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Everything posted by (BP)

  1. Did anyone see Dana hold the bottom rope down for Charlotte to enter the ring and then watch in horror as she realized her entrance is sliding under the rope?
  2. Parker Boudreux would make a pretty good Bork Laser for the Underfaker part of the angle.
  3. Buckwheat Zydeco has also passed away.
  4. How about a gimmick where Harper is followed by cameras everywhere because he's part of a Holy Hell/Source Family/Going Clear-style documentary about ex Wyatt Family members?
  5. Calling it now, Steph's going to ride Andre to the ring for Hunter's spectacle entrance at Wrestlemania 33.
  6. Dunn's father worked for the production company that syndicated WWWF/WWF. His car caught on fire while he was driving it home one day, and he risked possibly being blown up by going into the trunk to retrieve three weeks worth of tapings before getting out of harms way. I'm not sure if Vince Sr. or Jr. was in charge at this point, but it's apparently where the loyalty to the Dunn family comes from.
  7. If Miz wins March Madness because of an economy of movement argument, Andre will be looking over him like
  8. I think they should make part of Tye's gimmick that he's master of the Texas Death Match (or more realistically Last Man Standing.) I love when crowds lose their shit counting.
  9. Were there curfews for most of the arenas or was that an MSG thing?
  10. I never realized my apathy about the Usos was tied to how much I hated their gear until now.
  11. Christopher Lloyd aside, you could totally have time travel in it. Doc could travel back to give himself the Mr. Fusion generator because he's dying from prolonged exposure to the plutonium. He screws up the time stream or gets trapped there and has to enlist that version of Marty and Doc to help out. Plus, we learn that Doc actually met and knew John De Lorean and runs afoul of both cocaine dealers and the FBI.
  12. Elevator Pitch: Rogue One-style Back to the Future preboot about Doc stealing the plutonium from the Libyans.
  13. When I watched the prequels again last year I thought Phantom Menace totally deserved its rep, but Attack of the Clones was much better than I remember. I liked the film noir stuff with Obi Wan and the romance worked enough for me. It does have a CGI character so silly and cartoonish that it took me right out of the movie and had me in hysterics. I can't even find a picture, but he's at the table of villains that I think Dooku meets with, and he kind of looked like a Dick Tracy villain.
  14. Yeah, I looked it up because I was going to feel stupid on the off chance it was
  15. Cena's sort of where Shawn was during most of his comeback. They can throw him into three- or four-ways to add marquee value to a match or break up the monotony of a title feud. He won't get hurt by a loss, he'll still win a lot, and he won't make anyone.
  16. AJ's going to win March Madness, but he's going to have to squeak by Matt Hardy and The Miz. What is life?
  17. Who the fuck is booking this show and how do we get them in some sort of protective custody from MeekMahan before this gets ruined?
  18. Well yeah, I'm sure you wouldn't want to "commit suicide."
  19. I wish one of these guys would go the Ultimate Warrior legal route, but instead of changing their name to their gimmick name they'd change it to Vince McMahon.
  20. @piranesi exactly. It's like Dave Chapelle becoming disillusioned with his show because the worst people weren't taking away from it what he intended. Artistic merit shouldn't be qualified by the lowest common denominator.
  21. Captain's Hooks are from Mars and Bank Statements are from Venus. Or what JT said.
  22. If he had a thing with Marion Cotillard on the set of that WWII Mr. and Mrs. Smith ripoff, I might go into diabetic shock from the sweetness of the irony.
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