornette and Russo being overstated and that they tried to ya know ya know ya know, but I’ve also seen and heard myself Jim getting so dang mad that I think he would kill Russo if he could get away with it. And if he’s faking he’s the greatest promo ever and the greatest actor ever and he needs to be in movies. I’ve also seen and heard Russo respond to it exactly like he would so…yeah. I don’t think Bret wants to kick Goldberg back even if he could. I think he wants to and is going to say how tf he feels every time though, and how people feel about it doesn’t even enter his mind or heart because in his mind and heart he’s telling nothing but the truth. Some people would say that makes you the asshole but that’s just how his brain his always worked. He tells the truth and doesn’t bother dropping the mic because none of it is done for attention. It’s done for the truth’s sake. Many people say that’s how they are all o yeah I tell the truth that’s all I do you don’t like it you can yap yap yap yap meme meme meme meme. Anybody who has to advertise that they tell the truth and decorate it with backdrops of the Joker in an alley isn’t telling the truth all the time. Wow I guess all that comparison doesn’t really bring me to a conclusion does it. I hate Russo and Goldberg myself and if I had to pick a side it would be Russo just for the BATB 2000 promo. I’d like to tell him that that was my favorite thing he ever did to which I think he’d be happy, then add that it sounded just like Jim Cornette.
  20. FB video Never tell Bret Hart to just drop it again
  21. I thought the Samoan Swat Team was the superior team, and the most underrated scary monster tag team ever maybe. The other team was great too of course and they were first, and they were the kings of the Samoans in wrestling. RIP Sika. The Kids WB was where good cartoons went to die. The cartoons were good until the end, even at the Silver Age of Animation started to wind down. Me-TV is launching a cartoon channel if anybody is interested. I can’t wait myself. I hope we get it. The schedule is just like the Cartoon Network’s schedule at its peak. I wanted to be a cartoonist but didn’t do it at clutch time because it was during the period between the Silver Age and Millennium Age when it looked like things might go RIP again.
  22. This. Wow. WCW was finished period. Closing was only a formality way before it closed. Meanwhile the WWF was always there stomping through even at their worst, and strictly on the business side they were always superior. WCW making millions of dollars was like an idiot making millions of dollars on a scratch off. They always found a way to burn it.
  23. George Foreman is definitely John Madden level greatness. Definitely 1 of the few guys in Madden’s league at just plain being fun while also being genius somehow.
  24. Nash smh…he’s obviously lying but I’ll bite one more time like always because fuck him and because Stefanie touched on WCW’s history of similar crap finishes. WCW’s crap finishes weren’t always best but they weren’t always fatal as long as the fans wanted to come back next week to see the bad guy finally get beat. The fans wanted to see Ric Flair lose and they would watch or pay every week just to see it. Then if it didn’t happen it would be in spite of an obvious reason that he was going to lose next time. Nash and Hogan people just wanted to go away. They didn’t want to see them, they didn’t want to hear them talk and they didn’t care about them anymore. When they wouldn’t leave the fans finally just left instead. Also just curious now after Craig’s point. Did they interview anybody who wasn’t considered a big reason WCW failed? I know somebody said Tony and Bret talked a little but that’s hilarious if the documentary is about who killed WCW by a bunch of interviews of the people who killed WCW saying they didn’t kill WCW. WCW.
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