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John from Cincinnati

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Everything posted by John from Cincinnati

  1. The language will need to be airtight to hold up in a world where people don't understand that blackface is racist.
  2. It's okay, gang. Quality wrestling criticism is still alive and well. We still have Scott Keith.
  3. Thanks for reminding me: It's not like WWE's the only game for those of us who need our fix of yesteryear's stars desperately clinging to former glory! PCO vs LA Park: This week on MLW Fusion!
  4. Unless something seriously changes about the structure and/or importance of house shows, I don't think putting any of the content on the Network really drives people to buy a ticket. Especially with the fact that there's already too much in-ring programming to keep up with. They need to think way bigger than that.
  5. If Bryan needs replacing, I say the company just goes all in: Rehire Cass and throw him in a Giant Gonzalez bodysuit so the royal family can marvel at yet another WWF legend.
  6. https://www.wwe.com/shows/wweevolution/2018/gallery/the-women-of-wwe-evolution-photos#fid-40265115 This is a photo set of the current female roster prior to Evolution. I know she was off TV for a minute, but hilariously not pictured: Sasha Banks.
  7. If fan engagement is the goal here, I say develop a series of fan votes which allow the audience to book the entire card based on the available roster. Go full Bill Veeck.
  8. They weren't going for the Walmart clearance look. They were going for rebel by design.
  9. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when someone fills Vince McMahon in on toxic masculinity.
  10. A little bit. But I'll concede that schadenfreude can be fun. Especially with this company.
  11. Sounds good. To which country's troops will they be paying tribute?
  12. I just want to piggyback off of the praise here. While it's fair to say that Roman's Shield stuff constitutes his best stuff in a lot of people's eyes (mine included), it should also be noted that he has been tremendously consistent in his role as a top singles guy. Booking aside and Lesnar being Lesnar aside, Roman's put together a fantastic body of work against such a wide variety of wrestlers. To me, Roman's really hit that groove Cena was in back in '07 where he really knew what to do with the salty crowd reactions he was getting. And that's made for a lot of interesting matches. It's a shame he'll have to wait a bit longer for the lengthy title run he deserves.
  13. Any chance they pivot and run the exact same card stateside? Cena might work that to juice sales in a pinch. Otherwise, I expect they move the stuff that matters to the next PPV and pretend this never happened.
  14. No, because I wasn’t booing him. Roman’s awesome.
  15. There are some questionable face/heel alignment choices these days in terms of who the fans are inclined to cheer. But in terms of who is the hero and who is the villain in a particular story, I don’t think there’s as much gray area as people pretend. People like to give takes and justify their own taste. I blame shit fan culture more than WWE for these debates.
  16. Does this need to happen every time somebody turns heel?
  17. They did a fantastic job pivoting and thrusting story forward tonight. Anyone but Brock please.
  18. They ought to give it to Braun and have him drop it quickly to Drew or just skip the middle man and throw Drew into this match. Kicking it back to Brock would be a giant leap backwards. So I expect Lesnar takes it.
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