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Everything posted by Zakk_Sabbath

  1. Not involved in this discussion, but being someone who is *certainly* guilty of overly praising AEW, I've really enjoyed reading all the different takes.
  2. The door is open!! My God, man. The implications!!
  3. Kingston/Archer is gonna slay, the taste we got already was awesome. I predict that in our main event we get someone else joining the TNA/heel side - it could just be a red herring or nothing at all, but I mean: a six man tag main at a Beach-themed show...
  4. I figured Best Friends would be next up but with Trent's injury, maybe now's the time to roll with Silver/Reynolds. There is fun to be had with the other Dark Order guys wanting to Freebird the belts, but Silver/Reynolds refuse. Uno/Stu can talk about how they're finally champions, with Silver doing a manic "Uhhhh, no you're not! No you're not, we are!" in the background.
  5. Wasn't Dream's outcome that he was covered under Romeo and Juliet laws because he was only 18 or 19 at the time, or am I thinking of a different pervert who got spoken out on?
  6. I've never seen that match! I'll have to seek that out. I do have vague memories of it happening - this is the match where Jarrett and Hogan shot a TNA angle at the press conference afterwards that went nowhere, correct?
  7. I really wish that at some point during the '02 run or when he was getting physical occasionally in TNA that Hogan busted out the axe bomber (unless I missed it).
  8. It's logical booking and kind of funny for obvious reasons, but I wouldn't be surprised if Darby turns on Sting and they eventually wrestle each other, depending on how Revolution goes.
  9. I finally saw Kingston/Archer tonight and it was awesome, man. I hope they get to do it again on PPV some time, because that thing was a slugfest. I knew the ending was what it was gonna be too (both prediction-wise and spoilers) and it really did not temper my enjoyment one bit.
  10. I read somewhere Vince owned a building in Maine way back in the day when he was promoting Evel Kinevel and shit like that
  11. I think that's part of why Im so into his character, that Harlem Heat shit
  12. Did the exact same thing on YTTV and had the same problem. Black screen from Kingston's entrance to the end of Moxley's promo. Going to check it out tonight, but MAN I was bummed out. Funny, the screen froze right as I was saying aloud "This is gonna rule, I'm telling you..." I can't freaking wait to watch tonight. Rest of the show was a shit ton of fun, though. Jungle Boy/Dax brought it, man. You could tell they were losing a little steam by all the two counts, but the rest of that match was fire. The Shaq stuff just isn't grabbing me so far. I like Velvet in the ring on Dark, but my mind's eye can see the wheels coming off already when she's in there with Jade. Cody and Arn are great, but carrying this thing by themselves is asking an awful lot I feel like.
  13. Yeah I'm with you. I'm guessing it's probably a F finish involving some combination of Death Triangle and BB&B, but I'm still looking forward to the meat and potatoes
  14. I thought the awards were going to be a separate thing on like BR or the TNT app or something? Edit: I got the skinny. Awards are on BR at 7 before the show, Dynamite on 8 on TNT as usual
  15. Good card on tap tonight. I know everyone's looking forward to Dax/Jungle Boy, as am I, but my prediction is that Kingston/Archer is the one we're gonna be talking about tomorrow.
  16. They don't even have to promote anything for the next five years. It can be the same thing it is now every second of television for the next five years, from NXT up to WM, and it simply will not matter one bit to the bottom line. It's fucking baffling.
  17. To add to this, I recall seeing reports saying they're not going back to the original model regardless of how the pandemic goes
  18. I'm not like, rooting for the show to fail or anything, but unless I'm interpreting the numbers completely wrong (possible!) Raw is bleeding viewers way faster than the rate of other cable shows, so you really can't go by the whole "Well, no one watches TV anymore" thing
  19. I may be misremembering, but I know at one point they were partnered with whoever runs MLB.tv and then they left, so it's at least possible.
  20. I had a few AWA VHS given to me as a kid of various TVs along with Superclash III and that was also my first real exposure to any American wrestling outside of WWF/WCW/ECW. But that was way after they shut down, at least 6 or 7 years.
  21. Cheap Seats def played at least one UWF episode, but I wasn't sure if it ever aired outside of that either until @Eoae confirmed above
  22. Quick question for anyone who was around at the time: What promotions other than GWF and AWA aired on ESPN? Ive found a few sources online saying USWA and WCCW but mostly just reddit threads, nothing too concrete.
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