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Everything posted by Jenalysis

  1. The person I was watching wrestling with last night- the two things he complained most about were Bray Wyatt , who he just thinks is bush league, and the camerawork, where he just hates the way WWE does it completely. He liked the NXT wrestling, but said the camerawork really took him out of it.
  2. Just like WWE, no one wants to be a heel because they get paid less in likes.
  3. At this point , it's going to be up to the fans to revolt- or some indy is going to have to do NXT-quality stuff. ROH/PWG probably could with a bit of tightening, but would fans pay for it? WWE kinda made the product too cheap- making it hard for the indy shows as well.
  4. Only thing I enjoyed at all tonight was AJ-Bella. I expected a Dungeon of Doom-era WCW show tonight and I got exactly what I expected, minus an evil midget.
  5. New Day could be a good opening act. They were able to pop the crowd some during the matches. Not getting beyond that though. Roman Reigns is going to be turned on so hard when he comes back- WWE is going to try to shove him down people's throats so hard, and I think that will be the last straw for some folks. That said, RAW had to be better then average tonight- I didn't shut it off until almost 10. Usually I can only stand 1 hr of it these days.
  6. I really miss WCW's Cruiser Tag division. Was so much fun.
  7. ND is locked into the ACC for non-football. They can't go anywhere else Cincy and BYU are probably the best choices. That said, I think all conferences should be 14 for the sake for fairness.
  8. I also remember seeing Bob Backlund run for the House at one point as a Republican - though he did horribly.
  9. It's been quoted as the reason for Sting's Yearlong not wrestling vs the NWO
  10. Ambrose would be a good guy to finally beat Rusev , but only after taking a massive beating. Or some sort of I Quit match.
  11. Saw the first half hour of RAW turned it off when New Day started chucking and jiving. My tolerance for WWE stuff is at an all-time low. I could sit through White Castle of Fear and Sid and Vader in flip-flops. What they're putting out there now is so boring and stale is worse than 2000 WCW.
  12. McGriff's not really a hero, but he is a marginal case who I have fondness for. That's enough for 1 out of 10 votes. Larry Walker I will defend as one of the 10 most deserving players on here. BTW I consider Aaron the best overall hitter who ever lived. Not Ruth or Bonds. Aaron would have been a HOFer even at only 400HRs for his career. My grandpa's last year in pro ball he played with Eddie Matthews during his first full year. He's go to work, get off work, drink beer, pitch nine innings. He was a bit good for the level at that point, but his chance for a ML career was long gone so he settled down.
  13. McGriff's my homer pick. There are 1B worse than him who have gotten in. Plus he will always make the Defensive Skills Drills video HOF. Also was a key part of the strongest Braves team of their run. Also character. That said, I do find it funny they picked a guy who didn't have a great defensive rep for those videos. I guess Mark Grace wasn't avaliable. As for Larry Walker- even if it was Coors Field- his offensive numbers were insane, and they were good Early on in Montreal, which was a pitcher's park, so it wasn't all Coors. Also a great defensive RFer , not Heyward class, but close. Was still going strong at the end, could have played longer if he had wished and added to counting stats. Larry Walker > Dale Murphy easily, and that hurts me to say but it's true. I think he's underrated. Walker also gets bonus points for character, I remember him being considered one of the ambassadors of the 90s, like how Dale Murphy was in the 80s. My rule on roids is I guess what the roids did for the player, and adjust. Bonds is a HOFer under that criteria, Clemens almost is, Sosa is a Dale Murphy case, McGwire would have been replacement-level. Non-HR, non-power pitcher stats are a bonus in these cases. Also, I require proof of roiding, not just suspicion (so Bagwell I count as legit, as I would Andruw Jones even if his career died early due to a case of the Chris Hero diet) I'll admit to bias against Curt Schilling for his level of douchebaggery post-career, he's hall of very good. As for Pedro- he is HOF-worthy, ran out of names, I would vote him in most years.
  14. UAB has some basketball tradition- I think they make the NCAA's about 1/3rd the time, that's good enough to be decent there, and they've busted a bracket or two in my past. I got a feeling Charlotte's program is gonna flop hard- they'd only be the 7th best team in the state behind the 4 ACC programs, ECU, and App St. I wish ECU and App St. would drop div.I football, it hurts the better teams in NC.
  15. Risk of Rain plays decently solo, though only with certain classes.
  16. Was a fan of his out of the sheer fact we went to same uni.
  17. Goldust is every bit as deserving as say, Fit Finlay. Very similar careers.
  18. Dean-Wyatt. The first one just felt too "normal". Those two shouldn't have sold for each other much. I would have been ok if they just couldn't get two or three moves off in a row without the other guy firing back, and lots of punching and kicking from the bottom like they were both mad. As for Sting, I think a "lights out" finish with the end of it being Sting on the top rope with his bat and everyone except Rollins and Ziggler down, Zig-Zag, win, handshake would have done more for everyone. Have JBL throw out an Iceman Parsons reference during the whole thing.
  19. Jesse Ventura got to be a fucking Governor under his wrestling name, not his real name. So I don't see why not? But Rick Steiner couldn't even make a school board under his wrestling name.
  20. Or Bray reveals Bo is his brother at some point, who run away from the swamp and remade himself into Bo Dallas as an escape from reality.
  21. If Hogan blocked things for too long, what's to keep a bunch of guys from pulling a NOAH? There were still territories as well- Lawler could have kept on going another decade, a bigger Memphis perhaps?
  22. Better than Sting at that time in his career? Not sure I get this one, as Sting was a freakishly athletic heavyweight, Jarrett was more a Memphis/American Lt.Heavyweight of the time hybrid to me.
  23. I thought he was a pretty good young face in Memphis and even World Class.
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