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Death From Above

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Everything posted by Death From Above

  1. That's actually kind of amazing. A few months ago nobody but the most hardcore Barcelona fans would have even known who he was. Pretty meteoric stuff, even if it's probably a token selection while someone else plays.
  2. "No icons on the desktop" is the dumbest feature I've ever heard proposed for a home use OS. But there is supposed to be some feature that lets you go back to having a normal desktop used by human beings, so I guess it's a non-issue in the end.
  3. This is one of those NFL games we're supposed to pretend isn't over when it is.
  4. Well it *is* the Seahawks. Good luck chewing them up on the ground.
  5. So much fantasy football anger any time Kuhn scores, it's hilarious. That Seattle fellow needs to learn about the fair catch thing. Huge error.
  6. He's involved in sports ownership I just assume he's a Bond villain.
  7. The more I've read on all that the more I'm convinced the Rangers fan union thing would be by far the best for the club in terms of people that have their heart in the right place (whether they have the cash is an entirely separate problem), and virtually everything that comes out from the actual ownership sounds... well, shady and dismal.
  8. Picking Sagat is like the cheat your kid doesn't realize is a cheat until one day it finally will dawn on him why dad always picks Sagat.
  9. I once got flamed to the point I left on the gamefaq's forum when I suggested I had enjoyed Goldeneye's single player mode more than Halo's. Them's were the days.
  10. I personally wouldn't put too much faith in the Packers defense until I see it, so I'd probably go Wilson.
  11. This place is so calm compared to most. I mean, the Steam forum is a real adventure through the realms of humanity you know? MY HARDWARE'S NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS GAME WHY DID THE DEVELOPERS ABANDON THIS GAME HALF DONE
  12. The original is one of my 5 favourite movies. Redux breaks the rhythm of the film in a way that I can't endorse. I don't mind any of the new parts, but what they do to the whole makes an inferior film. You have to see the proper original version first.
  13. Need to play this every home sack:
  14. In all the public leagues I've run in the last couple years it seems to be basing it off those rankings. I dunno. It's still a neat idea though. I love the after-week reports now too, goofy but fun.
  15. As far as I can tell they still haven't fixed the obvious flaw in the draft evaluations from the debut last year; it's entirely based around Yahoo pre-rankings. So any auto drafted team basically wins by default. It's a cool concept but the execution is pretty silly.
  16. Thursday, September 4 Green Bay at Seattle Sunday, September 7 New Orleans at Atlanta Cincinnati at Baltimore Buffalo at Chicago Washington at Houston Tennessee at Kansas City New England at Miami Oakland at NY Jets Jacksonville at Philadelphia Cleveland at Pittsburgh Minnesota at St. Louis San Francisco at Dallas Carolina at Tampa Bay Indianapolis at Denver Monday, September 8 NY Giants at Detroit San Diego at Arizona Tiebreaker #1: Eli Manning interceptions thrown 1 Tiebreaker #2: more passing yards, Andrew Luck or Peyton Manning Manning Tiebreaker #3: Colin Kaepernick rushing yards 72
  17. The Deadspin burial of the Redskins for Why Your Team Sucks is just completely amazing.
  18. You can still use the classic window, or at least I could when I did a pretty early public league draft. Of course that one was never 100% stable either. This year it randomly DC'd me for 2 seconds so I got Bishop Sankey, hooray.
  19. I would say the Patriots throwback helmet is definitively better than their real helmet. But generally I think this alternate jesersey/helmet nonsense has been so completely overdone I'm just done with it.
  20. The camping scenes at the start and finish are tremendous book ends. The rest of the movie... well, it happened. There was financing, a crew, all that. God bless them.
  21. Yeah I know Spain would be a bitch. It's the main reason I'm tempted to get the Sword of Islam DLC; the history of Christian vs. Muslim Spain is one of the more interesting side stories of the middle ages to me.
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