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Gordi the former AEW fan

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Everything posted by Gordi the former AEW fan

  1. Eddie Kingston and CM Punk face to face confrontation TBS Women’s Championship Tournament – Round 1: The Bunny vs. Red Velvet. I think the winner faces Jade? Will anyone have Velvet's back vs Bunny & Ford? John Silver vs. Adam Cole And I honestly think that's it for announced matches and segments. I'd have to imagine Cole is further up the AEW hierarchy than Silver, but will Cole be suffering after-effects from the con-chair-to?? Also, one thing that can definitely make a Bay Bay cry is being Hungee... so you never know. Kind of assuming that some Elite vs Dark Order -> Kenny vs Hangman extracurriculars will arise out of this match at some point. I just thought about the possibility of watching Darby bump for Keith Lee in three months or so. In my opinion, that could be fun.
  2. I was wondering if he might pull that playbook out of his enormous bag of tricks. Chop down the giant oak by kicking his (massive) thigh again and again and again. Stick and move... Damn, man! How great is this going to be. Miro has absolutely mastered the magic trick of making the other guy look like a credible threat while simultaneously looking dominant. Bryan was born to play the role of a believable David in a David vs Goliath match. Bryan's run of MOTYC v Kenny, v MiSu, v Kingston has set the bar insanely high. Miro worked magic against Darby, Uno, Dante, Pillman, Big Shotty, Fuego, Sammy... Kingston!! Pretty hard to keep my expectations in check for this one.
  3. Is anyone gonna bitch that Kenny gave Angels too much in this match? I like how they positioned this as a continuation of that story. I got legit goosebumps during the Mox chant. I thought that was a really effective promo from Punk. I think all of the promos and segments really landed well today. I think Dan Lambert might be a lot of fun in the Bobby Heenan role! Silver vs Cole sounds like fun. Full Gear is looking great. Obviously, very much looking forward to Miro vs Bryan.
  4. Hate's a pretty strong word... ...but yeah, I hate that $h*t. Here's a belt I kinda love, the Osaka Tempozan Championship. I think my boy Takoyakida got it for winning a tournament, or maybe a battle royal? I think that the red strap and big star face plate are a good look for a tertiary title. If that new-look IWGP strap was repurposed for, say, the G1 winner or the KOPW or some such I wouldn't mind it so much. I just tend to think that world titles with long histories and legendary championship lineages (Like the IWGP Heavyweight Championship) should be represented by more traditional-style belts.
  5. I can't update the first post, but to the best of my knowledge, all of the following are confirmed: Darby v MJF The Lucha Brothers v FTR (Tag titles) IC v ATT & MotY (Street fight) DMD v Tay (Women's title) Bryan v Mox (or possibly Orange) (Tournament final) Kenny v Hangman (World title) Pure speculation, but we're likely to get some of: Super Kliq v Jurassic Express (& Christian?) or Cole v Jungle Boy or JE vs YB and Cole v Christian... Cody & Pac v Andrade & Back TBS tournament final (Jade v Rosa? Ruby?) - (EDIT: nope. See below). Punk v ??? Miro??? Kingston??? Deeb v Shida rubber match?
  6. That was a tremendously entertaining match, as well. I'm not the first person to say this on here, but I think that FTR YouTube squash matches are quickly becoming one of my favourite things in all of pro wrestling. The little twist they did on the hot tag formula was genuinely amusing. I enjoyed No More BS and Mark Henry cracking each other up on commentary, too. The Big Paul and Markswoggle busting up at Orange Cassidy's "Word to your mother" comeback to the Acclaimed was my favourite thing about the (also pretty darned entertaining) Dark Elevation main event. The big men really seemed to be enjoying themselves today. Mizunami and Sakura teeing off on each other was also fun.
  7. Man, when my boy @The Natural is calling you out for repeating something that has already been posted, you KNOW you done screwed up bad!
  8. I have been on a diet for about six weeks. It's the first time I have been serious about losing weight in over a decade. (Picture spoilered because not everyone wants to see that) (If you don't wanna click it, I've still got a long way to go, but I've got a flat belly and some muscle definition now) It's really easy to eat healthy in Japan, but it's just as easy to eat a ton of crap every day. There are two 24-hour convenience stores and a 24-hour drug store with a massive selection of food within a 5-minute walk of my apartment. One of major coping mechanisms for Covid-era boredom was to eat various snacks and cup noodles and convenience store sandos and so on, not out of hunger but just for something fun to do. I love going to the gym, which helps keep things under control somewhat, but i was around 110-112 kilos for over a year and started developing knee and foot pain and my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic A big part of the "difficulty" living in Japan is that all of the snack manufacturers, convenience stores, fast food restaurants etc etc are constantly (like, literally every month) coming up with new flavors and new variations, and things are rotated in and out seasonally... so there is ALWAYS some new delicious-looking (or at least interesting) temptation every time you go shopping here. But, that is also true for healthy foods like chicken breast sticks or salads or the "steamed chicken with Chinese pickles and sesame oil" that I ate for breakfast this morning. So, going on a diet here is mostly just a matter of getting my cravings under control. And, just after my doctor dropped the "pre-diabetic" bomb on me, I had a meeting with a friend with whom I sometimes did English projects and sometimes went to wrestling shows, before Corona. She had lost a significant amount of weight since our last meeting. She looked fantastic. Among other things, she'd been fasting every three months, up to a week at a time. Inspired, I decided to do a week-long MSPF (just drinking protein shakes -with fiber and greens powder - three or four times a day). Once I got through that, which was surprisingly easy once I'd made my mind up to do it, my cravings for unhealthy food just completely disappeared. And, as I said, it's surprisingly easy and convenient and inexpensive to eat healthy things all day every day, here. I got down to 103.5 after just five weeks of dieting, and then I went on a true 3-day fast (just water and green tea and barley tea) and weighed in today at 101. I feel much better. I am lifting maybe 6 or 7 percent less, in terms of weight/reps, but have been hitting the gym more regularly and I have a lot more energy, am sleeping better, have a lot fewer aches and pains, and so on and so on. I'm still doing mostly kettlebells and suspension training, plus going for long walks 5 days a week. If anybody's interested I'd be happy to share the details of what and how much I've been eating. Mostly chicken, fish, eggs, yoghurt, fruits, veggies, Japanese fermented foods, and oatmeal. I'm pretty happy with losing 11 kilos in 6 weeks. I'm planning to keep it up until December, for 12 weeks total.
  9. You called it, buddy! Hot damn, what a match! Bryan v Kenny, v Dustin, v MiSu, and now v Kingston... somehow ALL living up to very high expectations. And v Nick, v Fish were not exactly chopped liver, either. Exactly what I wanted out of a Dragon AEW run. More than I'd hoped for, really. Loving this so much! Also loved how we got three straight matches of maximalist fun, but each was totally different from the other. Four in a row if we count the Dynamite main event. Mark Henry's reactions were maybe the highlight of the show for me, which is really saying something.
  10. We are, like, eleven hours away from Bryan Danielson vs Eddie Kingston!! Life is good. Also Sydal vs Dante III, and DMD vs Abadon in a no DQ match. Bryan Danielson vs Minoru Suzuki, and then Bryan Danielson vs Eddie f'n Kingston.
  11. Where, oh where, could Cody Rhodes have picked up that tactic? Who in his life could have taught him the value of putting yourself into a program with the hot act of the day?
  12. That was wall to wall entertainment. Two hours just flew by. Long-term storytelling suggestion: Either Deeb or Shida should eventually beat the dentist by using... ..the plaque. If you didn't enjoy that main event, just let me say: Okay, grandpa. That was some vintage Osaka Pro/Chikara in-ring fun. I loved that. I'm enjoying this version of angry Mox a lot, as well. I'm hyped up for Bryan vs Kingston!
  13. Dark Elevation was really good this week. 5 matches. All of them entertaining in one way or another. 1) Leyla Hirsch and Riyo Mizunami team up and are a ton of fun. 2) FTR on Dark is always the best, and being matched up against a monster named Toa the Samoan Lion makes the best even better. 3) Emi Sakurai, which means Lulu pencil, who gets two big laughs out of me for her actions in the background. 4) QT vs 10, where QT gets a massive shiner. 5) No More BS vs three dudes, which is every bit as much fun as you might expect. Dark has a Fish opener, a Dragon main event, The debut of Too Fast Too Fuego, Riho, Kingston, Dante, a guy where the "R" in his surname is pronounced as an "H" who looks cool and can kick (though that match went WAY too long) and a negative One appearance! Do I need to point out that the Danielson match is pretty great? I do not. "Frankly my dear, do you think I give a damn?" That is a Rhett-orical question. DYNAMITE The Elite vs. The Dark Order Sammy Guevara vs Ethan Page for the TNT Title Serena Deeb vs Hikaru Shida in Round 1 of the TBS Tournament Mox vs 10 in the Eliminator Tournament Punk vs Fish! RAMPAGE Lio Rush & Dante Martin vs Sydals Dragon vs King (a classic match-up if ever there was one) in the Eliminator!! Probably there's more. Do we need more? That seems like enough, to be honest.
  14. The idea of bringing Randy Orton (and Charlotte Flair) into AEW was floated in the main October discussion thread, and there's an aspect of it that I'd like to discuss in more detail here. (My basic take is that AEW is unlikely to "move the needle" by bringing Orton in. I kind of buy into the narrative that a lot of the "WWE Universe" is just watching out of habit and/or they actual like WWE's specific booking and production and so on. I think that the number of people who watch WWE because of Orton and/or Charlotte, and would follow them to a different promotion, is likely to be negligible). I've said it before: I sincerely believe that growth, when it comes, will come organically and the main benefit of bringing more wrestlers into AEW is giving us, the fans, more great matches (which is something that I am very much in favour of)! So, assuming I am correct about that (and of course feel free to let me know how I am wrong, if that's what you think): Who in AEW would you really be excited to see against Randy Orton in the ring? In particular, is there anyone you'd rather see vs Orton than vs Bryan or vs Punk or vs Malakai or vs Christian? Or vs Darby or Sammy or Moxley or Kingston or Miro? Lance Archer or Fenix or Starks or Hobbs? How about: vs Griff or Silver or Bear Bronson or JD Drake or Wardlow or Garcia or Ethan Page? Or Toa the Samoan Lion, who was on Dark Elevation today and looks like a lot of fun? I personally would rather watch basically any of AEW's young top-card guys or on-the-rise middle card guys against a random opponent than Randy Orton. BUT I know I'm a really really low voter on Orton (and a very high voter on JD Drake, Bear Country, and many others). But there are already so many great potential match-ups on that AEW roster. My feeling is that Orton would do more to take time away from watching those matches than he would add to the list. That he'd take more off of AEW's table than he'd bring to it. But maybe that's just me. And I'm curious what other people think and I'd be happy to be convinced otherwise. Maybe Randy vs Cody would be interesting as a battle of second-generation stars who both feel disrespected by that fans? Maybe you could use a team-up with Randy to turn Christian or someone, if you want to make a new heel but the fans seem to really like the guy? Maybe Randy Orton vs Adam Page would be fun in the same way that Nick Gage vs Matt Cardona was?? Maybe Orton vs Kenny would obviously be miles better and way more entertaining than Kenny vs, say, John Silver and I'm just too dumb to see it? I'm not saying Orton couldn't have watchable matches with any of these guys, just that I don't think he would allow for better or more fun matches than what AEW already has (and, since I like most of the guys AEW already has, I'd much rather see them in the ring). Please let me know who you'd really like to see Orton have a match with in AEW (and why). Or, is it just his big name star power (which I honestly feel has close to zero value for the promotion at this point - but, again, I might be wrong) that would make him a good addition to the roster?
  15. I think I understand the general sentiment of "if a star becomes available, you sign them" but I have to respectfully disagree. One reason is personal: I have never met Charlotte Flair or Randy Orton, but my sense is that I wouldn't want to work with either of them, work in a place where either are employed, or (perhaps most of all) be in charge of a work environment where either one is present. In Charlotte's case it's entirely down to the Kairi Sane incident. To me, that was such horrifically unprofessional and self-centred behaviour that I doubt I'll ever be able to move beyond it. Unforgivable. In Orton's case, it's down to the oft-repeated stories of him thinking it's hilarious to use other wrestler's bags as a toilet, and to stand around literally holding his dick in his hand while locker room etiquette dictates that the newcomer shake that same hand. Who needs the headaches? There's also a business reason: I sincerely believe that signing both Charlotte and Orton would not "move the needle" a single inch as far as AEW's same-day live TV viewership numbers are concerned. I can't imagine many members of the "WWE Universe" would follow them to AEW and I am certain that they won't draw more pro wrestling fans than Punk and Bryan. Business-wise, I don't think you'd be making a good investment just in terms of straight-up dollars spent vs dollars earned. That is without even considering the potential damage to morale and the reduced opportunities to elevate younger workers. Finally, I just think that the "WWE stink" is just WAY to strong on both of them. It's pretty far removed from Miro/Black/Soho situation where everyone could see they were being used badly. Orton and Charlotte have both been pushed relentlessly... In fact, I'd go so far as to say that I think AEW would lose more "hardcore" AEW fans than they could possibly recoup if they brought either or both of those wrestlers in, and pushed them right away. It's one of the very few things AEW could do that might turn me (and my many FITE-subscribing, merch-purchasing friends) away from AEW. tl/dr: I ain't fer it, I'm agin it.
  16. I think there was. You should write an angry letter to the promotion about that. Yes, I am suggesting that you send AEW some cross words.
  17. Dragon vs Dustin was really, really good. I'm starting to suspect that this Danielson kid might be pretty good.
  18. Cody v Malakai Eliminator Tournament: Bryan v Dustin, Kingston v Archer tbs Tournament: Penelope v Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Soho Jungle Boy v Brandon Cutler! I can't believe they are giving Boy v Cutler away on free TV. First they put Tommy End in the ring instead of having him sit in a dark room, now they are hot-shotting this grudge match. It's like AEW is afraid of making money. Oh well. At least they're very very very likely to continue the streak of TV shows with white hot crowds and one or more genuinely great matches. I think Vegas has the over/under for great matches on this show set at 3.5
  19. It makes perfect sense if part of the plan in booking the tournament is to turn Mox to set him up as a challenger for the new anxious millennial champ down the road, which I think is likely. Mox heeling out on OC and then on American Dragon would probably be enough to get him booed. And it was pretty much a banana-peel finish after Hobbs physically dominating the lion's share of the match so I dont think it hurts Hobbs monster credentials all that much.
  20. According to his book: Bryan first saw the move performed by Muta at an NWA tournament called Future Shock '89 (Starrcade '89, in Atlanta. Presumably he watched it on video year later? He would have been 9 at the time). Muta wasn't using it as a finisher, but Bryan thought it might be cool to use it as one. He called it the "bridging chicken wing thing." He started using it in Memphis (in 2000), but only a few times as a finisher. He first heard the name "Cattle Mutilation" from Reckless Youth at the Super 8 (presumably 2001) which is where he started using it as his regular finisher. At first, he didn't know what Youth was referring to, and after it was explained to him he assumed he'd never hear the term again. Subsequently, Christopher Daniels also called the hold the "Cattle Mutilation" but Bryan didn't like the imagery and in his own mind kept calling it the "bridging chicken wing thing." He says that he continued to call it that until late 2002, when he finally accepted that everyone else in ROH called it the Cattle Mutilation and there was nothing he could do to change that.
  21. So, are you suggesting that we should Always Bet on
  22. That's a really excellent pro wrestling moment there. Well thought-out and very well-executed. When Black paused in thought I figured he was going to go back and hurt Dante some more. Then, just that slightest nod. And Martin's selling pain and exhaustion, but you know he saw it. That was enough. No need to be overly dramatic. Subtle (particularly by pro wrestling standards), but effective (by pretty much any reasonable standard). Camera work was really good, too.
  23. Obviously, we are all freaking out about this over here. I can now confirm, straight from the horse's mouth, it's true. You can't imagine how happy this makes me. I really hope he will work with Dotonbouri Pro (Kuuga) and Colega (Bodyguard) I super-duper hope he runs the old Delfin/Dotonbouri/Minami Move On Arena. That was the greatest place in the world to watch wrestling, drink, and have fun.
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