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Josh Mann

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Everything posted by Josh Mann

  1. Come on, guys. The Pitbull= Michael Bluth forgetting the name of his son's girlfriend bit was funny for a while, but now...oh, fuck it, it's STILL funny.
  2. My industry (publishing) has been dying a slow and painful death from almost the day I got into the business in the late 90s. It's not just auto workers.
  3. I can't even imagine what the internet would look like if storylines went at the pace they did 30 years ago. And this place is one of REASONABLE boards. Actually I can. I just don't want to.
  4. I think we're all making that jump because the last guy they did this with was of Mexican descent. Dammit, now I want some pace with extra picante
  5. To put it in simpler terms, Austin= Id, Bryan= ego, Punk/Rocky= superego.
  6. Pavement is exceedingly hit or miss and always will be. Other than that, no disagreement.
  8. I am really glad you brought that up.Miz is the worst WWE champion ever (leaving Vince out of it). He's the worst WWE champion pretty much unquestionably. Who's the second worst? To me, the next rung of guys is both very broad and really quite a ways off from Miz. The next tier is: Slaughter, Sid, Kane, RVD, Jeff, Sheamus, Mysterio, ADR. Jericho. These are the guys who had the least impressive runs. Don't get me wrong, I love Slaughter and I think his wrestling during his run was great. He was busting his ass, but no one can call that run impressive. Stasiak is also a possibility but I hate to put him in there since I haven't seen anything from that era really. With Sid at least, he'll always have the match at MSG with Shawn that no one can take from him and that I will defend to the death. The rest of the list I can take or leave.
  9. I think I noticed it on Youtube. I'll definitely check it out later. Kingston definitely has presence, but the matches I've seen thus far, I've been kind of indifferent to.I think it's because I've never seen a match of his and thought of him as more than a solid mechanic. If he were a baseball player, he'd be "a professional hitter". There's nothing wrong with being any of those things.This is an insult to Matt Stairs.I remember Matt Stairs striking out a lot.I remember the story of him nude in the Cubs clubhouse covered in shaving cream. You can't unhear that.I take it back. He's a professional baseball player.
  10. You guys know that I'm not particularly pro or anti Cena, but for all of the "Cena is a caricature of a wrestler" shit, he was everything a pro wrestler in his position is supposed to be yesterday.
  11. This is really simple. Punk= Sting, Brock= Vader. With the right two guys, it will never not work.
  12. I think I noticed it on Youtube. I'll definitely check it out later. Kingston definitely has presence, but the matches I've seen thus far, I've been kind of indifferent to.I think it's because I've never seen a match of his and thought of him as more than a solid mechanic. If he were a baseball player, he'd be "a professional hitter". There's nothing wrong with being any of those things. This is an insult to Matt Stairs. I remember Matt Stairs striking out a lot.
  13. He could also be very good commentator as well.Sure. And with JBL and his busman's holidays they need a fill-in eventually. But I think Regal got to the apprentice spot first.
  14. I think I noticed it on Youtube. I'll definitely check it out later. Kingston definitely has presence, but the matches I've seen thus far, I've been kind of indifferent to.I think it's because I've never seen a match of his and thought of him as more than a solid mechanic. If he were a baseball player, he'd be "a professional hitter". There's nothing wrong with being any of those things.
  15. RE Christian: I have a hunch he might be an agent (or a player/coach in Orlando) by 2014 if not sooner. The latter is an easy weekly jaunt on I-4 for him and he's more than capable of doing that.
  16. I'll do you one better: Shawn didn't get SCM OVER over until he almost beat Nash with it at WM11.
  17. The fact that WWE matted a template onto Bryan and somehow he managed to keep his indy cred in the process is nothing short of brilliant.
  18. Yes and no, since we're conditioned by now for Bryan to win by rollup, so if that's the way they wanted to go they could have. But we'll see.
  19. Yes, please.And Bryan winning by desparate knockout in the bottom of the 9th is more believable than making Brock tap out. I keep harping on this point but I am convinced the reason for using the Boma Ye as the finish was in order to give Bryan the tools to succeed long-term
  20. Cena just adjusted slightly to make sure he didn't get his teeth knocked down his throat. Otherwise, he took that Boma Ye like a man.
  21. It was flat because WWE fans are conditioned a certain way in regards to finishes. But the the best way to get it over right directly? Knock the superhero champion the fuck out with it. See also: Bomber, Axe.
  22. Shawn looked like he moved his hair plugs onto his face.
  23. Yeah, but they red herringed it within an inch of its life to where until the pedigree, you weren't sure if Orton was just playing mind games.
  24. Booking is part of the match. Perfect example: Flair and Steamboat went out and had one of the greatest matches in history, but if the internet existed in 1989, all anyone would be talking about is Terry Funk's hatchet job. But that doesn't diminish the match itself.
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