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Everything posted by (BP)

  1. Hasenpeffer Incorporated was a CIA cutout.
  2. If I were Tony my big takeaway from Tuesday would be that White and Page belong on Rampage or in ROH. But White’s about to main event a PPV and Page is going to probably get his win back on Swerve.
  3. My wife’s an artist. One of her favorite kinds of work is helping breast cancer survivors cover their mastectomy scars with chest pieces.
  4. Look in my eyes, what do you see I think you can still become a gentleman some day if you understand and abide by the rules of decent society
  5. Hellraiser III has that special early 90s music video sheen that I love in horror movies from that time. That’s a Miramax movie, but I mostly associate that look with New Line horror like Jason Goes to Hell.
  6. Why would they give booker of the year to Jim Hellwig?
  7. I couldn’t believe RJ let it go when Renee called BCG the Gang Gang Bang on the Buy In, but he brought it up later.
  8. Eddie vs Suzuki was exactly what one would expect, but Ex’s crack about JR and all of the post match stuff really elevated it for me.
  9. I don’t get it. Is this like guerrilla marketing for a Brazilian waxing salon?
  10. The booking for this show will make more sense if Page and Swerve are both added to the world title match at Full Gear. I don’t really believe that’s where this is going, but it’s the only way I can justify it in my head right now. They should’ve teased out the tension with Cope and Christian for a while since everyone’s so down on the Luchasaurus match. It makes perfect sense with where they’re going with it, but they probably should’ve just hot shotted him into a match with Omega or something. TK’s recurring weakness with his big signings is thinking he’ll have all the time in the world with these major acts to get to the marquee matches, and then shit goes sideways and the opportunities are lost.
  11. They’ve got to do some kind of parity booking with Mox/Fenix where Fenix is out on his feet the whole time and then Mox kills him dead with multiple Death Riders relatively early on. It makes sense to lean into the buzz from the Grand Slam match, and even if both of them are cleared I don’t think they should be trying to go for broke in the shape they’re in.
  12. I’m happy with a larger universe Batman taking on all of the franchise baggage so the Reeves Batman movies can breathe and focus on Batman. Supposedly the new The Batman and Joker movies will be officially labeled as Elseworlds, which would’ve been helpful when the first ones were released.
  13. They had great chemistry. Holden was one of the best celebrity guest stars they ever had on Lucy, and they had scores of them during that Hollywood season.
  14. You Can’t Canadian Destroyer Copeland being a recurring spot would be fun. Actually I’d love a veteran coming into the company from elsewhere after spending months of prep time mastering counters for super kicks, cutters, and topes and never getting hit with any.
  15. I would like people to start losing titles because their competitor was the better wrestler on that night and not because of the injury piling up story. Unless they start an angle where someone like Roddy wins a title and comes out mummified in athletic tape and then no-sells the injuries in the final stretch to steal wins.
  16. I genuinely think we’re on it right now.
  17. Our mom and pop video store had a “Special Interest” section tucked away from the rest of the aisles that was aerobics, WWF, a couple of Starrcades, Foxy Boxing, and then the porn curtain. It really put my mom’s mind at ease about me getting into wrestling.
  18. David Gordon Green’s transition from respected indie auteur to studio hack has been like something out of a lazily constructed fictional Hollywood cautionary tale. I’m sure he’s got a pretty sweet in-ground pool though, so who am I? I have plenty of time for both cuts of Exorcist III. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Schrader’s Dominion cut all the way through, just The Beginning, which sucks quite a bit. I’ve experienced Pep Boys waiting rooms more entertaining than The Heretic.
  19. For every great match Sting has had there’s like five sports entertainmenty segments that people remember more, for better or worse.
  20. He used it on Angle in the Summerslam match so they could do a Bret callback where Angle reversed it for a false finish.
  21. The first time they had an audio issue. It sounded like the ringside mics were still on and picking up the video feed of the segment in the arena.
  22. “We’ll be right back after these very, very important sponsors.” This was mostly a bad show, but the last 25 minutes or so was fantastic.
  23. In the last few years I’ve mostly associated that song with Into the Spiderverse.
  24. The spate of normal posters repackaging themselves is freaking me out. This is what it must feel like to live in Gotham City and open up the paper every week to see a new member of the Rogues’ Gallery debut.
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