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Everything posted by Coletti

  1. Cats seem to get along fine as people's pets despite often being complete pricks.
  2. Matt Riddle is another amazingly talented and super nice dude. I can imagine a future with guys like him, Cobb, and Ricochet are are at the top of the WWE card much like the current situation with ex-indy dudes Owens, Rollins, Ambrose, Styles, Joe, etc.
  3. My son LOVES Jeff Cobb, just based on him tossing people around. I think he's got a long career ahead of him, definitely gonna hit the big time one day, although he's already in his mid 30s somehow... Also he's a super nice dude, so it's double funny that friendly short dude is the goddamn Monster Matanza in LU. The power of good booking!
  4. Yeah he's crazy athletic, and plays a fitting monster in Lucha Underground, but I'm 5'7" and I've shot the shit with him and he's barely taller than me.
  5. Both of my kids will watch some stuff with me, daughter aged 11 and son aged 10. He's way more into it, though, and will watch everything from WWE and NXT to various Indy and Japan stuff. We aren't huge wrestling consumers but I'll seek out stuff I think he'll like based on tastes and specific wrestles. His favorites are Ricochet, Jeff Cobb, and Will Ospreay. We went to a couple Evolve shows, too, and he got to meet and talk a little with the first two (real nice dudes too, we also talked to Ciampa and I think they all liked seeing kiddos amongst the many weirdos and neckbeards). He also plays a fuckton of 2K17.
  6. My kids would go bananas... and maybe me too... EA employee tweets "#skate4"
  7. Not sure what belts you guys are going for, but I found out that once I'm done a feud, calling out higher-ranked guys in promos and attacking them before their matches incites a new feud and if I win that, I quickly move up. I remember jumping from 7th to 3rd going after the US Title, and just skipped a spot going after the IC belt.
  8. The Marvel and DC Lego games are great for the sheer amount of characters you can play as (specifically Marvel Superheros and Batman 3). In fact, they make the idea of buying characters for Lego Dimensions massively frustrating.
  9. Diced Bread is a Johnny Gargano special. Some moves not included on that list are Metalik's running springboard dive to the outside, ZSJ's wrist twist and Pele kick, Tozawa's corner machine gun chops, and Will Ospreay's springboard cutter.
  10. At the Evolve show tonight I overheard Hero telling a few dudes, "Don't believe it until you see it." Maybe they're just talking, who knows.
  11. PlayStation: chris-tcf-nh Edited because I fucked it up almost a year ago.
  12. My son is baffled by how excitedly I just reacted to that news. Oh well, he can be excited about seeing Ricochet (and keep hoping for Ospreay), and I can be excited for Dick... ... Togo!
  13. Joe retains and Itami - informing us all that he was attacked and injured by Joe before his last shot at the title - becomes #1 contender.
  14. Idea for the titles that would never happen - contendership opportunities go back and forth between brands. For example, with the WWE strap, a Smackdown guy is already defending against a Raw guy. Whomever wins, and after a contractually obligated rematch, Smackdown holds a few matches to determine a new number one contender. Do this for all titles and you can have belts switching brands AND give wrestlers on each brand a reason to have matches against each other.
  15. Just saw Gargano at Evolve , knee seemed fine.
  16. If they knew somebody was denying their NH heritage. Woah, never ran into anybody who thought Scissorfight couldn't write a song.
  17. Nashua is a shithole, but dissing the Granite State as a whole ain't right. Scissorfight would write a song if they knew.
  18. I never post anymore, but had to mention that my sister in law Samantha is the curly-haired manager at the Airport Diner and had a fucking blast with Triumph and crew filming. Also, Chris Christie really dropped in many times just to eat.
  19. I never ever post anymore but this thread caused me to remember this and goddamnit I did NOT need to remember this.
  20. Hey what was your webpage again? Any new design work? I got nothing... Haven't in years. Maybe you're thinking of El Jefe? He had that rad lucha alphabet poster. I'm mostly a long time lurker since the green board days.
  21. While walking through the grocery store today, I passed the magazine section and saw that WWE put out a "Legends of Wrestlemania" issue. On the cover? Hogan, Austin, Savage, Hart, Michaels, Helmsley, Taker, Cena, Rock, and Bryan. Maybe it's nothing but I think that's a pretty big indicator of what the company thinks of Bryan.
  22. Long-time lurker, used to post a lot but, well, life is busy. Got an honest question for ya folks: Does anybody ever consider how long it took some WWE wrestlers to become the top stars? I ask because there's always the talk about blown chances, pushes, and de-pushes of guys like Rollins, Ambrose, Wyatt, Cesaro, et cetera. with seemingly zero acknowledgement that those who came before didn't rocket to the top within a month of their debut. Austin, Michaels, Hart, and many others spent years in lower-to-midcard matches before the inevitable ascent to the top of the card. Two things I realize: for one, the business is radically different than years past, wth only one big-name company to work for. On the other hand, some of the new guys I mentioned are obviously oozing talent and charisma, and I get how frustrating it can be to see potential squandered. What's the problem, then? Is it fans' impatience, demanding immediate pushes for their favorite new guys? Or is it just not possible to have somebody like Dean Ambrose start where Steve Austin started, lower on the card, and with years of work, climb to the top? EDIT to add that I really haven't been able to follow WWE since the last Mania, mostly due to time and not having the expendable income for the Network after the original commitment (nor for the kind of cable package that comes with DVR), but I more or less still follow what's going on via the net.
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