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Everything posted by jstout

  1. I beat that survival tonight as part of a four-person group. I tried staying behind the wall and kept getting shot, so I moved over to behind one of the drink machines, where I would still eventually get shot, but not before taking out about 10-15 of them. Sooner or later, the numbers get overwhelming. Plus I have a habit of being drilled by the helicopters. I think we had three guys behind the wall, and then me. One guy would always join me in getting killed, then the other two would finish the wave. I dunno that the cover's good enough to do it with two, considering the numbers just get overwhelming. It's not like the Boneyard.
  2. I was just getting ready to say my secret for beating the Death from Above level was to have RUkered do all the work while I stood there and shot two or three guys before dying. There's too many people around the mansion, and then boom, here come the cops with helicopters. It paid well, but how we made it through it is a mystery to me. I was shouting at my screen (but not using my headset) "take my motorcycle!" as you were finding an escape vehicle. I figured he was trying to take a map shortcut judging by the mountainous route. I suck at doing anything besides following the GPS. I like that new survival. Two people aren't gonna finish it, but we did better than I thought we would, truth be told. They obviously designed it to have no real solid angle where you don't have a blind side to deal with at some point. Behind that wall is about as good as it gets, but it may not be a good spot for two players. Behind the soda machine isn't bad, but they're prone to sneaking up on your side. I could probably do nothing but parachute jumps and plane-flying races from now through the end of time and not get any better at them.
  3. IIRC, Cornette told Cabana his style of comedy wrestling doesn't draw money and he wasn't worth what ROH was paying him.
  4. What purpose do the tanks serve online besides for use in griefing other players? You can't use them in missions, can you? At least with a helicopter or a plane you can get from point A to point B in a hurry. I stole a police helicopter once and then didn't really know what to do with it - I felt kinda guilty shooting at other players who didn't do anything to me, so I just rode around for a while until I crashed, then said "oh well."
  5. From the "pushing Black Friday back a week" thing at the end of the episode, are they going for four parts with this one?
  6. Where do these clods get tanks? Do they buy them? Steal them? Can you put them in your garage? I was building up a head of steam going after a griefer last night - had put a bounty on him so he'd be a different color on the map, had turned off my blip on the map - and I had my car up to about 2000 mph and was in full ram mode when I discovered dude was driving a tank. I had two guys in tanks after me to the point the other night where all I could do was leave the server. I couldn't even put it in "safe mode" 'cause I didn't have any cash on hand and making a bank withdrawal wasn't happening with two tanks chasing me around. I'd gotten shot by the cops as part of that whole ramming the tank fiasco and had my Sedan impounded. I went back to my garage to grab my motorcycle to go get the Sedan, but as you know, you can't do that. So I left the apartment - I couldn't even exit out of the garage on foot, had to go through the apartment - stole a car, and headed to the impound yard, where the Sedan was now my motorcycle. So, screw it, steal the motorcycle, drive back to the garage, where I now have two motorcycles and the sedan. I was scared to sell one of the motorcycles for fear it would poof both out of existence. I quit and went back into the game and all was back to normal.
  7. Magnum TA was such a prototypical babyface for that time - handsome for that day's standards, good talker. The only think keeping him from the NWA title was Dusty "grooming" him for his title run (a.k.a. holding him back while Dusty stayed at the top of the card). A long Magnum-Flair program over the title would've been big, big money.
  8. If an up-and-coming pro wrestler is serious enough about his/her craft to try to get into the WWE, they should be serious enough about their craft to try to get into ROH. If I were just starting out, I'd try to go to a school that might allow me a chance at being looked at like Harley Race's or Lance Storm's.
  9. East Los FM is my favorite station in the game by a longshot. "El Tatuado" is good, but can't touch this one:
  10. That's what the stimulus was for. I don't have a problem with the stimulus. There was a time when a lot of us started out and were making $3,000 in 30 seconds for winning a one-lap Criminal Records race, and now it's $250 to win. Combine the stimulus with us being in the game back when races paid crazy money, and we'll have a big advantage on the goodies we want while everyone new has to work so much harder for the same stuff.
  11. There's now a payout in missions if you fail, depending, and there's an increased payout in missions if you ramp up the difficulty. I don't necessarily mind the lowering of the money for races, but it seems awfully convenient that they're lessening the easiest way to make money now that they've put GTA bucks for sale in the store. I'm shocked they didn't lower the payout for Survival missions, 'cause if you do the right mission with people who aren't complete idiots, you're finishing it and getting $20,000. What does bother me about lowering the money for races is it makes it very unfair to everyone who comes along after us - the vast majority of us got the stimulus, but, for example, one of the posters here, Bucky, came along too late to get the stimulus. So he starts way behind the rest of the people online in terms of having things. That's fine, that means he just has to work harder to make up the difference. But we were also allowed to rack up obscene amounts of money racing, and now that's gone, too, when he barely got to do that. There's other money to be made, granted, I just feel like Rockstar has created a gulf between the haves (the people who started playing the game relatively early and got the stimulus and got to race a lot when the money was better) and the have-nots (everyone who came along after that).
  12. It seems like the first time you do a job, you get $x. Each subsequent time, you get $1/2 x. I knew that about missions. I couldn't get any other race going, but what used to pay $4,500 for a third-place finish in The Commute now paid me $1,500.
  13. I couldn't find any of the new jobs. I could get the free cars, but didn't try to buy any new clothes. Have they turned down the money majorly for all the races? The Commute used to pay $15,000 to the winner if the field was big enough, it's now less than $5,000.
  14. I really know the answer to this question, but why does Dana have his panties in such a twist that GSP wants to take some time off? If his heart's not in fighting right now for whatever reason, he shouldn't have to fight, even if a rematch wiith Hendricks is a license to print money. If he doesn't wanna make that money, so what? That said, he should formally retire and give up the belt. Then if he wants to come back, he's a challenger. No interim champions while he finds his smile. Of course, if this is all bargaining tactic on GSP's part, in the words of Emily Latella, "never mind."
  15. Was Strong ever in TNA? I don't think so, but I'm not sure. Had to suck for Austin Aries to not even make Tough Enough. It had to be validating for him to be successful in TNA on his return, even if it's just TNA. Hasn't a lot of people said Mike Bennett is a shoo-in to at least make NXT at some point, and that maybe Maria Kanellis is actually holding him back?
  16. I hang out by the LSC in Sandy Shores occasionally to rip off cars when I'm in the neighborhood and the cars are always garbage, except for the very occasional SUV, but I'll have to go there more often. The Tailgater's out there, 'cause Simeon asks for it sometimes. Every time he asks for it, I sprint to the golf course and to Vespucci Beach thinking it may be hanging out there. I've got a Sedan that's as good as it on the list I linked - stole it - but I just like the Tailgater. I think the game's not that bad about letting you steal cars - you gotta buy a Super and a high-end Sports Classic, but if you're willing to settle for the second-best Coupe, everything's rather stealable. They give you a good Sports car for being a member of the Social Club. I've gotten into collecting collecting crates lately - I barely beat a guy to one yesterday and he shot and killed me out of spite after I picked it up. I was amassing money to possibly buy the nicest apartment in the game, but it just seems wasteful to pay that much for a change in view. I think I'm gonna use my "vast fortune" to rain Merriweather hell down on griefers.
  17. This spreadsheet here - http://bit.ly/18L1lg7 - will tell you which cars are stealable and which aren't. Some are stealable but rare - I've looked all over Los Santos for an Obey Tailgater, for example. One will turn up eventually.
  18. Streams are a pain in the ass. Anyway, I'm not sure people even want them for free. Not streams as much as downloads. You don't get to watch something as it happens, but just avoid the typical news sites so someone doesn't spoil it for you and it's up about 3 hours later. Really, lowering the price does have a point - I didn't wanna pay $60 to watch St. Pierrre-Hendricks in the comfort of my own home but was willing to pay $20 (I guess) to go see it in a theater if my town had one of the broadcasts. Hell, I even paid for a TNA PPV in a theater 'cause I'd never seen wrestling on the big screen.
  19. You might, but would more people REALLY pay whatever lowered price for the PPVs if they're already getting them for free?
  20. For the life of me, I can't remember who from the crew I was racing with, but I had a great night of good, clean, close racing with someone from the crew. I gotta get bettter about remembering names. You would think the golf course race would be more fun, but that bridge jump is evil.
  21. http://bit.ly/HSRhum - Big City, Big Tractor - I couldn't get this to work any other way, sorry. I found myself in Sandy Shores and passed a tractor and decided to take a little joyride into Los Santos. The farmer I jacked the tractor off of was packing heat and I nearly got shot, but I made it out alive. At one point, another player came up to me, and I dunno if he was planning to kill me at first until he saw what I was up to or what, but he gave me an escort into town. At one point, he tried to get up on the roof of the tractor with a machine gun out, which would've been the coolest thing ever, to be driving around Los Santos on a tractor delivering death. As such, I just headed home and took a couple of pictures. One is above. I was gonna do a lot more playing around, but I got kicked off of online about 30 seconds after arriving at my apartment. Glitch of the day: I can start an online session, and it's my avatar in my apartment, but I've got Michael's phone and the job lists from story mode. I can sprint around the apartment, but I can't leave because I never get the prompt to go to the garage.
  22. But it's not his fault that he's not surrounded with top talent in Bellator.
  23. I couldn't sell the lawyer's car in that mission, either - isn't it the Voltic, one of the Supers? And hey, I'm not the only one who geekily painted all my cars the same color. Race yellow, baby! Now if only I could get a motorcycle helmet in matching yellow. I'll have to put a shot up on the Social Club site. I kinda finished my car army last night, but here's the problem - I bought a Nagasaki Blazer as an off-road vehicle, but I can't mod it. Can any of the off-road vehicles be modded? What about the Maibatsu Sanchez (the dirt bike)? Can I mod it and use it in off-road races?
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