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Everything posted by THEmanWITHnoNAME

  1. "So how many of you plan to shank me and then butt rape my bleeding corpse?"
  3. So does Ryback's injury mean that we get the pleasure of an oh so awesome Big Show-Miz match for the vacant IC title?
  4. So TNA just took Hernandez at his word that he was contractually free from LU to pursue other interests? Did they not have any of their people look into this before using him? No wonder that company is such a dumpster fire.
  5. http://www.cagesideseats.com/wwe/2015/7/11/8932645/wwe-hq-turmoil-executive-fired-vince-mcmahon-another-one-leaves
  6. Exhaustion? Super Cena ain't got time for that.
  7. https://twitter.com/WWE2Kdev/status/615725055788486658
  8. Hope you don't have any kids...if so Bray is coming to murder them. But seriously, maybe one day WWE will learn how to properly book a feud involving Bray. But no, that can't be it. Just has to be the guy sucks for no apparent reason than just cuz. He's boring. He could be booked great and I'd still think his act is lame and his promos are too forced. Then we'll just agree to disagree. I happen think his act is a breath of fresh air and when booked properly as they have done so far in this feud with Roman "How Long Until Another Stupid Catchphrase" Reigns he is fun to watch.
  9. If you aren't watching Mr. Robot then you are really missing out. The pilot was SUPERB. And The Brink is most excellent as well. And Jack Black is god.
  10. Still gives me chillbumps. That pop when his music hit was thermonuclear.
  11. One of the stupidest and most boring shows I have ever seen.
  12. I don't think he forgot...Rollins just can't deliver a Pedigree worth a shit and it probably doesn't help trying to hit it on a guy that much bigger/broader/bulkier than he is. Seth keeping his hands locked also didn't help. Could also be the stomach issues Brock's had caused him to be a bit hesitant to take the move fully flat on his abdomen. But Seth needs to ask Stephanie for pointers on the move as he really has not delivered very many that look worth a shit. Either that or WWE needs to quit being pussies and let him have the Curb Stomp back.
  13. Jimmy = right face paint Uso. Jey = left face paint Uso.
  14. Hope you don't have any kids...if so Bray is coming to murder them. But seriously, maybe one day WWE will learn how to properly book a feud involving Bray. But no, that can't be it. Just has to be the guy sucks for no apparent reason than just cuz.
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