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Everything posted by Jenalysis

  1. Don't forget the two rollup finishes a well Wonder how a PPV would work where you could only win by rollup and folks aren't allowed to use their finishers.
  2. Even if he's being buried he'll be back. Look at all they've done to Ziggler, and Cesaro > Ziggler. He may never end up in the big title picture, but he'll be upper midcard for a long time at least. I'm ok with that- he'll get TV time, and he'll have good matches. It's just like WCW in the late 90s where I watched for the first 2 hours and skipped the last one.
  3. Hearing that they're going to be streaming the gameplay next Wednesday. Also, for those PC folks- this will be the first PC fighting game that has true release date parity with consoles.
  4. Risk of Rain update is broken right now- they have some bug in the levelling that makes it impossible to level up. Probably will get fixed soon, but hold off on playing until it patches. Excellent game though.
  5. Well, I watch PPVs now due to the network with a friend who comes down, who only watches the PPVs, and is kinda an old-school fan who likes it but we do it to have an excuse to meet up since my work schedule is brutal. Huge fan in the old Mid-Atlantic days (he's much older than me, pushing 60 now) His favorite guy of all time is Mick Foley,and he's done some Foley cosplay at cons. His thoughts. He loved Ziggler and Cesaro. Was surprised by 2/3 falls being 2 straight. Thought the Bellas match was ok. Loved Paige and AJ in lewd ways , and liked their wrestling skills. Felt Cena and Orton were kinda stale, and this is someone who skipped about 8 of their 10 years. Was openly rooting for the Dust Bros against the Usos, but more because he's a huge Goldust fan out of anything the Usos did wrong. Didn't care for Mizdow one bit. He likes Sheamus and thinks he's a pretty damn good wrestler. Thinks Rusev should be huge, and was really impressed with how he looked in the ring. Loved Lana in lewd ways. Was really seriously marking out for Ambrose at the end of HITC, and was kinda pissed when Bray Wyatt (who he thinks is crap) interfering, and the Obi-Wan stuff was stupid to him. He wants to see Rollins get his ass kicked, so Rollins was an effective heel to him. He wondered why the hell Bo Dallas was in the pre-show and not the main card. He thinks Bo Dallas should get a push. As for who should beat Rusev, how about Ryback when he comes back as part of a reclamation project?
  6. Am I the only one fine with the schmozz and non-finish? Ambrose/Rollins can be finished later, and Ambrose/Wyatt is a great way to figure out if Ambrose is the next main event superstar. If you want a definitive finish to Ambrose/Rollins, it can be done at Mania, preferably over the title. Right now I think Ambrose is likeliest to win the Rumble. Rusev continues to be the super seller and best foreign heel in a long while, and Ziggler/Cesaro was fun. Everything else felt stale or stupid, as I expected.
  7. The Rooster was so bad it killed his career. And this was in an era where you could jump feds. The big difference now, if WWE gives you a crap gimmick, where can you bolt to?
  8. Chris Adams was pretty random, though his run was pretty good.
  9. WCW had all those Akira Hokuto matches. I don't remember any really standing out, but I remember some of the country boys I went to school with loving some Akira Hokuto.
  10. A remake of that will be coming out in 2016.
  11. He had Paul FUCKING Heyman for 6 months. If anything, it hurt him badly. Cesaro is a guy who gets over on mauling guys with his forearms, throwing guys around in a way no other human should, and spinning them until their heads pop. I personally cannot wait to see him and Lesnar tie up. Someone may die. I know but he either needs a mouthpiece or be put over Goldberg style as this machine. The role they have him in now gets very little heat and he will never move up the card to meet someone like Lesnar. They will just cycle him around the mid-card with other guys that work stiff. More like a reason for us to care about the match but it looks like they are teasing a couple of different directions with Orton. Does he go for Lesnar or Rollins after HIAC? In other words, he gets the Greg Valentine treatment. I'm ok with Cesaro having a good career mauling folks in the midcard, and a Mark Henry-esque title run in about seven years time.
  12. The Miz is this generation's Honky Tonk Man. If you have limited skills, that's a sign you made the most of them.
  13. Yeah that was amazing. I think out of all 70s wrestling, the British WOS stuff ages better than anything else.
  14. Just was doing some random youtube watching, and he came up as an opponent. How exactly did someone communicate with him if he couldn't really speak or hear? (being told that it was legit that he couldn't hear or speak) Want to see Finlay against him now.
  15. And what exactly will the TW/Comcast guys have to hold at HBO. HBO: Its our content and cable is dying TW/Comcast: Fine we'll pull your stations HBO: Thanks that means the people paying YOU for it will pay us! ComWarner: oh, that's a nice service you have- shame if something happened to your bandwidth.
  16. Rusev stood out hard, I'm getting sold that he's really great, and Lana adds to the act perfectly. Rollins's opening few minutes was Swagger was really great heel work to me, and Orton/Ziggler was good from both (and I usually despise Orton)
  17. Rusev really, really impressed me tonight. Dolph did as well, and you could see Orton telling him post-match. Rollins did some great stuff also. I turned it off after Rusev expecting a WCW-quality ME. WWE these days is pretty much late WCW in terms of what I expect from the product.
  18. Just have the announcer announce it like British wrestling announced public warnings. That's another thing I'd bring into American wrestling if I could.
  19. I remember that break up a tag rule in some territories as well, though it was once. Never saw anyone actually DQed on it. As a rule it makes sense by pro-wrestling logic, otherwise why not just break it up every time? I like my wrestling to have a logic to it, so I'm all for most rules being enforced. (I'm ok with punching being legal now though- I'd make an exception that if you punch like RVD or worse, it's an instant DQ)
  20. Yeah, Lana is awesome. She's the world's best Colonel Ninotschka.
  21. Isn't Hurricane's neck too messed up for him to go anymore? Also the violence against women issues? No thanks.
  22. Paul Burchill? I just think the wrestling floofy pirate was gold. John Morrison reteaming with the Miz could work- that was the best either of them ever were. Those two should have stayed a team for ten years. MVP also.
  23. the Barves have mastered the art of collapse over the last decade.
  24. I always thought Lider was decent for some reason, but every match of his I saw was him teaming with Nicho, which probably helps a ton.
  25. Yeah I loved Rusev's promo- made it seem like he really hated Henry more than your typical American capitalist swine.
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