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The Comedian

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Everything posted by The Comedian

  1. I think they've already decided that Dean is their new Mick Foley...maybe for all the hardcore matches with Bray they shoulda had him come out as Jon Moxley...
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FUoUW2zfu8
  3. She even looks kinda like goth Kristen Bell
  4. Yeah I didn't know Taylor Negron was a comedian until I saw him in The Aristocrats. But he will always have a place in my heart for being Mr. Milo in The Last Boy Scout.
  5. Scarily, Big Show has seemingly starred in every other USA show so they'd probably get him mixed up in that too. La Femme Nikita was a legitimately great show, IMO. Yep. It's a shame LOXG killed Peta's career dead.
  6. Yeah I mean, I just don't think heel promoter works unless you've got a Stone Cold figure who doesn't play by the rules on the face side. Someone should be showing up at the end there with a pool cue to beat Triple h's head in with it... It's like Taken 4 starting out with Bryan Mills standing around doing nothing the first hour while Albanians kick around his daughter and his old CIA buddies...
  7. The way they're burying faces not named Roman Reigns, I can only assume that they're terrified of letting another Daniel Bryan slip through the cracks. I think the McMahons are still pissed that they didn't get to do Conquering Hero Batista Returns To Win Title last year, even moreso after Guardians Of The Galaxy blew up.
  8. I've been saying this for years...
  9. ^ Well I can't say that he's the first guy to do it, but the first guy I think of when I think of invincible action hero is Bruce Lee. I mean, you look at other kung fu movies of the 70's, the hero has to train ridiculously hard or even team up with others to barely scrape by the big bad. Then you watch The Big Boss or Fist Of Fury and Bruce just curbstomps whole groups of guys, and even when he gets to the final fight or two you get the sense it only goes on for any length at all because he's playing with the guy.
  10. At least it got him a cameo on "Orange Is The New Black"...
  11. No actually I think that was the point. Dwight is trying to do things that work in the movies, except it doesn't work because Blue Ruin really is the vigilante deconstruction that flicks like Death Sentence or The Brave One pretended to be. Dwight never "levels up", all his initial plans fail miserably, and he only survives due to the fact that his opposition aren't much more competent than he is. For another example, compare Dwight's attempt at DIY first aid to Anton Chigurh's in No Country For Old Men. Whether it's assassination, home defense, self-surgery, or hostage negotiation, one of the recurring themes of the film is Dwight realizing that real life doesn't work like the movies.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZi-dw03fE8
  13. At least we know from Prometheus that Fassbender can do it...
  14. I was a huge Koko fan. The Birdman Dance was actually my sack dance in high school.
  15. I will have to check it out just for the Penitentiary trilogy...man Jamaa Fanaka just does not get enough credit for how batshit insane that series is...
  16. I remember watching this one on an old WWF videotape back in the day...
  17. My point was less geographical and more about football preferences. As in, we care more about the NFL than college football.
  18. Even if they offer him Saban+ money I doubt it. Chip's a Northeastern guy; he wants to win a Super Bowl, not be somebody's Bear Bryant or Bobby Bowden.
  19. Do people really speculate about this? JR seemed completely hammered when I watched video of that event...
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