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Cliff Hanger

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Everything posted by Cliff Hanger

  1. Reviews of Spelunky 2 amount to "more of the same in the best possible way" so it looks like tonight is my final daily run in the original game for a while.
  2. In the long long ago, I could take a mental health day 2-3 times a year when I'm having a bad brain day. If my depression was getting the better of me I could take a sick day and go get sushi for lunch, then go to a movie or hang out at my local bar. And now, what's the point? I have Con Crash despite the con getting cancelled, and if I call in for self care it will still just be me sitting in a shitty apartment being bitter that I could be in the market for a house if I didn't have to rely on Austin's shitty mass transit.
  3. I really hope Jack and Doc keep making things, either together or apart. They're both incredibly talented and created one of the most important-to-me pieces of pop culture in my adult life.
  4. Well they can't fuck it up worse than Sony did. Meanwhile, I am starting to suspect that the Invincible cartoon is never coming out.
  5. What's the worst possible way to find out a show is cancelled? This.
  6. Honestly, not a lot as far as animation goes. Exosquad , Wing Commander, Savage Dragon and the exclusive Cleopatra in Space are the only things that might appeal to someone over 8.
  7. I can't wait to play it every day for a year and never get out of the second block of stages. (This sounds sarcastic, but it isn't. I have never gotten close to beating Spelunky but I love it and do the daily without fail.)
  8. Two things: 1) Peacock has me revisiting Exo Squad. Excellent overarching story, the animation is cringey and so is much of the dialogue. 2) why did none of you talk up Infinity Train? This show fuckin rules.
  9. In the original it was like 5 second loops of whatever band was playing on the soundtrack. In the THUG games' arcade modes and THPSHD it was just a black screen. My only two problems: 1) I am finding it hard to spot environmental rollovers like bells and picnic tables. I wish they glowed like pickups 2) the decision to do a shared career mode was insane. I should be able to switch to Rune or Bucky or whoever and start over completely if I get frustrated trying to beat Downhill Jam with Tony, and hit the goals and stat points all over again.
  10. 90 min into Tony Hawk: I 90 percent love it, but am having trouble finding certain targets like the bells in the school stage because everything used to be higher contrast. And The Mall has closed and that makes me feel old and sad in a way that the 50 year old player characters don't.
  11. The new "Classified Series" GI Joe figs are gorgeous but their hands make it very frustrating to arm them. And Roadblock comes with a monstrous two-handed railgun and after 40 minutes of fooling with him I still haven't figured out how to make him get both hands on the grips, let alone stand.
  12. I can do motion control with JoyCons fine. The problem with Wii and Wii U motion control was that since I have optic nerve damage I pretty much sit 2.5-3 feet from a TV no matter how big or small it is to read text. So it was literally impossible for me to simultaneously be close enough to see the screen and far enough back for the Wiimote camera to pick up the sensor bar.
  13. I am super fucking excited for a version of Mario Galaxy not designed specifically to troll my disability (as all Wii games that used motion controls as a pointing device were)
  14. Even though I dropped Stadia Pro, I still check the freebies each month. Looks like they have Hitman: Complete First Season, Super Bomberman R, Gunsport and PUBG plus Destiny 2 which is always there.
  15. I just want to know if Pym is unlockable or just an NPC. I will eventually get the game no matter what, but Red Jumpsuit Hank who is dealing with the bad shit he did and indirectly caused is my favorite version of my favorite Marvel character, and if SE used him as a teaser when he's not playable it will go from "must have" to "will hope it drops in price before I finish Yakuza 7"
  16. After a few positive reviews, I bought an Evercade (a retro gaming handheld built on the idea that the cartridges are all "greatest hits" compilations). The system itself is very cool so far, the pack-in carts are lacking (the Atari one has some utter stinkers even by early 2600 standards, the Interplay one only has 6 games and one of them is Boogerman, and the Data East one is easily the best because of Bump n Jump/Burnin' Rubber, Magical Drop 2 and Burgertime). I'm really looking forward to the 2 carts of Lynx games this fall, but I hope they get more licensors on board as aside from Namco most of their current partners will run out of worthwhile 8 and 16 bit games to reissur. That said, it was a pretty good impulse buy if only because when I eventually have to commute again it'll be a better choice for that than the Switch.
  17. Surprised it took this long to get SF5 for free. It's clear that Capcom figure they can sell more $25 upgrade packs to people who got the base set free than they can sell $30 Champion Edition discs.
  18. I snagged it as soon as I saw it. Haven't gotten very far though. Feels more frustratingly hard than the original but that's probably just that after 7 years I know the original so well that I can start a new file and be ready to wrestle it to the ground.
  19. Ok, I am all in on Fall Guys. Played 5 games in under a half hour, lost 3 in round 1 and then made it to round 3 then 4. See Saw appears to be my best event.
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