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Everything posted by Octopus

  1. For his sake, I hope he gets a vacation. But I’d low key like another heavy Mox run of blood (as long as he’s mentally and physically healthy and happy). But I think they have enough pieces they can lean on instead. Swerve, Hangman, Kingston, Samoa Joe, OC, etc.
  2. Because it’s admittedly nearly no win for me, I’m pretty open to almost everyone as long as the story and presentation is fun. Jungle Boy is maybe my only person I’d be very off by. If it is him, just rename Rush as “The Crusader” and have him take liberties on him again. Which could actually be the best outcome. Hmmmmm.
  3. Mercedes in the devil. Mone is the root of all evil.
  4. For me it all depends on the reveal. I haven’t been as into it early until Samoa Joe and Roddy got involved. Recently I’ve found it fun with the interpretation that it’s ending at World’s End. Whoever it is, I hope it’s presented into a way that is exciting and leads to a new era/ storyline I can sink my teeth into. — I’m back and forth on Max’s run. A lot of the angles involving him as a face haven’t been for me, but I actually like it as an idea that it’s happening to differentiate it as a whole separate run from everything else. The super friends with Adam Cole was hilarious but could be hit and miss with me, the belt theft by Jay was cool for giving Switchblade the opportunity but I didn’t like the storyline and the payoff was disjointed and unnecessarily divisive for a lot of people, and this Devil stuff has been what it’s been. The All In match with Cole was really not for me, but it was a special moment that really executed the sports entertainment “wrestling is cinema” well. The Jay White match I wrote enough about when it happened as funny and unnecessary. The Joe match will likely use a bunch of smoke and mirrors IF MJF is hurt. The Samoa Joe stuff was great though and Samoa Joe is great. I really liked his heel work on the early end though. The short Starks program was really exciting. The Danielson feud was great and his promo work in that was good. The Four Pillars feud was awkward in how it was booked and Jungle Boy’s ability to both not be ready for the big time but be ready to be the singlehanded reason that Punk left was both clearly visible for the time and disgustingly apparent, HOWEVER, Max shined in it. He was also the best possible opponent for Tanahashi at this point in his career. It was a run that will be a big part of how we define AEW in 2023. Hopefully the Samoa Joe era is filled with bangers and intense Joe promos. *assuming we get a Joe win. it’s late and I’m rambling. Hopefully this makes sense. Was super tired and fell asleep early and woke up groggy at midnight.
  5. HOLY SMOKES! Thanks Will Washington!!!!!! did some quick scrolling. I belie they’re JIP and/or clipped matches. Understandably though because that’s be a much longer upload. All in all, I’m excited to watch this.
  6. When Eddie wins I hope Kawada, Kobashi, Taue, and Akiyama come out to give him the belts.
  7. If this mean I missed out on a cute Curt pic….
  8. The beauty is you can’t say Conrad or Tony Khan without saying “Con” (play on words, not actually calling anyone anything)
  9. The glory of @Dolfan in NYC making me a forum category “Octo500” for my eventual list reveal will be all the motivation I need.
  10. I’m no lawyer but I have watched a few clips of Suits on TikTok. Maybe something something no handbook or employees not getting an employee handbook or something something if AEW’s legal team said something something differently than Jericho said or eventually says. Something something Discovery something something civil suit something. Or just being a tool online can get you a fine. I wasn’t thinking about Brawl Out and how much that bummed me out and now I’m thinking about it again because Chris wants clout. But really, if everything is cool and Jericho can blab, then hopefully we get an awkward Brawl Out ep of TIJ that bums me out but is wild. Danielson can only see out of one eye know. Someone distract him and be naughty on the other side.
  11. Danielson is mad with power. I even got a fine for recycling wrong.
  12. Working a favorite matches list for fun. Should I do 50 or 100?
  13. KAAAAAAANG gettin CRANKED!!!! I shall join you in a drink
  14. I’m more of a Jack’s guy, but Roma will do.
  15. Gregg and Niko is a pretty great combo! Happy bday guys!
  16. Derp. Gift from my wife. Kawada colors. The patch on my arm is my film festival logo.
  17. I like the idea of Tanahashi becoming Vince to Stone Cold Okada.
  18. With @Kang by my side, AEW has nowhere to go but up.
  19. American made unless you have a hand written note from your doctor. As long as you’re holding the tag rope, you can pin legally. @Kang, you’ve been promoted to my Deputy Chief of Soft Serve Ice Cream and Car Starting. Congrats, you start today. My tentacles are as fast as those Dragon Gate sprinters. Too bad I outlawed running.
  20. I’m goin hard in the paint. Bill Watts jr. No pets or family backstage, no top rope moves, no masks unless you have horns, no managers with gloves on, National anthem before every match, harden the ring where everywhere feels like the apron, no more glasses backstage, and no more long hair on boys. I’ll be the best Director of Food and Beverage they’ve ever had. @Kang, will you be my Deputy of Soft Serve Ice Cream? I don’t have many I trust with this responsibility.
  21. If they need to hire someone I put my hat in the ring for an EVP gig.
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