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Everything posted by cwoy2j

  1. Therein lies the rub. I looked up WCW's 1992 roster and man, it was thin on top heel material. I guess Windham could've turned but he had been futzing around in the tag ranks. Scott Steiner would've been interesting had they convinced him to turn at that point but that's pie in the sky stuff. Muta was doing shots in WCW around that time so he was a possibility for a short-term opponent. That's actually who I'd have gone with as long as there weren't any political concerns with him jobbing. He and Simmons might have a clash of styles in the ring but at least it would've been an interesting program as Muta was a big name and had credibility with the fans. Certainly would've been better than Barbarian. https://www.thesmackdownhotel.com/roster/?promotion=wcw&date=1992
  2. I wouldn't have fed Rude to Simmons right off the bat. I think Rude should've been the big bad for Simmons to slay after a decently long program. I think putting Simmons against Steamboat would be tough on Ron because damn near anyone who goes against Steamboat is going to get booed. You could save a busload of kittens, orphans and old people from going off a cliff but the minute you start beating on Ricky Steamboat, people are going to boo you. Simmons might come across as a bully heel in that situation and he definitely doesn't have the nuance to walk that line I was talking about.
  3. Random but I was going down a wikipedia hole of Game of Thrones characters and actors and found out that Charles Dance's father was born in 1874! Apparently his dad was in his 70s when Charles was born and died when he (Charles) was 3. Charles thought his dad was in his 50s when he was born and didn't learn that his dad was much older until he grew up. Dance actually had a sister who was born in the 1800s as well and she died in 1993. I just thought that was pretty wild. This guy is still alive and while old, it's not like he's ancient or over 100, and had a sibling who was born in the 1898 and it's not like she died a super long time ago either.
  4. What would the Meat/PMS thing be classified as? He was basically their sub.
  5. I think this is why heel vs. heel works better than face vs. face. You're not asking for the audience to pick a side so both guys/teams can basically still do their normal stuff. When it's face vs. face and you're not trying to turn one guy heel, you have to be careful to have one guy not to act too heelish. That's a fine line to walk whereas when it's heel vs. heel, both parties can kinda just cut loose and do their thing and let the crowd decide the cheering dynamic. Bret is probably the best at walking the face vs. face line because, well, he's Bret Hart.
  6. Bischoff said that Hogan was convinced Vince would actually show up. He also said that Big Show offered to jump in if anything got out of hand but Bischoff was confident that if Vince actually showed, they would probably just end up working and if not, that he could use his martial arts background to keep from getting killed despite the size disadvantage and the bum knee he was dealing with at the time.
  7. IIRC, Raven was dealing with some major stomach/pancreas issues at the time and WCW knew there was no way he was gonna wrestle. Didn't stop them from advertising the match all the way up through bell time though.
  8. The best part of that deal was Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins (RIP) being legit startled and jumping up and going "holy shit" when Raven first smacked DDP with the stop sign and you can hear them going, "oh Jesus!" when Raven ddt'ed him through a table.
  9. He's really funny in an off the wall way. He barely ever talks about wrestling though. It's mostly just him and his cohosts bantering back and forth about random stuff. Worth a listen if you want some laughs but there's very little wrestling related content.
  10. “His name is Bruce, right? What a stupid name. You have nine months, and you come up with ‘Bruce’?”
  11. Dean wrestled according to Wiki. Also, IIRC from Bret's autobiography, Dean did the Amarillo loop for the Funks along with Bruce and Bret tagged along with them when Bret was a teenager.
  12. On his podcast, Raven said he just had his knee replaced. Said the other one sucks too as they were both down to having little to no meniscus but that one isn't as bad. Said he won't get that one replaced unless he absolutely has to as he's had a shoulder replaced and every time the pain is really intense. He joked that they didn't even give him old man tennis balls for the walker he had to use.
  13. And had Lawler making a tasteless joke in 1997 about everyone in Atlanta having a chance to be her father.
  14. it's not so much that it means you're going to win or lose and actually nowadays, if you get an over the top entrance with a star doing your theme, it's more likely you're gonna lose. It's more that he got this giant entrance and looked like a huge star when Batista got a basic entrance and ended up selling for the majority of the match when he was the up and coming guy (they're the same age chronologically but tv age wise, Batista was the new guy) who should've looked like a million dollars.
  15. The smallfolk won't care what's going on with the great houses as long as their bellies are fed and that's questionable as to whether or not that's going to happen. But the nobles absolutely won't be happy with what's going on with what happened at the end of the series. If The North can be independent, why can't the other kingdoms do the same? They don't need anything from King's Landing and it's not like the Crown has a giant army or a dragon there to enforce its will.
  16. And all of the Dothraki are just gonna get on ships and go home when they could just stay in Westeros with easy pickings abound?
  17. Except there's a financially illiterate upjumped sell sword as Master of Coin and ruling the region of the continent that is a huge supplier of food, money and men for the Royal Army. Let's not forget that Bron didn't even know how a loan worked before Tyrion told him. And the other houses of The Reach are just gonna accept him taking over that region? And Mr. "I can't be lord of anything" is now the king. And Sam who's essentially a rando deserter from The Night's Watch is now Grand Maester. And Yara who still holds a grudge over Jon killing Dany is presiding over the Iron Islands and they're not exactly known for being super loyal to The Crown. And who is the new Dorne guy? All we know about him is that he's just handsome swarthy looking guy.
  18. I thought that HHH took too much in that match. Plus, he got a really big entrance with Motorhead playing him to the ring (I'll forgive Lemmy for being drunk and forgetting the words to the song as I'm an unabashed Motorhead mark) while Batista just had a normal entrance. He wasn't even using the souped up Saliva version of his theme song at that point. Then Batista had to sell for the majority of the match and HHH's offense isn't exactly dynamic or suited for big stadium matches. Whole thing felt flat to me.
  19. Now that I think about it, I used Unrelenting Force a bunch when I was fighting that boss and that's probably how I got Dawnbreaker to glitch and duplicate.
  20. I looked it up and the way to get the dual Dawnbreakers is at some point in the fight with that guy, use a Shout that has exploding or push back power or a Fireball spell or something like that. It'll knock Dawnbreaker off of the alter but a replacement will spawn where the old one was.
  21. Wrestling 2 and Magnum TA were basically like Coach Kilmer and Mox in Varsity Blues. The fading but revered coach latching onto the young upstart. He doesn't agree with how the young guy does things but tolerates it for a time as it gets results but then finally does a full on heel turn against his protégé.
  22. I'd pop for Buff Daddy to be Seth Rollins' opponent
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