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Craig H

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Everything posted by Craig H

  1. I wanted to say that, but then I thought about how he just loses his shit in front of Troutman. He goes from the biggest badass in the world to a total husk of a person so fast and it's so believable. I love his performance in Rocky Balboa too, especially his "don't forget to visit your mom" speech he gives his son. That cuts deep.
  2. Pretty much this. The one criticism many people had was, "how could this just all happen again?" Well, we live in a world where that's happened time and time again. World War 1 and 2 specifically. And so now, neglecting what a problem the First Order could grow to be has lead to this point where the Republic is dead (unless some facet of leadership exists on Chandrila), Han is dead, the Resistance didn't have many X-Wings to begin with and only 3 or 4 made it away from Starkiller Base in tact, Finn is in a coma, Maz's place is in ruins and the artifacts there are presumably destroyed, Maz's status is unknown, and Kylo Ren is going to become even more powerful. Red Letter Media pointed out how this was really elements of Star Wars and Empire combined because it has a really downer ending that's overlooked. I wonder what the immediate reception was to the Empire Strikes Back and if it took time for people to see what a downer ending it had.
  3. Which is funny, since he adopted. Oh, you meant his fake children...
  4. This is going to sound totally crazy, but wouldn't DDP deserve that kind of award? Rehabilitating hardcore addicts and being successful at it, with whatever bumps in the road may occur, takes some kind of drive and...positivity...that is pretty incredible. The problem with that is that by presenting the award to Steve Michalek, there is this standard where giving it to someone like DDP, who people see as DDP, and not as someone who really, truly cares about people, could be seen as a step backwards.
  5. I tend to agree with what I read elsewhere about how the First Order could afford a new doomsday weapon. After the Empire fell, there were likely very many royalists and other neocons in the Galaxy to fund anything to bring down the Republic/Galactic Senate. I know the Republic leadership rotates from planet to planet, so it's possible there were government officials scattered around the galaxy, but none who would be good enough to have a seat at the table. So either those remaining (races within local governments on whatever swamp planet or junker haven they come from) fill the void, or the First Order does. Then again, a silver lining is that the Republic completely buried their heads in the sand, wanted to pretend that the First Order wasn't any kind of threat, they de-militarized and secretly funded the Resistance to handle defense duties, so maybe decapitating the leadership on Hosnian Prime wasn't THAT bad. Although, I wonder where Leia receives her funding from if the Republic is dead.
  6. So, I'm not going to tell you not to be afraid to fly, since fear isn't necessarily subject to the rational mind, but I'm trying to tactfully explain how none of that (other than that last bit about hiring a pilot-slash-Craig-whisperer) is remotely realistic. I know I'm sure I'll fly again and it will again be with the assistance of a lot of Xanax... Which if I win the lottery, I could actually afford since we have a really crappy, new prescription plan that barely pays anything.
  7. So who wins the Ultimate Warrior award?
  8. IT'S THE BEST! Not counting the Jack Box Party Pack, it's been a long time since a game made me laugh that hard. I couldn't care less about the main storyline because you come across quests like that where the writing is so good. Someone can spoiler it, but do you get to ever chill with Ironsides again?
  9. And yeah, all of First Blood is incredible and I think is Stallone's best performance. Especially the ending, where he just loses it and because a blubbering mess recanting the story of his friend who just had his legs blown off. While I like First Blood Part 2, only like the "Fuck em" part from Rambo 3, and kinda like Rambo, it's a shame to see the direction the series went in. It feels so detached from First Blood, like they should have been a separate series, but I suppose it would be too hard for audiences to not see the characters in each movie as the same.
  10. Do you mean the original First Blood ending?
  11. The names of the planets in the context of the movie are irrelevant, but serve as a launchpad to the satellite content surrounding the movie, if you're into that. What you needed to know was that the planet with the Republic leadership, along with four other planets, were destroyed, and the Republic is no more. All that's left is the Resistance. You also didn't need the "millions of voices" moment. The gravity and impact of actually seeing the faces of those on Hosnian Prime and the inescapable horror approaching them, combined with the look of horror of those outside of Maz's place, did as much to sell the death and destruction as Alec Guinness' line. It's one thing to see a planet destroyed from afar, as was the case in Star Wars (because really, fuck that "New Hope" name). It's something entirely different to see the people about to die and know there's nothing they can do to stop it. It's what made me think that shit was about to get for the Resistance, even though there was no f'n way they would kill all of them off. I found it to be one of the best sells of a doomsday weapon ever.
  12. Thinking bigger, I would pay off all of the debts for my family and friends. I would then purchase homes for all of my friends in some local neighborhood. Since student loan debt sucks, I would pay off the student loan debt for anyone I knew. Board members included, but there would need to be some kind of a post count or tenure type system to qualify. I would become a season ticket holder for the Chicago Cubs and then make sure other close friends of mine who are die hard Cubs fans became season ticket holders. Purchase some kind of a near foolproof system for preserving my life during flight so I never had to worry about flying again. Surely there must be some kind of system that uses parachutes or jet packs or something so that if a flight is going down, my loved ones and me won't die in that flight. And before anyone says, "but they already have that, they're called planes, and they already ensure you'll survive." That's not good enough for me. Maybe I could just have someone to fly me around and actually be able to have a voice or some form of control to tell the pilot to take the safest route possible or just land the plane if I started feeling nervous or scared. Yeah, I'm that afraid to fly, even though I've done it once before.
  13. Totally spamming this thread now. Finally discovered that Vault 81 had a somewhat satisfying conclusion. I found Ashes forever ago and finally decided to go bring that cat back to the girl in Vault 81. That opened up the last quest for that location. For such a large location, there still isn't much to do, but what you uncover is surprising and really sinister. It made me start to wonder...
  14. And if you're using the Furious Super Sledge, then that, plus Rooted plus the other perks to get you additional AP is straight up broken. You can go into VATS and totally avoid the issue of slow attack speed or enemies blocking your melee attacks. It's way too good though. So much so that I gave it to Strong. There's something so satisfying to approaching an area loaded with tough enemies, looking at your current companion and thinking, "we need more power," then fast traveling to where Strong is. There really needs to be a fast forward feature to just jump to the middle of crushing enemies with ruthless aggression.
  15. Regarding #3, I'll tell you the helpful advice given to me in here earlier, which is you have to also supply the ammo for that particular weapon, or else they'll just use their default. In my experience since receiving that advice, make sure it's a weapon with a low firing rate and if you're going into something with a lot of enemies, you may be better off unequipping that weapon from your companion and just letting them use their default. BTW, rolling with Strong using that Super Sledge with me using the Power Fist IS A DELIGHT! OH WHAT A DAY! WHAT A LOVELY DAY! When we roll up, Let the Bodies Hit the Floor may as well be playing.
  16. The end of the USS Constitution quest is amazingly hilarious. I played that quest just accepting whatever was asked of me, not using sarcasm, not asking many questions. When I finally got to the end of it, the captain of the ship says something that I don't want to spoil and I FINALLY ask what they're planning. The response I get is so off the wall and crazy that my character goes from the good soldier who is just very helpful, to being like, "wait, what?! You're still going to do this? LOL, ok, I guess I'm along for the ride!" What happens after that is so fucking awesome and out of everything I've done so far, this entire quest has been the most fun and Fallout thing in the game. I really liked it.
  17. But you have to say "impressive" in that Shatner kind of way.
  18. Also, hyphenating "take-over" cracks me up as much.
  19. Poor bastard is in the wrong part of town Welcome to Blue Laws. Those of us in Indiana know this well.
  20. Krone "Metzler." That shit kills me still. And my first thought was rovert too.
  21. After typing all of that, I learned that you carry all of your mods. That's weird. I'll have to dump them because a lot of my weight is probably there.
  22. Goddamn this game. I'm running errands to get parts for that ship and in the process I keep coming across other areas that I have outstanding quests for. The quests have been a little more difficult and I can't just use my Power Fist of Power Sledgehammer for everything, so I'm losing ammo fast. Then I wind up with too much shit, so I have to fast travel back to Sanctuary since I'm trying to keep all of my stuff in one place. The last three times I've traveled back to wherever it is I need to go to, I've had a Deathclaw on one trip back, two Mirelurk Hunters on the second trip and two Radscorpions on my last trip all waiting for me or spawning right when I arrive. So now my ammo is totally depleted and I had a shitton of it before. What's worse is that I'm constantly over encumbered and I don't know how. I don't have any junk on me, I don't have any extra armor, and I carry a bunch of explosives on me along with the Power Fist, which weighs 6 lbs, the Power Sledgehammer that weighs about 20, a rocket launcher that weighs 40, and a laser pistol that weighs 5. I can carry 325 lbs worth of stuff, and with what I have now, I'm at 310. I'm wondering if all of the miscellaneous items and ammo actually have weight to them, but in the game, they all show 0. Shit like that is why I wish I had this on the PC. I really want to turn encumbrance off.
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