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Everything posted by JLowe

  1. Blue-Aminata was a great match. Skye doing a job for her bestie to help her work towards an ROH title is being a good hand, considering her spot as JTTMain Eventers. El P vs. AR Fox was a fun sprint. Shingo-Castle was solid, if short. Tag was fine, Infantry kinda suck so not much you can do. Harley being extra wacky was maybe a bit much, but calling Saraya an “unproblematic icon” was funny. Lots of womens matches at Forbidden Door. Saraya already beat May once, can May do another carry job AND get a win back?
  2. Funny because I was thinking Mark Jindrak, I recall O’Haire having a modicum of personality.
  3. Oh yeah, this is perfect for multiple reasons.
  4. Not short but maybe one of the Outrunners?
  5. Someone needs to prank him by coming out dressed as the Tazmaniac.
  6. Him and a bunch of other big-time exiles are regulars at the BCW shows here in Philly. I only know this because I see constant FB ads.
  7. I am going to be in Pittsburgh with my wife and sister-in-law Sunday, so won’t be watching live. Might order Tuesday evening after we get back. I know it’ll all be good, but I’m really ready to get back to the regular angles and matches.
  8. They don’t always do the tapings exactly matching the final show. Every Rampage I’ve seen taped after a Dynamite has been shot out of order, they even told the crowd when they were going to do show opening pyrotechnics for the third match of the taping. Lots of people dribble out during thr tapings so if you saved your hot main event for the end of the taping you’d be in front of a third or less of the regular crowd.
  9. I started watching the trios match on Collision, and the Shibata walk-away part and Joe’s reaction were the highlight, and Hook’s terrible looping body “punches” the ongoing lowlight. I like Josh Woods, have no opinion either way on Daivari, and dislike Nese so this really wasn’t for me. I haven’t watched the rest, just haven’t felt like devoting the time to it and reading sounds like I didn’t miss a lot which is a little surprising given the card (although when I saw modern photos of UG my expectations for that one dropped a bunch).
  10. They’ve given the ball to guys like MJF and Swerve when they were hot. Maybe Tony should’ve just told Danielson that he doesn’t care, Bryan is their biggest name going to win the belt and be the top guy for a while. He can have his sicko matches, and they’ll be more meaningful.
  11. The Private Party vs Komander and Metalik match was not good. Slow motion, lots of standing around. Fenix-Turbo Floyd was pointless and not much fun. Shingo match was solid, good way to “introduce” him before the PPV. Andretti-Lio started out very indie then turned into a decent, athletic match. Main was good, Willow’s power vs. Deeb’s grappling and veteran wiles.
  12. I almost included him as well but he isn’t dead so Briscoe can’t be possessed by him. Although if anyone could, it would be the Boogie Woogie Man, daddio.
  13. And was still mostly jobbing when she had her match with Jade where she turned the crowd for her.
  14. Not much to add other than seconding @ExcellenceofAirPollution that the 8-man really want to see a ZSJ-Kyle O’Reilly match. Mark Briscoe is possessed by the spirit of Dusty Rhodes. Conglomeration is a good name for that group too, since in geology a conglomerate is formed by different fragments being cemented together. OC lost Best Friends. KOR left the Undisputed. Mark lost his brother and lifelong tag partner. But they came together seeing other people like them who needed help.
  15. Haven’t finished collision but I share @HarryArchieGusthoughts on the Deonna-Rosa no DQ match. It paled in comparison to some of the other recent street fights/No DQ matches the women have had (and not just on the lack of color. Both had great street fight looks going, and I agree that Deonna might consider something along those lines for ring gear. The table ramp dropkick spot was innovative and well-executed, I was terrified when I saw what Rosa was going to do. Nailed it perfectly. And the right woman went over.
  16. Malakai can go when he wants to, then he takes 6 weeks “off”
  17. Cutler looks like a younger Sid Haig with a ZZ Top beard. This dueling EVP nonsense needs to end soon.
  18. Has Shooter done his excursion yet, because if not would love to have him around for a while? Wish I could catch the international feed of Toni-Windsor, felt like half the match took place PiP. I ffwd Cage of Agony, just can’t stand Brian Cage at this point. Love Toa and Kaun though. I feel similar about PAC. There were some nice counters to the Lethal Injection (I think that’s name of the handspring rope bounce cutter) though. Looking forward to Rosa-Deonna tonight.
  19. In the past, they’ve had Blood and Guts feature a face team with an unlikely ally (although maybe I’m getting this confused with Anarchy in the Arena) I just know they ran BCC with Kingston back when he hated Claudio, and then the same with PAC
  20. I understood Dustin’s “almost 6 decades” comment only because I did a similar thing where I’ve seen 7 Seconds in 5 different decades over a span of 34 years (first time in 1989, most recently in 2023, and at least once in the ‘90s, 00s, and ‘10s). But he’s a long way from almost 6 decades. I would’ve liked Garcia-Mayfair to have more time, and maybe Toni-Frost as well. Scrap the useless Premier Athletes squash and the Scorpio Sky promo and there you go. Is anyone the least bit interested in the return of Scorpio Sky? He hasn’t contributed anything of interest since Dan Lambert was there, and even that is arguable. Opening tag and closing match ruled.
  21. I’m cracking myself up imagining him storming away in a huff, walking his trademark bow legged waddle “strut”
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